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1、最新资料推荐杨浦区 2017 年初三年级学业质量调研英语学科试卷2017 年 4 月( 满分 150 分,考试时间:100 分钟 )考生注意:本卷有7 大题,共 94 小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力 )I. Listening Comprehension ( 听力理解 ) (共 30 分 )A. Listen and choose the right picture ( 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) ( 6 分)ABCDEFGH1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _6. _B. Lis

2、ten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear ( 根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8 分 )7.A) Tomatoes.B) Potatoes.8.A) Rainy.B) Snowy.9.A) 9:00 a.m.B) 10:00 a.m.10. A) By bus.B) By car.11. A) At the library.C) At the hospital.12. A) Favourite sports.B) Ways to relax.13. A) Go to Maria

3、s party.C) Eat out with Maria.14. A) The woman will get her laptop repaired. C) The woman will buy a desktop computer.C) Eggs.D) Chicken.C) Cloudy.D) Sunny.C) 11:00 a.m.D) 12:00 a.m.C) By underground. D) By running.B) At the airport.D) At the restaurant.C) Weekend plans.D) Future jobs.B) Attend a me

4、eting.D) Take Maria to London.B) The woman will buy a new laptop.D) The woman will buy a battery for her laptop.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false ( 判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“ T ”表示,不符合的用“F”表示 ) (6 分 )1最新资料推荐15. Nancy was very excited because she got

5、her driver s license.16. Nancy and Abby s mom was nervous about her daughtersdriving to the store.17. The road near Nancys house was blocked and a police car came to help.18. The policeman told Abby to stay in the car and show him the drivers license.19. Nancy and Abby followed all the traffic signs

6、 on their way to the store.20. Actually Abby was a danger on the road.D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词 ) (10 分 )21. David grew up in an _ _ of Hong Kong.22. David s mum used to take him and his brother to the _ _ at the weekend.23. Walking to school

7、with mum and brother was a _ _ for David.24. David s father drove a tram on Hong Kong Island for _ _.25. David sfather never _ _ being bored.(第二部分语音、词汇和语法)26.Which of the following words is pronounced /tru:?/A. chooseB. choseC. truthD. trousers27.Marco Polo travelled through Asia _ the end of the 13

8、 th century.A. inB. byC. onD. at28.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A. Relax and take a deep breath.B. Demand for water will incr ease.C. H eat the milk on the oven.D. He s a bright kid andeager to learn.29.Do American students have a lot of _ to

9、do?A. testB. surveyC. homeworkD. project30.Can you suggest some places where I can make _ one-day trip from Shanghai?A. aB. anC. theD. /31.The day I got my first job was _ day of my life.A. happyB. happierC. happiestD. the happiest32.We went around town putting _ posters for the charity show.A. upB.

10、 onC. offD. out33.The music sounds _. You d better turn the radio off.A. wellB. loudlyC. terribleD. gently34.Some young people like travelling by package tour, _ like travelling alone.A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other35.The detective interviewed Jill and Jenny. They both denied _ the car.A. st

11、ealB. stealingC. to stealD. to stealing36.Neither my father nor I _ going to the baseball game.A. beB. amC. isD. are37.The light suddenly went out and I could see _.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything38.All passengers _ exit at the next stop. The train will not continue.A. mustB. shouldC.

12、 canD. may39.Since Jan 1, 2016, married couples _ to have two children.2最新资料推荐A. have allowedB. have been allowedC. allowedD. were allowed40.The man couldn t move at all _ his partner came to save him.A. althoughB. unlessC. becauseD. until41.A teenage girl was robbed at gunpoint while she _ for a tr

13、ain.A. waitsB. is waitingC. waitedD. was waiting42.Don t forget _ off the lights and air conditioner when you leave.A. turnB. to turnC. turningD. to turning43.- _ do you go to the nursing home?- Twice a week. We clean their rooms and do some shopping for them.A. WhenB. HowC. How oftenD. How soon44.-

