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1、北师大六年级上册 Units 14: RevisionWords:Meet遇见 introduce介绍 talk about谈论 want想要 join参加 favourtite最喜欢的 neighbor邻居 neighborhood紧邻,街坊 different不同的 move搬(家) subject科目 ask about询问 tell告诉 know知道 karate空手道Sentences:Unit 1: Meeting the BINGO KidsGrammer:a. 一般过去时:与表示过去的时间连用 yesterday am / is / are - was / were live

2、- lived go-went have-had make-made swim - swam move-moved b. 一般将来时:与表示将来的时间连用 tomorrowWill be will go Will live will swim c. 形容词的比较级与最高级:(比较级-er / 最高级-est )tall -taller-the tallestfunny-funnier-the funniestboring-more boring-the most boringexciting-more exciting-the most exciting1. Whats your favour

3、ite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?Geography. Its the most exciting subject. 地理,它是最令人兴奋的科目。I dont like geography. Its the most difficult subject. 我不喜欢地理。它是最难的。2. Which river is longer? 哪条河更长些?The Yangtze River or the Nile? 长江The Nile.(尼罗河)Which city is larger? 哪个城市更大些?Beijing or Shanghai?Beijing.Which planet i

4、s bigger?(星球) Jupiter or the earth?Jupiter.(木星) 3. interesting 有趣的difficult 困难的easy 容易的boring 无趣的exciting 令人兴奋的4. We moved here yesterday. 昨天我们搬到了这里。表示过去的时间有:last week / month 上个星期/月 last year 去年 on Sunday在星期日 yesterday昨天two weeks ago两个星球以前 5. play sports做运动 play games玩游戏 play musical instruments玩乐器

5、 dance跳舞 paint绘画 read storybooks读故事书 watch videos看视频 fly kites放风筝 have computer classes上电脑课 childrens club学生俱乐部 make friends交朋友 after school放学以后 such as例如 have a test有测试in the morning / afternoon / evening在早上 go on vacation去度假 6. Tomorrow will be our first day at Elementary School.明天将是我们在小学的第一天。7. W

6、elcome to our school.欢迎来到我们的学校。Maybe well be classmates.可能我们会成为同学。8. My favourite subject is math. 最喜欢的What subject do you like?你喜欢什么科目?I like English.Which teacher do you like / dislike?不喜欢Where do you live now? 你现在住在哪里?We live on York Avenue.9. I like art. 我喜欢美术课。 I like drawing and painting. 我喜欢绘

7、画. (like + 动词ing) I like to eat apples. (like to + 动词) 10. I think art is the most exciting. 我认为美术课是最令人兴奋的。11. Well have lots of fun together. 我们一起将会很有趣。Unit 2: Charlies ChoresGrammer: have / has to 不得不,必须I have to water the plants.浇水You dont have to feed the fish.喂鱼We 不需要 help Mom.帮助妈妈They the wind

8、ows.擦窗户He has to wash the dog.给狗狗洗澡She doesnt have to the dishes.洗碗 12. Charlie doesnt want to do his chores.查理不想做家务。He has to do too many chores. 他不得不做如此多的家务。They also have to do many chores. 他们也要做许多家务。13. ask about 询问Charlie asks Daniel and Sue about their chores. 14. He doesnt feel so sad now.他现在

9、感觉不好。What chores do you do?你做什么家务?15. do homework 做家庭作业do chores / housework 做家务I have to do my homework every day. 我不得不每天做家务。16. make the bed 铺床 make breakfast 做早餐make a cake 制作蛋糕 make friends 交朋友 17. Time Expressions 频度副词的使用always一直,总是 I always go shopping with my Mom.usually 通常,常常 often经常 sometim

10、es有时候 Matt sometimes cut the grass.有时候剪草坪 hardly ever 很少,几乎不 never 从不 I never take out the trash.我从不扔垃圾。 once a week一周一次 twice a week 一周两次 Twice a week I have to take out the trash. 扔垃圾 Every week I clean my room. 每星期我要打扫房间。 I usually have to dust the furniture on Saturdays 18. I do so many chores a

11、t home. What about you?在家里,我做如此多的家务。你呢?Unit 3: Redrock Bay Health Club一般将来时:a. 主语+ be doing +时间状语: 将来打算做某事b. Will + 动词:将会做某事 I will go home at six.c. Be going to + 动词:打算,计划,将会做某事 What are you doing tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?Im playing tennis tomorrow.我明天打算打网球。 Youre working on Monday.周一你打算上班。 The health clu

12、b is opening at 7:00.健身俱乐部将在七点营业。 They are coming for dinner next week.He / She is going to the movies on Friday. He is going to go hiking on Sunday.他打算周日去远足。19. How often.? 多久一次How often do you play tennis?你多久打一次网球?I play . once a week /year 一周/年一次 twice a week 一周两次 three times a week 一周三次 every da

