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1、最新 料推荐Aladdin and the magic lampLong ago, a poor tailor lived in a small village. He lived with his wife and boy, Aladdin. Aladdin didnt like to work hard. He liked to play in the streets. He never learned to do useful things. This made his father very angry.很久以前, 某个小村庄里, 有一位贫穷的裁缝师。 他和妻儿住在一起, 儿子叫做阿拉

2、丁。阿拉丁不喜欢努力干活, 反而喜欢在街上玩耍。 他从不学些正经的事, 这点让他父亲非常生气。The tailor worked very hard. One day, he felt very ill, and the next day, he died. Aladdin and his mother had almost no money. How would the family live? Aladdin had no job, so his mother was very upset with him.裁缝师工作得很卖力。有一天, 他觉得身体很不舒服,隔天他就过世了。阿拉丁和他的母亲

3、没什么钱。这个家要怎么过下去呢?阿拉丁没有工作,因此他的母亲对他又气又担心。One day, a strange man came to the village. He was a magician from the western desert.Aladdin was playing in the street. The magician saw the boy and walked up to him.Are you the son of Mustapha the tailor? he asked Aladdin.Yes, I am, replied Aladdin. He is dead

4、 now.有一天, 一个陌生男子来到了村庄,他是来自西边沙漠的一位魔术师。阿拉丁那时正在街上玩耍,魔术师看到了阿拉丁,便走上前去。“你是裁缝师幕斯塔法的儿子吗?”他问阿拉丁。“是的,我就是,”阿拉丁回答。 “但我父亲已经过世了。”The magician said that he was Aladdins uncle. He was returning to the village after many years away. Aladdin took the magician to his house. There, the magician gave some fruitand wine

5、to Aladdins mother.It is true. Mustapha did have a brother, but I never knew him, Aladdins mother said.My husband has left us with nothing, and Aladdin has no job.I want to help your son, said the magician. I will build him a shop. He can sell fruit or shoes or clothing. Then you will have money.魔术师

6、说他是阿拉丁的叔叔, 他在离开村庄多年之后, 现在回来了。 阿拉丁把魔术师带回家里。回到家时,魔术师送阿拉丁的妈妈一些水果和酒。“这是真的,幕斯塔法真的有一个弟弟,但我从不认识他,”阿拉丁的妈妈说道。“我丈夫什么都没留给我们,阿拉丁也没有工作。”“我想要帮助你儿子, ”魔术师说。 “我会帮他开一间店,他可以卖水果、鞋子或是衣服,这样你们就会有钱了。 ”That evening, the magician took Aladdin to the market. There, he bought the boy some nice clothes. Then, he took Aladdin ar

7、ound the village. He told Aladdin interesting stories about his travels. Aladdin felt very curious about his new uncle.当晚, 魔术师便带着阿拉丁到市集去。在那里,他买了几件好衣服给阿拉丁,然后又带着他逛了一下村庄。他跟阿拉丁讲了一些他旅游时发生的趣事,阿拉丁对这位刚认识的叔叔感到很好奇。The next day, the magician took Aladdin outside of the village. They walked for a long time, and

8、 Aladdin began to feel tired. They stopped in a garden to rest. The magician had some cake, and gave half to Aladdin.How far must we go? Aladdin asked. I am very tired and I want to go home.1最新 料推荐Be patient, my boy, replied the magician. I am taking you to the mountains. There is a special place I

9、want you to see.第二天,魔 着阿拉丁到了村外。他 走了很久,阿拉丁开始 得累了。他 在一座花园停下来休息,魔 有一些蛋糕,分了一半 阿拉丁。“我 要走多 ?”阿拉丁 道。 “我好累,我想回家了。”“有点耐心吧! 小子, ”魔 回答。 “我要 你到山里去,有个特 的地方要 你看看。”The magician and Aladdin walked into the mountains. Suddenly, the magician stopped, and looked around. There was nobody there. He told Aladdin to find

