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1、.外研社新标准八年级下册英语单词表部分重点单词(M1-M7)派遣去;命令去 v. _Module 1德国 _有的气味; ; 出v. 气味 n. _法国 _ 的;柔 的 adj. _塔 n. _酸的; 的 adj. _古老的;古代的 adj. _ 一 ; 看 _国王;君王 n. _听起来;令人 得v. _女王;王后 n. _盐 n._方面; 度 n. _果 n. _相混合;融合 v. _最喜 的人或者事n. _ 念; 念;想念 v. _牛仔 n. _倒数;倒 _情 不安的; 的adj. _Module 3 而感到到 傲_地球 n. _陌生人 n. _月亮;月球 n. _ 子 件;口信;信息n.

2、_新 ;消息 n. _某人等不及了 _行星 n. _ 余 好 n. _到达;抵达 v. _在学校;上学 _ ,尚(用于表示某事在某一 尚未 生,但未来也 会 生)adv.分数 n. _Module 2 才; adv. _曾 ;从来;在任何 候adv. _模型 n. _( 使 ) 参加;(使) 名v. _ 划;工程; 目 n. _比 ; 争 n. _没 _一等 _最近的;最新的 adj. _梦;梦想 n. 做梦;梦到;梦想 v. _宇航 n. _(有 力) 得起;付得起v. _航天 行 _ 写; 作 _ 写; 作 _没有一人;没有一个;一点儿也没有pron. _邀 v. _ 境 n. _搬家;改

3、 位置v. _那;那个 pron. _.太阳的;与太阳有关的adj. _病;疾病 n. _群; n. _运 ; v. _宇宙 n. _感到不舒服 _光;光 ;光亮 n. _ 身;到 _(事情) 不到的,不可能的 adj. _可能;也 adv. _ 系;交流 v. _Module 5Module 4漫画; 画片 n._咳嗽 n. 咳嗽 v. _漂亮的;英俊的adj. _ ; n. _ 明的;机灵的adj. _ 痛 n. _与 斗 v. 斗斗争 n. _腹部;肚子 n. _英雄;男主角 n. _痛;疼痛 n. _幽默的;滑稽的adj. _胃疼;腹痛 _忍不住做某事 _牙痛 n. _笑; 笑 v.

4、_不健康的;有病的 adj. _ ;教 n. _自以来 prep. 自以来 conj._ 看的;丑陋的adj. _感冒 _ 得某人的心 _量某人的体温 _ ;草率 v. _快餐食品 _ 明的;机灵的adj. _健康(状况) n. _ 乱;凌乱 n. _健康的 adj. _天国;天堂 n. _ 极的;活 的 adj. _期盼;等待 v. _ 物; 畜 n. _ 明; 作 v. _成 ;会 n. _(一)本(一)份 n. _参加,参与(某事)_黑白的 adj. _健康状况很好 _自己的 adj. _困的;想睡的 adj. _私人的;个人的adj. _当 ;那 adv. _ 造 v. _弱的;虚弱的

5、 adj. _ 足;使 意 v. _.Module 6总的;全部的adj.扇子 n. _重量 n.邮票 n. _护照 n.使整齐;使整洁 _文化 n.隔板;架子 n. _同时看一看 _持续 ; 延续 v.硬币 n. _取决于;决定于纸币 n. _提供;供应v.英镑 n. _测验 v. n.(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)元_进步;发展n.一定;肯定 v. _客人;宾客n.值钱的;有价值的 adj. _日常生活价值;有用性 n. _友谊;友好 n.人(通常指成年人) n. _(与某人)保持联系兴趣;爱好 n. _更喜爱;钟爱v.技能;技艺 n. _确定的;无疑的 adj.活动 n. _填

6、写;填充航海;航行 n. _2014 年 新外研版八年级下册(M1-M7)短语出版;问世 _结果;因此 _Module 1Expressions愉悦;快乐 n. _1. What + (a / an) + 形容 + 可数名 数 + 主 + !成功;成就 n. _2. look+形容 看上去 / 看来 Module73. be afraid that +从句恐怕 列清单be afraid to do sth害怕做某事发疯的 ; 荒唐的 adj.be afraid of doing sth害怕 在.的结尾4. thank (sb ) for dong sth因 感 某人做 短裤(用复数) n.th

7、ank(sb) for sth因感 某人裤子(用复数) n.5. cant wait to do sth迫不及待做某事重量有 .;重 .v.6. spend 时间 /金 +(in) doing sth 某人做 .花.spend 、金 7.be proud of8.be proud to do sth.9.be proud that.+on sth.某人花在某方面10.enjoy doing sth喜 做某事以 自豪11.a fifteen-year-old boy一个十五 的男孩 做某事而感到自豪12.one of the+形容 最高 +名 复数 最.之一 感到自豪13.be differen

8、t from与 .不同10.hear from/ receive a letter from. 收到 .的来信14.count down倒数11.each other互相,彼此15.send sb to do sth把某人送去做某事12.arrive in/at到达16.enter a competition参加 13.be good at擅 ,善于17.write about 写;写作14.have a try尝试18.think about考 15.on top在上面, 于 19.travel around the world 游世界16.in the middle在中 20.work f

