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1、六年级英语试题unit-4检测 卷(40分)一、 语音题(每题1分,共10分)1) 找出每题单词中划线字母发音不相同的选项。 ( ) 1. A. Dale B.name C. Frank D. Grace( )2. A. evening B.pen C. red D. ten( )3. A. hi B. nice C. in D. fine( ) 4. A. ruler B. blue C. too D.bus( ) 5. A.OK B. no C. orange D. go2) 找出含有不同因素的选项。( )6. A. Ee B. Dd C. Gg D. Jj( )7.A.Ff B. Xx

2、C.Ss D. Aa( )8.A.Gg B. Hh C.Jj D. Kk( )9.A.Qq B. Uu C.Ww D. Oo( )10.A.Gg B. Vv C.Jj D.Bb二 单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( ) 11. 当你在早晨上学路上碰到同学的时候,你可以_A. Good morning! B. Thanks!C. Good evening! D. Good afternoon!( )12.老师说:Good afternoon, class! 学生应该说_!A. Hello B. Good afternoon C. Thank you D. Hi( )13.当对方帮了你的忙后,你应该

3、说_.A.OK B. I am OK. C. How are you? D. Thanks!( )14.CCTV的中文意思是_A.中国电视台 B.中国中央电视台C.美国篮球协会 D.不明飞行物( )15.当你不认识某物时,你应该用英语向别人问_?A. Whats this B. What this isC. What color is it D. This is what( )16.所有的大写字母在四线三个中都占_;唯一一个占三格的小写字母是_.A.两个格;g B.上两格; f C.下两格; g D. 三格; f( )17.-What is this?-_. A. Its ruler B. I

4、ts a orange C. Its a ruler D. Its pen( )18. Whats this _English?A. in a B. in the C. In an D. in( ) 19. -_?- Its yellow.A. Whats this B. Whats color is itC. How are you D. What colour is it( ) 20. - How are you?-_.A. Fine, thanks B. I am good C. How do you do D. Nice to meet you( ) 21. -Spell it, pl

5、ease.- _.A.M-a-p B.M-A-P C. m-a-p D.M-A-p( ) 22.-What color is it?-_.A. Its a red B. Its an red C. It is red D. Its an bed( ) 23.选出不同类型的一项_.A. yellow B. blue C. key D. black( ) 24. This is_ map. _map is _orange.A. a;/;an B. a; a; an C. a; the;/ D. a; the; an( ) 25.下列全是元音字母的选项是_.A. a i o p q B. a e i

6、 o u C. a e i o v D. u v w x y三完形填空(每题1分,共10分)_26_ ! This is my room(房间). You can see a map, a jacket, a bike.in it. Look! This is my jacket. _27_green and yellow. That is _28_map of China. _29_ this in English? Its a _30_. It s my cup. Its _31_. I like it. And thats _32_ bike. Its blue. Whose(谁的) r

7、uler _33_this? Its Erics. And the_34_ is Franks. My pen is _35_, too. ( ) 26.A.good B.Hi C.thanks D.my( ) 27.A.It B.my jacket C.jacket D.Its( ) 28.A.a B.the C.an D./( ) 29.A.Hows B.Whats C.What D.how( ) 30.A.pen B.desk C.map D.cup( ) 31.A.the green B.a green C.green D.my green( ) 32.A.my B.I C.the D

8、.blue( ) 33.A.are B.am C.is D.in( ) 34.A.black B.black the pen C.black pen D.a black pen.( ) 35.A.white B.black C.blue D.brown三 改错(各句均有一处错误,把选项写在题号前,每题1分,共5分)( )36.What color is that ruler?Its a red. A B C D( )37.This is a blue color bike. A B C D( )38.What is this? This is a pen. A B C D( )39.Can y

9、ou spell a pen, please? A B C D( )40.Whats color is this? A B C D卷(60分)题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分五根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(10分)1.I am fine,t_.2. Sit down,_(请).3. My jacket is _.(紫色)4._(是什么) her name?5. He is a boy. _ (he) name is Jack.6.Its my _(电脑)。7.The cup is _(棕色)8. Good e_.9. How _ (be) your father.10. Whats h

10、er _(one) name?六字母。(5分)请在四线三格中把字母按音素归类。大小写形式都写。/ei/e/七按要求改写下列句子。(10分)1. What is the English for this? (同义句)What is this _ _?2. I am fine.(对划线部分提问)How _ _?3. The sea is blue.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is the sea ?4. This is a red pen.(对划线部分提问)_ _ ?5. My name is Helen.(对划线部分提问)_?6. That is a UFO.(对划线部分提问)_ _ ?7. Im

11、 Tom.(同义句)_ _ _ .8. He is Tom.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _?9. This is my friend.(变否定句)_ _ my friend.10. Is she your mother? (做否定回答)_, _ _ .八按要求写出单词和短语。(10分)1. I(形容词性的物主代词)_ 2. U(同音词)_3. are(同音字母大小写)_ 4.也 _ 5.中号_6.一只白色的风筝和一个橙色的橙子_7.你的朋友_ 8. he is (缩写形式)_9.姓_10.89357(译成英语)_九连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1. color, is, what,

12、the, key?2. red, the, is, ruler, and, blue.3. this, pen, is, a.?4. you, are, how, Bob?5. it, please, spell.6. OK, am, you, I, thank,.7. is, what. phone, your, number?8. China, my, is, in, friend .9. Jack, name , is, first ,his.10. to, meet, you, too, nice.十根据表格内容,完成下面的句子。(5分)LilyLucyPenGreenBlackRul

13、erYellowOrangeJacketRedRedKeyBluePink(粉红)1. Lucys ruler is _.2. Lilys _ is green.3. Lilys and Lucys jacket are _.4. Lucys key is _.5. Lucys_ is black. 十一书面表达。(10分)下午Jack和 Helen在学校见面,打了招呼,问了身体状况之后,Jack 见Helen手上拿着一个杯子,于是询问这是什么,如何拼写,什么颜色,Helen告诉了他,并且两人询问了电话号码。根据提示写一段对话,不少于10句话哦!Jack: _Helen: _Jack: _Helen : _Jack : _Helen : _Jack : _Helen: _Jack:_Helen:_Jack;_Helen;_.


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