13、y / week 每天/ 星期 on Saturdays 在周六的时候 20. Yesterday Ken received an invitation. 昨天Ken收到一份邀请函。21. Lisa finds some information about a tennis class.找到了一些关于网球课的信息。She wants to find a partner. 她想找一个搭档。22. What is he / she doing tomorrow? 他/她明天打算做什么?23. Lets meet at 5 oclock on Sunday and go there together

14、. 让我们周日五点见,然后一起去。24. There be : (某地有)There is a class tomorrow at ten oclock.明天十点有一节课。25. I cant play with you. 我不能和你一起玩。 cant = cannot (否定)26. You dont need a partner. 你不需要个一个搭档。Unit 4: Revision27. Children get in the way during the holidays. 孩子们在假期妨碍大人做事。28. What are they doing tomorrow?他们每天打算做什么?

15、 They are going bowling playing soccer learing karate tomorrow. bowlingsoccer karate health skate ski partner gym ice-skating29. Why do you like sports?Yes, it is good for our health.30. Having a ski class going to the gymgoing swimming goingbowlingdoing karateice-skating31.

16、s 58: RevisionWords:pet宠物 turtle 乌龟 parrot 鹦鹉 goldfish 金鱼 monkey 猴子 rabbit 兔子 Chicken 小鸡 tail 尾巴 smart 聪明的 cute 漂亮的 catch a mouse 捉老鼠 wag its tail 摇尾巴 like 喜欢 fox 狐狸can 可以,能够 fly飞 run 跑 swim 游泳 walk 行走help 帮助 policeman 警察 blind man 盲人 shepherd 牧羊人play with 玩 bring 带来 feed 喂养 eel 黄膳 zebra斑马turn aroud

17、 转圈 snake 蛇 run away 跑掉了 cap 帽子 scarf 围巾vest 背心 gloves 手套(复数) jeans 牛仔裤 sneakers 运动鞋wear 穿 birthday 生日 12月份英文 talk 说话 jacket 夹克衫Sentences:Unit 5: My Pet 我的宠物1. What pet do you have? 你有什么宠物?I have a dog. Its brown. 我有一只狗。它是棕色的。2. Whats its name? 它的名字是什么?Its name is Coco. It has a short tail. Its smar

18、t. 一条短尾巴Whats your name? 3. I like my goldfish. It can swim. 我喜欢我的金鱼。他会游泳。I like my cat. It is smart. 我喜欢我的猫,它很聪明。It can catch a mouse. 它会捉老鼠。I like my dog. It is cute. 我喜欢我的狗,它很漂亮。It can wag its tail. 它会摇尾巴。4. The parrot likes to eat rice. 鹦鹉喜欢吃米饭。I like to eat apples, carrots, chicken and fish.我喜欢

19、吃苹果,胡萝卜,鸡肉和鱼。5. Draw your pet. 画出你的宠物。I like my rabbits. Its white. 我喜欢我的兔子。它是白色的。It has long ears. It can run. Its cute.它有长长的耳朵。它会跑,它很漂亮。6. can 可以,会,能够+ 动词原形:可以/能够做某事。The dog can help the policeman.The dog can help the old woman.The dog can play with the child.The dog can bring joy to people.7. pet

20、 show 宠物展览,宠物秀There is a pet show on Saturday.8. Unit 6: My clothes. 我的衣服Do you have a shirt? Yes. / No.What colour is it? Its red.9. I want to play outdoors. I wear my cap, scarf, gloves, coat, jeans and sneakers.10. What about you? 你呢?11. What do you wear in winter?I wear my cap, scarf, gloves, co

21、at, jeans and sneakers.12. What do you wear on sunny days?I wear my T-shirt, shorts, cap and sunglasses.13. sheep 羊,wool 羊毛,worm silk plants cotton The T-shirt is made of cotton.The sweater is made of wool.The scarf is made of silk.14. Talk about colour.关于颜色:15. Today is my birthday. I wear my new b

22、lue jeans.16. Its rainning. I wear my red raincoat.17. Unit 7: My birthday. 我的生日(关于月份,季节的使用)When is your birthday?My birthday is in September.My birthday is in spring. 18. Is it in March? Yes. / No.19. Happy birthday, Lily! Here is a present for you.Thank you. / Thanks.20. You are 8. Im 8, too. I wa

23、nt to see a film.21. What do you want to do today?Lets sing the song. Happy birthday to you! 22. birthday card paper flowers picture frame print paper wash the stone paint the stone draw a rabbit colour the rabbit give it to a friend 23. My moms birthday is in May.24. Unit 8: Revision 复习My dog is missing. Please help me find it.Whats he like?What colour is it?Whats his name?


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