9、or效力于17.as well也; 21.for example例如18.get bad mark取得不好的成 22.look forward to doing/sth期盼;期待19.speak Chinese 中文23.have a wonderful time玩的开心20.in the right way以正确的方式24.a pair of一双21.be excited about对.兴奋25.the rest of剩余的22.shake hands握手MODULE 3 Journey to space23.close to离.近1. What are you up to?你在干什么?24

10、.look sb. In the eye正 某人2. the latest news最新消息Module 2 Experiences3. get information 得信息1.invite sb to do sth邀 某人做某事4. search for 找,搜索2.think about考 5. in order to 了3.make up 造6. much +比 .得多4.stop doing sth停止做某事7. on earth在世界上,在人 ,究竟,到底e with和.一起去8. communicate with sb与某人交 6.the first prize一等 9. hun

11、dreds of数以百 的7.at the moment此 , 在10. go around 着 .走8.so far到目前 止11. billions of数十 的9.ask sb to do sth要去某人做某事12. take photos拍照.13. send.to.把.送到 .19. from time to time不时地14. no problem没问题20. set up建立15. be far away( from)遥远21. be ill生病16. go online上网22. go for a run去散步17. search for搜索23. feel awful感觉不

12、舒服18. more than超过;多余24. all over浑身; 遍及19. look for寻找25. rather than(与其 .)倒不如;是 .而不是20. look like看起来像26. turn off关掉21. finish doing sth做完某事27. have a pain in.(某身体部位)疼痛MODULE 4 Seeing the doctorMODULE 5Cartoon stories1. catch a cold感冒1. canthelp doing sth情不自禁做某事2. do much exercise经常性的锻炼2. keep doing s

13、th一直做某事3. be harmful to对 .有害3. it s time to do sth到干某事的时间4. such as例如4. make a terrible mess弄得一团糟5. three times a say一天三次5. as well as也,还6. have got /take a stomachache胃痛6. more than多于7. take ones temperature量体温7. all over the world全世界8. fast food快餐8. even since从那以后9. in front of在.前面9. the same as.和

14、 .相同10. look after照顾,照料10. learn from向 .学习11. take sb for a walk带某人散步11. win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心12. feel bit/ health感觉健康12. come out出版;发行13. by underground乘地铁13. one of the+形容词最高级 +名词复数 最.的之一on the underground14. Its time to do sth.到做某事的时间了14. ride to work骑车去上班15. Thats cool.太酷了15. decide to do s

15、th决定做某事16. find it +adj.+to do sth.发现做某事是 .的16. take part in参加17. Sounds great!听起来太棒了17. in the last few years在过去的几年里MODULE 6Hobbies18. be too+形容词 +to do sth太.不能做 .1. a bit of一点儿.2. collect stamps收集 票5.write to sb. 某人写信3. have a look看一看6. prepare for = get ready for为 做准 4. such as/for example例如7. ma

16、ke a list of sth.列 的清 5. look after animals照 物8. at the end of在 的 尾6. as well as并且, at the beginning of在 的开端7. in the future在将来in the end= finally= at last最后8. come out出版by the end of到 止 (常用于 在完成 )9. a sixteen-year-old boy一个六 的男孩9. wear light trousers穿薄 子10. as a result 果;因此10. pay for支付 花 11. be in

17、terested in对.感 趣sb. pay some money for sth. =sth. cost sb. some money12. spend time in doing sth做某事花 .时间= sb. spend some money on sth. / in doing sth.13. tidy up使整 ;使整 11. had better (not) do sth.最好 (不要 )做某事14. take up占据;占用12. a pair of sunglasses一副太阳 15. something important重要的事a pair of trousers/ s

18、horts一条 子 /短 16. enjoy doing sth喜 做某事13. the total weight 重量17. make sb do sth 某人做某事14. in total , 共18. such as例如15. by the way 便 一句19. not only .but also.不但 . 而且 .16. forget to do sth.忘 去做某事( 没做)20. show sb. Sth.向某人展示某事forget doing sth.忘 做 某事(已 做了)21. close to靠近17.send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 某

19、人寄某物22. stop doing sth.停止做某事18.be crazy about sth.狂 于 23. run out of用完;用光19.but 接并列句,表 折关系24. go sailing去航行or“或者 ” 接并列句,表 关系dress in穿着and 接并列句,表并列关系MODULE 7 Summer in Los Angeles20. wear sth. 表状 穿1.make a list列清 put on sth. 表 作2.depend on取决于,决定于in sth./ 色 表状 3.stay in touch (with sb.)(与某人)保持 系dress

20、sb./ oneself表 作4.fill out填写,填充21. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 某人提供某物.22.provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 某人提供某物23. have meals with sb.和 吃 24. do some activities做一些活 25. fill out= fill in填写 =装 某物be filled with sth. = be full of sth.用 A 装 B fill B with A26. choose to do sth. 做某事27.