10、some wood. He wanted to make a fire. Aladdin picked up some sticks, and put them down in a pile. The magician made a fire, and then he threw some powder on it.魔 和阿拉丁走到山中。 突然 , 魔 停下了脚步, 往四周看了看,并没有 任何人。于是他要阿拉丁去找些木 来, 他想要生火。 阿拉丁 了些 枝来, 把它 放成一堆。魔 生了火,接着在火上面洒了一些粉末。Poof! The ground shook, and they saw a s

11、quare stone in the ground. Aladdin felt scared.He wanted to run away. The magician put his hand on Aladdins arm.Do not be afraid, he told Aladdin. Under this stone is something wonderful. If you do as I tell you, you will be rich and happy.碰!整个地面 了一下,接着他 看到地上出 一 方形的石 。阿拉丁很害怕, 他想要逃走。魔 把手放在阿拉丁的肩膀上。“不要

12、害怕, ”他告 阿拉丁。 “在 石 下面有个很棒的 西。你若照我的 做,就会 得富有又快 。 ”The magician told Aladdin to pull up the stone. Under it, there was a deep, dark hole. There were many stone steps going down to the bottom. The magician put a special ring on Aladdins finger . Alone, Aladdin went down the steps. At the bottom, he saw

13、a garden.In the middle of the garden was a table, and on the table was a lamp. The magician wanted this lamp.魔 要阿拉丁把石 搬起来。石 下方有个又深又黑的洞,里 有很多石 可以通往洞的最底端。魔 把一枚特殊的戒指套在阿拉丁的手指上。 阿拉丁独自走下 梯。在 梯底端, 他看到了一座花园, 花园中 了一 桌子, 桌上有一 灯, 魔 就是要 灯。Aladdin poured the oil out of the lamp. Then he returned to the steps. Th

14、e magician heardhim coming.Stop there, he told Aladdin. Throw the lamp to me.You are too far, Uncle, Aladdin said. I dont want to break the lamp. Wait until Icome up the steps.阿拉丁把灯里的油倒出来,接着返回 梯 ,魔 听到他来了。他告 阿拉丁 :“停在那里,把灯 我。”阿拉丁 : “叔叔,您太 了,我不想把灯摔坏。等我爬上 梯再 。 ”The magician got very angry. He threw some

15、 more powder on the fire, and the stone rolledon top of the hole. Suddenly, everything around Aladdin was dark.Fool! screamed the magician. You did not do what I told you! Now, you will die inthat hole!魔 非常生气,他在火堆上洒了更多的粉末,石 就 到了洞口上方。突然 ,阿拉丁的四周暗了下来。“笨蛋! ”魔 大叫。“你没照着我的 去做! 在就要你死在洞里!”2最新 料推荐The magician

16、 was not Aladdins uncle. He was an evil man. The lamp would make him rich and powerful. He couldnt go into the hole to get the lamp. He needed Aladdin to do it. He was going to take the lamp and kill Aladdin!魔术师并不是阿拉丁的叔叔, 他是一个邪恶的人。 这盏灯会让他致富而且更有法力。 因为他没办法自己进洞里去拿那盏灯, 所以需要阿拉丁帮他。 魔术师准备在拿到了这盏灯后就杀掉阿拉丁!Ala

17、ddin cried for one whole day. He thought he was going to die in that dark place. Then,he remembered the ring on his finger . He took it off and rubbed it. Poof! A strange man was flying in front of Aladdin. It was a genie.Do you need me? asked the genie.Please get me out of this place, replied Aladd

18、in. I want to go home.阿拉丁喊了一整天。他以为他会死在这个黑漆漆的地方,这时,他想到了他手指上的那枚戒指。 他取下戒指把它摩擦了一下。碰!一个奇怪的男子飞到阿拉丁的面前,是一个精灵。精灵问道: “你需要我吗?”“请带我离开这个地方,”阿拉丁回答。“我想要回家。”The genie clapped his hands two times. The stone over the hole moved, and Aladdin could see light. He picked up the lamp and walked up the steps. Aladdin felt

