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1、最新 料推荐现在完成时与一般过去时的区别现在完成时与一般过去时都表示一个在过去完成的动作。它们属于不同时间的两种时态,现在完成时属于现在时态的范畴,而一般过去时属于过去时态的范畴。下面我们先从构成形式上区别一下两种时态。现在完成时的动词形式为:“(haves)+动词的过去分词”像 have/has done:而一般过去时的动词形式为:“动词的过去式”像did . 例如:Jack s mother took him to school every day when hewas in primary school.杰克在小学时他妈妈每天送他上学。Maria has never read any C

2、hinese stories.玛利亚从未读过中国故事。2. 基本用法不同: “对现在影响” 、“持续到现在”正如前面所说,现在完成时是与现在有关的时态,属现在时态的范畴,现在完成时与一般过去时最大的区别有两点:它侧重于过去的动作对现在造成的影响;而一般过去时是一种过去时态,侧重于表示过去的动作,与现在无关。例如:Yesterday I went to the zoo.昨天我去了动物园。 (仅说明昨天去了动物园,与现在无关)Li Lei has read the book.李磊已看过那本书。 (说明李磊1最新 料推荐了解那本书的内容)另外, 现在完成时还可以表示动作从过去某个时候开始一直延续到现

3、在,强调动作的延续性它常与for 及 since 引导的一段时间状语连用。例如:He has lived here for ten years.他已在这儿住了10 年了。比较:1.)The Greens have worked in China since 1998.格林一家自1998 年到现在一直在中国工作。The Greens worked in China in 1998.格林一家 1998 年在中国工作。2.) He has lived in the country for a long time.他在农村生活了很长时间。 (现在还在农村)He lived in the country

4、 for a long time before he came to town.他进城前在农村生活了很长时间。3.) She has bought a bicycle.她买了一辆自行车。 (现在她有一辆自行车了。 )She bought a bicycle last year.去年她买了一辆自行车。4.) He has won a prize for his invention.他因为他的发明而获奖了。He also won a prize last year.他去年也获奖了。注意:2最新 料推荐在与 for 及 since 引导的一段时间状语连用时,句子的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,终止性动词

5、不可和一段时间连用。例如:他当兵已三年了。误: He has become a soldier for three years.误: He joined the army for three years.正: He has been a soldier for three years.正: He has been in the army for three years.1.连用的时间状语不同与现在完成时连用的时间状语除了上面所说明的由since 和for 引导的一段时间外还有:already, yet, still ,just, so far,in the last(past), before

6、, ever, never等。而一般过去时则常与 ago, yesterday, last, in 2000, just now等连用。注意:现在完成时态不可与yesterday, last week, two daysago 等之类的表示具体的过去时间的状语连用。例如:Have you ever picked flowers or stepped on the grassin the park?你曾在公园里摘过花或曾踩过草地吗?Father bought that watch ten years ago.爸爸 10 年前买了那块手表。I have never seen the film be

7、fore.我以前没有看过这部影片。注意:在 when引导的特殊疑问句中不可用现在完成时,而3最新 料推荐只可用一般过去时。例如:When did you visit Japan?你什么时候访问过日本?Exercises:同步练习动词填空:1.sawI _(see) Tom last Friday.2.Did , go_you _(go) to theGreat Wall last summer?3.When _did_ you _start_(start) tolive in China?5.-The train _ (leave) already.-When _ the train_(lea

8、ve)?6.It is five years since I _(meet) youlast.7.Where _ you _(be) for the lasttwo weeks?4最新 料推荐8.I _ (lose) my pen in the bedroom.I have to write with a pencil.单项选择:() 1. -Where _ the recorder? I can tsee it anywhere.- I _ it right here. But now itsgone!A. did you put; have putB. haveyou put; putC.

9、 had you put; was puttingD. wereyou putting; have put() 2. My father _ here since he _ tothis school.A. taught; cameB. hastaught; cameC. taught; has comeD. hastaught; has come5最新 料推荐() 3. I am sorry youve missed the train. It_ 10 minutes ago. (山东 )A. leftB. has leftC. has beenleftD. had left() 4. Hi

10、! Jim! Nice to meet you again! Its oneyear since I last _ you.(重庆 )A. sawB. seeC.seeingD. have seen() 5. - Have you visited the Dinosaur World,Elsa? (宁波)- Yes, I _ it yesterday.A. have visitedB. had visitedC.visitedD. visit() 6. - Nice to see you. I _ you for along time. (南京 )- I _ in Bejing. Ive ju

11、st come back.A. hadn t seen; amB. haven tseen; was6最新 料推荐C. didn t see; will beD. haven tseen; shall be() 7. -What is the weather like this summerhere?- There _ very little rain.A. hasB. has beenC.areD. have been() 8. When _you _ your dictionary?A. did; loseB. has; lostC. will; loseD.does; lose() 9.

12、 Where _ you _? Which answer isnot right?A. are; goingB. have;beenC. did; goD. are; doing() 10. There _ many great changes in myhometown since ten years ago.7最新 料推荐A. wereB. haveC.areD. have beenKeys:动词填空:1. saw2. Did, go3. have, put, put4. did,start5. has left, did, leave6. met7. have, been8. have lost单项选择:15 BBAAC610 BBADD8


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