14、 Would you like me to show you how to operate the video camera?- _.A. You re so sweet.B. Yes, I d like to.C. No problem.D. Not at all.45. - I know what we can do to raise money. We can have a car wash.- _ I like it a lot.A. I m afraid not.B. Lucky you.C. What a pain!D. What a great idea! .Complete t

15、he following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共 8 分)A. returnedB. braveC. proud ofD. crossE. acrossToday I d like to tell you a little about the people I admire the most.My first hero is the adventure Jessica Watson. In Octo

16、ber 2009, when she was only sixteen years old ,Jessica left Sydeney , Australia and sailed _46_the Pacific , Atlantic and India Oceans all by herself .She _47_to Sydney in May 2010. She is the youngest person to sail solo unsupported around theworld.I have a lot of respect forher as she was _48_to f

17、ace difficultiesand danger alone.Australians were so _49_her that they called her our newest Australian hero.”A. promiseB. namedC. directlyD. progressE. socialOf all my heroes, Mark Zuckerberg has touched my life the most _50_. That because hecreated my favorites _51_networking website, Facebook. He

18、 was still a student when he created myfavourite _52_Facebook in 2004. It has made him one of the youngest billionaires ever. But heunbelieveable to me because he has made a _53_to donate most of his moneyto charity. In 2010,Time magazinehim“ Person of the Year”.IV. Complete the sentences with the g

19、iven words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) :(共 8 分)54. Our cherry tree has been losing _leaves throughout the summer . (it )55. The club organizes short trips to the mountains , _, museums and so on . ( beach)56. In America , _is the age when one can begin full day kindergarten. (fourth )

20、57. _is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.(honest).58. The software should _us to create our own videos .(able)3最新资料推荐59. Roads ,bridges , and houses were _damaged in the earthquake .( heavy ) .60. A power cut hit the city , leaving many thousands of people_. (help).61. There are so many peopl

21、e with guns these days , it s really _. (frighten).V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。 ( 62-67 题)每空格限填一词):(共 14 分)62. They will have to pay tax on the medals they win. ( 改为否定句 )。They _ _to pay tax on the medals they win.63. Tom has been a Youth League for two years .(对划线部分

22、提问 )_ _has Tom been a Youth League?64.The building was owned by a local businessman.( 保持句意基本不变 )The building _ _a local businessman.65.If we turn the story into a film , it will be very popular.(改为被动语态)If the story _ into a film , it will be very popular.66. The church was too small to hold the woun

23、ded , sick soldiers. (保持句意基本不变) The church wasn t _ _to hold the wounded , sick soliders.67. “ Where were you at the time of the robbery? “ asked the policeman.The policeman asked _ _at the time of the robbery .68. take charge of , suggest , Peter , the volunteer project , I should ( 连词成句 )_Part 3Re

24、ading and Writing (第三部分读写)VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) :( 12 分)Jamie and Corey are best friends . One day Jamie told his pal Corey a secret he had overheard in theoffice . He softly whispered ( 耳语 ) to Corey that the school was going to host a su

25、ndae party for all the fifth graders who had a perfect behavior record. Corey asked Jamie what a perfect behavior record meant.Jamie told him perfect meant a student hadn t been sent to the headmaster s officeer or punished toschool the whole year. Corey thought this was a great idea because he was

26、tired of being good withoutreward( 回报 ) it seemed all the naughty kids were having the most fun.Corey couldn t take his mind off the party and kept thinking about delicious sunda es with hot sweettopping and cream . Duringreading group , Corey told his group partner , Daniel ,the secret . Coreywhisp

27、ered so softly that Daniel misunderstood the secret. Daniel thought that Jamie was having a sundaeparty and kids had to be on their best behavior to be invited . Daniel wasthrilled to be told a secret.Back at Daniel s desk , his seat partner Matt asked Daniel what he was smiling about . Daniel wasnv