19、 very hungry, but he had no food. He would have to sell his lamp.精灵拍了手两下, 洞口上面的那块石头便移动了,阿拉丁看见了光, 他拿起灯走上阶梯。他觉得很饿,但却没有东西吃,所以他必须卖掉他那盏灯。The lampwas verydirty.Nobodywouldbuy a dirtylamp.Aladdinwipedoff thedirt.Suddenly, a cloud came out of the lamp. Another genie was flying in front of him.Thank you for

20、helping me out of that hole, said the genie. I will be your servant.You can ask me to do anything.I feel hungry, said Aladdin. Can you get me something to eat?那盏灯非常脏, 而脏兮兮的灯谁也不会想买。 于是阿拉丁就把上面的灰尘拍掉。 突然间,一阵烟从灯里面冒出来,另一个精灵飞到他的面前。“谢谢您把我从洞里拯救出来, ”精灵说。 “我会成为您的仆人, 您可以要求我做任何事。 ” “我肚子饿了, ”阿拉丁说。 “你可以给我一点吃的东西吗?

21、”The genie flew away. In a few moments, he came back. He was carrying a large basket. The basket was full of tasty dishes. It smelled wonderful. Aladdin ate the food quickly. Now, he felt very happy. He could give his mother food and money. She would be proud of him!精灵飞走了,过了一会儿又飞回来,手里还提着一个大篮子。这篮子装满了

22、美食,闻起来香喷喷的。阿拉丁很快就把菜吃光。他现在好快乐,因为他可以供给母亲食物和金钱,她会以他为荣的!Aladdin and his mother lived well for a long time. If they needed something, the genie gave it to them. Aladdin became a handsome young man. His mother wanted him to get married.When are you going to get married? asked his mother . I am old now. Gi

23、ve me some grandchildren soon.阿拉丁和母亲过了一段很长的优渥生活,他们要什么, 精灵就会给他们什么。阿拉丁成了一位英俊的少年。现在,母亲认为他该结婚了。“你什么时候才要结婚啊?”他的母亲问道。“我已经老了,快生几个孙子给我抱抱吧。”One day, Aladdin was walking on the street. Behind him, he heard the sound of manycamels.He was curious, so heturned around. It wasthe sultansmen.On one ofthe3最新 料推荐came

24、ls, there was a young woman. She was the sultans daughter . She was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.有一天,阿拉丁走在街上, 这时他听到背后传来许多骆驼的叫声。 他很好奇, 便转过身来,原来是苏丹王的手下。 在其中一只骆驼上面, 坐着一位年轻的女子。 她是苏丹王的女儿,也是王国内最美丽的女孩。Aladdin fell in love with the princess at once. He wanted to see her again, but he couldnt.No ma

25、n could see the princess. For many days, Aladdin couldnt stop thinking of her. Hewanted to marry the princess. One day, he asked his old mother for help.Mother , I am in love, he said. Please go to the sultans palace. Ask him if I canmarry his beautiful daughter.阿拉丁马上就爱上了这位公主。 他想再见她一面, 但却没办法, 因为没有人可

26、以跟这位公主见面。有好多天,阿拉丁想她想个不停。他想娶这位公主,于是有一天,他去找他老母亲帮忙。“妈,我恋爱了, ”他说。 “请你到苏丹王的皇宫,问问陛下我是否可以娶他美丽的女儿。”Aladdins mother wanted her son to be happy. She asked the genie for something nice to give the sultan. The genie gave her a big, shiny ruby. Then, she went to the palace to talk to the sultan. The palace was v