21、be certain to do sth.一定会做某事28. at least至少at most至多29. prefer sth. = like sth. better更喜 某物prefer to do sth. 或 prefer doing sth.更喜 做某事30.grow up 大31. as well as“和;而且 ”32. be busy with sth. / be busy doing sth.忙于做某事现在完成时态要点 1: 在完成 表示 (1)目前已 完成的 作(2) 完成的 作(3)从 去某一刻 生, 在仍然延 着的 作或情况( 4) 个 作 在的影响。The confe

22、rence has lasted for five days.会 已 开了五天。He has just bought an unusual car. 他 到一 不一般的小 。要点 2:当句子中出 表示到 在 止 段 的状 , 一般用 在完成 :. 状 有: up to now, up tillnow, so far, these days, thissummer, for后面接一段 的短 或since 等:We haven t seen each other again since we graduated in 1987.1987 年 后我 就一直没 面。Up till now we hav

23、e established ten projects.到目前 止我 共上了十个 目。So far they have only learned the first three chapters.到 在 止他 只学了前三章。We haven t had much rain this summer. 今年夏天没下多少雨。一般过去时态要点 1:一般 去 表示 ;(1) 去某个特定 生,并且一下子就完成了的 作(即:非持 性 作),也可以表示(2) 去 性的 作。一般 去 不 作 在的影响,只 明 去。I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱 了几句

24、。(1) He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up.他没有戒烟的那阵子,烟抽得可凶了。China.(2) 一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用,如:3.They _(know) each other for about ten years.yesterday, last week, in 1993, at that time, once, during the war,4.He _ already _(write) a letter to the factory to askbefore, a few days ago, when

25、等等。 句子中谓语动词是用一般过them to stop making noise.去时还是用现在完成时,取决于动作是否对现在有影响。5.When _ she _(leave)?Have you had your lunch? 你吃过午饭了吗?(意思是说你现在 Two hours ago.不饿吗?)6._ you _(see) the film before?Yes, I have. 是的,我已经吃过了。 (意思是说已经吃饱了,不想 Yes, I _.再吃了。)Where _ you _(see) it?When did you have it? 你是什么时候吃的?(关心的是吃的动作 At T

26、he Queen s Cinema.发生在何时。)7. Thank you all the same, Mr. Black, but I don t eat sweets.I had it about ten minutes ago. 我是大约十分钟以前吃的。 Oh, I am sorry. I _(not know) that.Used to do something 表示过去常做而现在已经停止了的习惯动8.They usually _(go) fishing when they lived there.作。9.How long _ she _(be) ill?I used to work

27、fourteen hours a day. 过去常常一天干十四个小10. They didn t start to work in the field until the rain时。_(stop).用所给动词的适当形式填空。II.按要求完成句子。1. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss ZhaoA) 句型转换。_(hurry) off to look after the man.1.With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao2. Jim _(make) many friends since he

28、 _(come) to_(hurry) off to look after the man.2.Jim _(make) many friends since he _(come) to5.My uncle bought the new car two months ago.China.My uncle has _ the new car _ two months ago.3.They _(know) each other for about ten years.6.They left Changsha an hour ago.4.He _ already _(write) a letter t

29、o the factory to askThey have _ _ _ Changsha for an hour.them to stop making noise.7.The film began ten minutes ago.5.When _ she _(leave)?The film _ _ _ for ten minutes.Two hours ago.8.The old man died 5 years ago.6._ you _(see) the film before?The old man _ _ _ for 5 years.Yes, I _.III. 单项填空。Where

30、_ you _(see) it?1. I m sorry, Cathy, I _ your radio for such a long time. At The Queen s Cinema. Never mind.7. Thank you all the same, Mr. Black, but I don t eat sweetsA.have. borrowed B. have lentC. have keptD. haveOh, I am sorry. I _(not know) that.returned8.They usually _(go) fishing when they li

31、ved there.2.Where have you _ these days?9.How long _ she _(be) ill? I have _ to Yangzhou with my friends.10. They didn t start to work in the field until the rainA. been, goneB. been, been_(stop).C. gone, beenD. gone, goneB) 同义句转换 ,每空一词。3. Where is your father? We haven t seen each other for weeks.4

32、. My father came back the day before yesterday._.My father has _ _ for two days.A. He has been to America B. He has gone to England C. He is going to Australia4. They have _ since the factory opened.A. left the schoolB. joined the teamC. become workersD. worked here5. Jim _ the Great Wall many times

33、.A. went to B. goes toC. has gone to D. has been to6. It _ ten years since they _ to France.A. was, movedB. was, have movedC. is, have movedD. is, moved7. _ to the United States?No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago.A. Have you beenB. Have you goneC. Did you goD. Will you go8. I won t go t

34、o see the film tonight because I _ my ticket. A. didn t loseB. have lost C. will lose D. didn t have9. Miss Wu has taught in this school _.A. for ten yearsB. ten years agoC. since ten yearsD. for ten years ago10. I _ today s homework already. What about you?A. have finished B. finish C. to finishD. finishing11. Ann has gone to Shanghai.So _ her parents.A. hasB. hadC. didD. h


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