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1、牛津深圳版 英语 六年级上册教学设计课题 Air单元10学科英语年级六年级上册学习目标1.了解课文Say and act.2.掌握重点知识点:Whats the matter,make.3.重点句型:What makes the air dirty? The smoke from .makes the air dirty.What should we do to keep the air clean?We should.3.字母ch,g,j,sh,s在单词中的发音。重点1掌握重点知识点:Whats the matter,make.2.重点句型:What makes the air dirty?

2、 The smoke from .makes the air dirty.What should we do to keep the air clean?We should.3.字母er,ir,ur,or,a在单词中的发音。难点1掌握重点知识点:Whats the matter,make.2.字母ch,g,j,sh,s在单词中的发音。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Words review单词或汉语意思填空。工厂_ smoke_脏的_ clean_感到疼_ fresh_plant_ 植树_Warming-up and revision 1.Greet the Ss as usu

3、al. Check the homework.2.Have a game . 播放有关空气污染的公益广告视频。学生说出上节课所学新单词或者相对应的汉语意思。仔细观看视频,了解空气污染给人们带来的危害 复习上个课时的单词,为学习第二课时做准备。视频具有很强的视觉冲击力,能吸引学生的注意力,使学生很快的融入课堂之中。讲授新课.Free talk1.空气污染的危害有哪些?2.你还知道哪些行为会污染空气? . PresentationStep 1.课文展示(1)老师展示课本内容Step 2.老师播放课文录音(T shows the text,and ask some questions about t

4、he text,then y the recording for the Ss to listen to the text.).Useful expressionStep 1whats the matterwhats the matter 怎么啦?怎么回事?例如:(1)你怎么啦?我丢了书包。Whats the matter with you?I lost my schoolbag.(2)你看起来不高兴,怎么啦?Whats the matter?You seem unhappy.makemake 制作,使make sth+形容词 使某物.例如:(1)我昨晚做了一个蛋糕。I made a cake

5、 last night.(2)来自汽车的烟使空气脏。The smoke from the car makes the air dirty.Step 2课堂练习英汉互译。(1)你看起来很累,怎么啦?(2)You look sad,whats the matter?(3)She made the card by hand.(4)来自工厂的废气使空气变脏。(5)他制作了一个漂亮的卡片。Step 2 Ask and answer(1)Whats the matter with Kitty?(2)Where is the smoke from?(3)What makes the air dirty?(4

6、)How is the air in the park?(4)What should we do to make the air clean?Step 3 Complete the notes.Step 4 Ask and answerLook at the pictures.Talk about them with your classmates.S1:What makes the air dirty?S2:The smoke from the car makes the air dirty.S1:What should we do to keep the air clean?S2:We s

7、hould ride a bike.S1:What makes the air dirty?S2:The smoke from the bus makes the air dirty.S1:What should we do to keep the air clean?S2:We should walk.S1:What makes the air dirty?S2:The smoke from the factory makes the air dirty.S1:What should we do to keep the air clean?S2:We should plant trees.S

8、tep 51.还有哪些废气污染?2.我们应该怎么做才能保证空气的清洁?Step 6 Think and writeHelp Ben and Kitty complete the letter.PronounceStep1(1)展示每个单词的读音,并附上录音。(2)每个音标的发音规则(3)每个音标举例子Step 2 游戏(1)摘苹果(2) 标出单词出现的顺序(3) 选地鼠Step 3 巩固提升Listen and circle.1.job shop2.cheap jeep3.choose juice4.skirt shirt5.chair hair6.giraffe usually选出最佳答案1

9、.You look tired,_A. whats matter? B. whats the matter ? C.thank you D.you are welcome.2._ I had a cold.A.How are you? B. Whats the matter? C. How do you do? D.Whats matter?3.I plan to_a cake.A.bought B.make C.made D.makes4.The smoke makes the air_.A.dirty B.danger C.clean D.fresh5.找出划线部分发音不同的一项。A.gr

10、een B.job C.age D.jam.学生小组讨论如何保护动物.(1)学生阅读课文。(2) 学生仔细听课文录音,并回答老师所提的问题.(1)学生根据例句。学习重点知识点学生根据所学内容,完成此题学生根据课文内容完成本题根据课文,完成此题学生根据例句训练重点句型。学生读出单词或者说出单词的汉语意思。学生听录音,选出所听到的单词。学生根据本节课所学的知识点,独立完成此题。.活跃课堂气氛,使学生轻松的学习英语。.使学生快速的了解课文大意。.(1)可以使学生直观的认识这些重点知识点的用法训练学生重点单词的掌握情况。课文与语法相结合,达到课文与语法同步学习的目的。检测学生对课文的掌握情况。使学生多

11、次、反复训练重点句型。趣味性十足的游戏能更好的吸引学生的注意力。使英语的学习充满趣味。复习本节课所学的语音知识。综合检测学生对本节课知识点的掌握情况。课堂小结1.了解课文Say and act.2.掌握重点知识点:Whats the matter,make.3.重点句型:What makes the air dirty? The smoke from .makes the air dirty.What should we do to keep the air clean?We should.3.字母ch,g,j,sh,s在单词中的发音。完成练习之后,学生可以自主总结本节的学习内容当堂回顾,使学生加深新学知识点的印象,达到复习的目的。板书 Unit 10 AirSection B重点知识点:Whats the matter,make.语音:3.字母ch,g,j,sh,s在单词中的发音。


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