27、ery large and grand. The sultan had a lot of money. Shewaited outside the sultans office for one whole day. Finally, the sultan spoke to her.Why do you wish to speak to me? asked the sultan. I am very busy. I will give youfive minutes.阿拉丁的母亲想让她儿子开心,便向精灵要了一些可以献给苏丹王的好东西,精灵给她一颗又大又闪亮的红宝石。接着,她就到皇宫晋见苏丹王了。

28、 皇宫又大又宏伟,苏丹王很有钱。她在苏丹王办公的地方外面等了一整天。最后,苏丹王跟她说话了。“你为什么想跟我谈话?”苏丹王问。 “我很忙,只能给你五分钟。”Aladdins mother told the sultan about her sons wish. The sultan listened, but he wasnt very happy. Aladdins mother didnt look rich. He wanted the princess to marry a rich man. Then, the old woman gave him the beautiful rub

29、y.阿拉丁的母亲把她儿子的愿望向苏丹王禀告。 苏丹王听了不太开心, 因为阿拉丁的母亲看起来并不富有, 而他却期望公主能嫁给一个有钱人。 这时, 老母亲把那颗漂亮的红宝石献给了苏丹王。The sultan liked the ruby very much. He did not have any rubies. He thought for a moment, then he made a decision. Aladdin could marry the princess. Aladdins mother walked home happily. Aladdin would soon be a

30、n important man in the village. The weddingwould be in three days.苏丹王非常喜欢这颗红宝石, 因为他自己并没有什么红宝石。 他想了一会儿后做了一个决定: 阿拉丁可以娶他的女儿。 阿拉丁的母亲兴高采烈地走回家。 阿拉丁马上就可以成为村里的大人物了。婚礼将在三天后举行。Aladdin was very happy, but he was also worried. His house was not very big or fancy. Theprincess would be uncomfortable here. He aske

31、d the genie to build him a nice palace. Thegenieworkedveryquickly.Prettysoonhe builta lovelypalacewitha large,beautifulgarden. It was nicer than the sultans palace.The princess will be happy in this place, thought Aladdin. I am ready to marry her.阿拉丁非常开心, 但他也很担心。 他的房子既不大也不豪华,公主在这里会住得舒服吗?他要精灵帮他盖间漂亮的宫

32、殿。精灵的手脚非常快,没多久他就盖了一座豪华的宫殿,还有4最新 料推荐一座又大又美的花园,盖得甚至比苏丹王的皇宫还棒。“公主在这里会非常开心的, ”阿拉丁心想。 “我准备好要娶她了。 ”The wedding was at the sultans palace. There was dancing and singing and everyone was merry. At midnight, Aladdin and the princess left the palace. They flew to Aladdins palace on carpets. The princess was v

33、ery happy to see the new palace. She liked Aladdin very much. She knew he would be a good husband.婚礼在苏丹王的皇宫举行。有人跳舞,有人唱歌,大家都很开心。午夜时,阿拉丁和公主离开了皇宫, 他们乘坐魔毯飞回阿拉丁的宫殿, 公主看到这座新造的宫殿非常开心。 她很喜欢阿拉丁,知道他会是一个好丈夫。Far away, in the western desert, the evil magician was thinking about Aladdin. He knewthat Aladdin was a

34、live, and that he was married to the sultans daughter . The magician felt jealous. He wanted to make Aladdin poor again. He also wanted the lamp.Be happy today, young Aladdin, thought the magician. Soon, you will lose everything.遥远的西边沙漠, 邪恶的魔术师正想着阿拉丁。 他知道阿拉丁还活着, 也知道他娶了苏丹王的女儿。魔术师非常嫉妒,他想再把阿拉丁变成穷光蛋,也想要

35、拿回那盏灯。“今天就让你快乐一点吧!年轻的阿拉丁, ”魔术师心想。 “因为你马上就要失去所有的东西了。 ”The evil magician went to Aladdins palace. He pretended to be a lamp seller. Aladdin wasnot at home. He was hunting with the sultan. The magician knocked on the front gate. Aservant opened it. The magician talked to her.I am a lamp seller, he said

