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1、小学六年级第六单元英语测试题考试形式: 闭卷 考试时间: 40 分钟班级: 姓名: 学号: 题 目一二三四五六七总分标准分数820122420610100实得分数评卷人(还记得那次龟兔赛跑吗?兔子因骄傲贪睡输给了乌龟,但他不服气,于是还要求乌龟跟他比一次,可这次不是赛跑而是智力比试。)听力部分 (28%)1 (兔子让乌龟先做第一题。)听录音,选择听到的信息。(听两遍,每题2分,共8分) ( ) 1. A. Welcome to my house B. Welcome to my home C. Welcome to our house D. Welcome to our home ( ) 2.

2、 A. kite B. kites C. bike D. bikes ( ) 3. A. Spring Festival B. Spring festival C. spring Festival D. spring festival ( ) 4. A. most interesting B. most interested C. more interesting D. more interested2 (乌龟很好的完成了,兔子也要加油哦。)听短文,补全单词。(听三遍,每空4分,共20) Yesterday was H . At evening, after the d dinner, Jan

3、et dressed up like a princess and went to ask for s from door to door with her best friend Ben. Ben got the m sweets. But he didnt like chocolate sweets, so he gave them all to Janet. Janet w very happy.笔试部分(72%)3 (兔子想考一下乌龟,看他是否认识这些节日。)把节日填入相应图片下方。 (每空2分,共12分) Mid-autumn Festival Easter Dragon Boat

4、Festival Spring Festival Halloween Christmas ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四(又轮到兔子了哦,要加油啊!)中英互译。(每空4分,共24分)1.Lucky money 2.dumpling 3.Flower Fairs 4.照相 5. 后天 6.圣诞老人 5 (兔子跟乌龟打成了平手,兔子想表示自己的友好,于是邀请乌龟来家里过平安夜。) 补全对话。(每空5分,共20分)Turtle: Hello, this is 5259108. 1. ? Rabbit: Hello, Turtle. This is Rabbit. Are you f

5、ree tomorrow night?Turtle: Let me see. Tomorrow is Friday. Yes, im free. Whats the matter?Rabbit: Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve. I want to invite you to my party.Turtle: Great! Thank you. 2. ?Rabbit: The party will starts at 7 oclock.Turtle: Ok, Ill be there on time. 3. .Rabbit: Its my pleasure. S

6、ee you tomorrow nihgt.Turtle: 4. .6 (乌龟很高兴地来兔子家过平安夜,兔子正在向乌龟介绍圣诞节呢,看看乌龟的理解是否正确。)阅读理解,判断正误(T/F)。(每个2分,共6分) Christmas is December 25th. Its an important festival in many countries. Before christmas people buy christmas trees and decorate them. Christmas tree is an important part of the Christmas holida

7、y. On Christmas eve parents tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to all good children. Of course, Father Christmas isnt real. The parents are the real Father Christmas. They put the presents under the Christmas trees or into their childrens stockings a

8、fter the children to th sleep.( ) 1. December 25th is Christmas.( ) 2. Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to all children.( ) 3. Father Christmas arent real.7 为了表示感谢,乌龟想写个新年贺卡给兔子,但他不知道怎么写,你能帮他完成吗? 开头与结尾已给出。(10分)Dear Rabbit: Yours,Turtle(做完了要记得检查哦!)小学六年级第六单元英语测试题(参考答案及评分标准)听力

9、部分 (28%)1 (兔子让乌龟先做第一题。)听录音,选择听到的信息。(听两遍,每题2分,共8分) 听力原文:1. A: Hello! Welcome to our home. How are you? B: Great! Thank you. 2. A: Wow! Look at all the presents! B: Hurray! Theres a bike for me!3. A: Do you know whats the most popular festival in China? B: I think its Spring Festival.4. A: What does t

10、his girl look like? B: She looks like a fairy. A: I think her face is the most interesting face of all. B: I dont think so. 答案:1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A2 (乌龟很好的完成了,兔子也要加油哦。)听短文,补全单词。(听三遍,每空4分,共20) (注:每个单词错一个字母都不给分)听力原文: Yesterday was Halloween. At evening, after the delicious dinner, Janet dressed up like

11、 a princess and went to ask for sweets from door to door with her best friend Ben. Ben got the most sweets. But he didnt like chocolate sweets, so he gave them all to Janet. Janet was very happy.答案:Halloween, delicious, sweets, most, was 笔试部分 (72%)三兔子想考一下乌龟,看他是否认识这些节日。)把节日填入相应图片下方。(每空2分,共12分)(注:每个单词

12、错一个字母都不给分) Spring Festival Halloween Mid-autumn Festival Christmas Easter Dragon Boat Festival4 (又轮到兔子了哦,要加油啊!)中英互译。(每空4分,共24分) 1. 利是(压岁钱)(注:评卷老师根据实际情况给分,“幸运钱”不给分) 2. 饺子 3. 花市 4. take photos / take some photos (注:评卷老师根据实际情况斟酌给分) 5. the day after tomorrow 6. Father Christmas / Santa(注:首字母不大写不给分) 五.(兔

13、子跟乌龟打成了平手,兔子想表示自己的友好,于是邀请乌龟来家里过平安夜。) 补全对话。(每空5分,共20分)(注:评卷老师根据实际情况斟酌给分) 1. Whos that? 2. When will the party start? 3. Thanks again. 4. See you then.6 (乌龟很高兴地来兔子家过平安夜,兔子正在向乌龟介绍圣诞节呢,看看乌龟的理解是否正确。)阅读理解,判断正误(T/F)。(每个2分,共6分) 1. T 2. F 3. T 七为了表示感谢,乌龟想写个新年贺卡给兔子,但他不知道怎么写,你能帮他完成吗?开头与结尾已给出。(10分)Happy New Year(注:该贺卡要突出“新年”;单词首字母不大写的扣1分; 评卷老师根据实际情况斟酌给分)


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