28、ery good secret- keeper. He did not hesitate to tell Matt the great news.is going to be“aThereparty onSunday and maybe you can go if Jamie likes you.”Matt wanted to go to the party so badly , but he wasn t sure if Jamie knew him . After school , Mattwaited for Jamie outside of his classroom . When J

29、amie exited , Matt asked him,“ Can I come toyourbirthday party on Sunday ?”Jamie looked at Matt curiously , “What are you talking about ? I mnot having a birthday party !Where did you hear that ? I told Corey the school was having a sundae party !”69. How did Jamie know the secret ?A. From CoreyB. F

30、rom teachersC. From a group partnerD. From the headmaster4最新资料推荐70. What is the secret?A. Students with good behavior will be awarded prizes at a partyB. The school will reward good behavior with a sundae party .C. The headmaster will go to Jamie s Sunday birthday party .D. The fifth graders will pl

31、an a surprise party for good behaviours71.A student who _can have a perfect behavior record .A. stays after school to help the teachersB. serves the headmaster for the whole yearC. obeys school rules for the whole yearD. helps others and expects nothing in return72.The underlined word“ thrilled” pro

32、bably means _.A. frightenedB. upsetC. disappointedD. excited73.Daniel told Matt that _A. Jamie was having a party on SundayB. Jamie only invited her friends to the partyC. Jamie invited him to her birthday partyD. Jamie would have a party for good behavior74.The story mainly tells us _.A. why it s h

33、ard topkeesecretsB. how kids get perfect behavior recordsC. secrets travel fast in the schoolD. message can easily be misunderstoodB. Choose the words of expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12 分)Maria Mitchell was born in 1818 during a time when many people thought that woman did

34、not need tolearn . But , Mitchellfathers thought that both boys and girls should go to school ._75_, hetutored her at home as well as sent to her to school .Mitchell s father , recognizingher interest in astronomy ( 天文学 ) at early age , encouraged her interestand taught her how to use a telescope .

35、As an _76_, she worked as the first librarian at the NantucketAtheneum library from 1836to 1856 , all the while still looking at the sky at night , studying the stars and the planets.In October 1847,Mitchelsaw a brightstar through the telescope .She was sure that she had_77_seen that star before. Ex

36、cited , she ran to tell her father . She carefully wrote notes about the star.The next night , it looked as if the ”star ”had _78_. It also seemed to have a tail (尾巴 )! Now ,Mitchell was sure that she had found a comet , not a star.At eh time , the king of Denmark was offering a prize to the first p

37、erson to find a comet that couldonly be seen through a telescope . Mitchell won the prize! It was a gold medal . But , she won somethingelse too . She won people s respect when they saw that she was _79_ her work . Later , the AmericanAcademy of Arts and Sciences voted her in as its first female mem

38、ber .In 1856, a new college just for women opened . It was called Vassar College , and Mitchell became aprofessor there . She was the first female professor to teach astronomy , or the science of stars and planets . Because of her , female students learned that they could be scientists too . Women c

39、ould make valuable_80_to help understand our world .75.A. InsteadB. In additionC. SoD. After all76.A. adultB. agentC. astronautD. audience77.A. onceB. neverC. probablyD. certainly78.A. disappearedB. fallenC. movedD. grown79.A. famous forB. honest aboutC. responsible forD. serious about80.A. decision

40、sB. discoveriesC. mistakesD. connections5最新资料推荐C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)( 14 分)Friendship is a valuable gift, but good friends are often hard to find. Building friendships is a lifelong, but worthwhile job.A few points for makin

41、g new friends:Take part in classes, clubs, or volunteer organizations. These activities will bring you into contact with people who have c_81_ interests.Make yourself available. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehowin order to meet people. If you just sit alon

42、e, friends might come to you but that nots likely. Ifyou re still in school, sit somewhere with other people. It doesn t have to be a crowded table,with at least two other people. Remember, friends s_82_ come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing on your laptop.Keeping friendsWhether friendships are old or new, you should give enough care to them if you want then to l_83_.Even though it s sometimes hard to spend time together, it portant to keepin stouchim. Be under


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