36、. If you give me your old lamps, I will give you new ones.邪恶的魔术师来到阿拉丁的宫殿, 他装扮成一个卖灯的人。 当时阿拉丁并不在家, 他和苏丹王出门打猎去了。魔术师敲着前门,一个仆人来应门。魔术师跟她说了一些话。“我是卖灯的, ”他说。 “如果你给我旧灯,我就拿新的给你。”The servant looked around the palace. She found Aladdins genie lamp, and gave it to the magician. The servant didnt know it was speci

37、al. The magician rubbed the lamp, and out came the genie. In a few moments, the palace, the princess and all of the servants were gone. They were in the western desert!仆人看了看宫殿内四周, 发现阿拉丁的神灯, 就把它给了魔术师。 仆人不知道那是盏特别的灯。魔术师摩擦一下神灯,精灵就跑了出来。转眼间,宫殿、公主和所有的仆人都不见了,他们被魔术师变到西边的沙漠去了!The next day, Aladdin came home.

38、He was shocked. Where was his palace? Where was the princess? Where was his lamp?Aladdin was in trouble. He rubbed the magic ring on his finger , and a genie came out of the ground. The genie told Aladdin about the magician. Aladdin was very angry.Take me to my palace, he told the genie. I want to r

39、escue my wife and servants.隔天,阿拉丁回来时吓了一跳。他的宫殿、公主和神灯都到哪里去了呢?阿拉丁遇到大麻烦, 他搓了搓手指上的戒指, 一只精灵从地底跑了出来。 精灵把魔术师的事告诉阿拉丁,阿拉丁听了非常生气。“带我去我的宫殿,”他告诉精灵。 “我要去救我的妻子和仆人。”The ring genie took Aladdin to the western dessert. Aladdin went to his wifes window and called to her . The princess put her head out the window.Come

40、inside quickly, she said. The magician is not here now.5最新 料推荐Aladdin went inside. He looked for the lamp, but it was not there. The magician wascarrying it.戒指精灵带着阿拉丁到西边的沙漠去,阿拉丁走到妻子的窗边叫她,他妻子把头探出窗外。她说: “快进来,魔术师现在人不在这儿。”阿拉丁走进去找那盏神灯,但是神灯并不在里面,魔术师把它带在身上了。Aladdin had a plan. He gave his wife some special

41、 powder . That night, the magician knocked on her door . He told her that Aladdin was dead. She should forget her husbandand marry him. He had two glasses of wine with him. The princess took one, and secretly put the powder into it.阿拉丁有一个计划, 他给他妻子一些特别的粉末。当天晚上, 魔术师敲着她的门, 告诉她阿拉丁已经死了, 要她忘了她丈夫并嫁给他。魔术师带来

42、两杯酒,公主拿了一杯,然后偷偷把粉末加进去。The princess looked very sad. She told the magician that she would marry him. She asked him to give her his glass, and she gave her glass to him. They touched glasses, and both drank the wine. The magician finished his wine first. Suddenly, he had a strange look on his face and

43、 fell down dead. Aladdin was waiting in the princesss closet. He jumped out and took the lamp from the magician. He rubbed the lamp, and told the genie to take them home.In a flash, everything was back in its old place. The princess put her arms aroundAladdin and kissed him. From that day on, they lived happily ever after.公主看起来很伤心, 她告诉魔术师说她会嫁给他, 并要求魔术师和她互换酒杯。 他们两人碰杯,双双把酒干了。魔术师先喝完他的酒。突然间,他的脸上出现了奇怪的表情,随即就倒下来一命呜呼了。 当时阿拉丁在公主的衣橱里守候着, 他跳了出来, 取走魔术师身上的神灯。他搓了一下神灯,要精灵带他们回家。剎那间,一切都回到了老地方。 公主抱住阿拉丁亲了他。 从那天起,他们就过着幸福美满的日子。6


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