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1、最新 料推荐牛津七年级下学期英语期末模拟试卷一、听力( 25 分)(一)听句子,选择正确答案。10 分1. A. It is a blue sweater.B. I want to have a look at the blue sweater.C. The sweater is blue.2. A. It fives yuan.B. I don havet enough money.C. Five yuan, please.3. A. 210 yuan.B. 90 yuan.C. 270 yuan.4. A. Seldom (很少)B. SometimesC. Often5. A. A su

2、permarket.B. A football field.C. A bank.6. A. I usually come to school at eight.B. I usually come by bikeC. I usually come to school at 7:00.7. A. Yes, we are.B. Yes, we like playing basketball.C. No, we aren playingt football.8. A. Let gos by bike.B. I usually go there by bike.C. It doesn matter. I

3、 can mend it.9. A. I like walking very much.B. That sright.C. I usually have a walk after supper. 10.A. It Tuesday.1最新 料推荐B. It Septembers 10th.C. It nines o clock.(二)听对话,选择正确答案。10 分1. Where are the two persons?A. In a bookshop.B. In a restaurant.C. At the man shouse.2. What is their relationship (关

4、系) ?A. They are teacher and student.B. They are classmates.C. The are husband and wife.3. Why is Kate late for school?A. Because she is ill.B. Because her bike is broken.C. Because she does her homework.4. Where was Mrs Bill born?A. She was born in France.B. She was born in Germany.C. She was born i

5、n Japan.5. How much will two bags cost?A. Three yuanB. Six yuan.C. Two yuan.6. How long does the woman have her bike?A. Four years.B. Five years.C. Six years.7. What does the woman want to do?A. She wants to cook supper.B. She wants to go out for supper.2最新 料推荐C. She wants to stay at home.8. Where i

6、s Mr Baker?A. He is at home.B. He is in the office.C. He is out.9. What is the man reading?A. English books.B. English magazines.C. English newspapers.10. When is their son birthday?sndA.On October 2.B. On November 2nd.ndC. On December 2.(三)听短文,选择正确答案。5 分1 In winter,it is very _.A. coolB. hotC. warm

7、D. cold2 We need _sweaters in winter.A.heavyB. lightC. hotD. cool33 Every season is nice. I like_.A.autumnB. springC. winterD. them all4 The weather insummer _very much.A.changesB. havechangedC. do not changesD. does not change5 We _ heavy sweaters in spring.A. take offB. put onC. put offD. take on二

8、、选择填空25 分1. Hello,can I help you? What are you looking_ ?A.AtB. afterC. forD. out of2. She _to Gaoyou Restaurant.A.Prefer to goB. prefer going3最新 料推荐C. prefergoesD.prefersto go3.Daniel wants _to stay with_ today.A.A.us, heB. us, himC. we, heD. we,him4.Jim, a boy _ youattheschoolgate right nowA.A.isw

9、aitingforB. iswaitingC.waitsforD.waits5.Heoftenborrows money _hisfatherto buyCDs.A.toB.fromC. withD. on6.There are some girls _ underthe tree overthere.A.A.SingB. singingC. singsD. are singing7.There _some waterinthe glass.A. isB. hasC. areD. have8.My favourite T-shirt_ me about 100yuan.A. usesB. co

10、stsC. spendsD. pays9.TheClass Two students _a fashionshowyesterday.A. tookB. gaveC. showedD. got10.Tomorrowhe willgive us a talk_the Englishnames.A.ofB. withC. atD. on11.-You lookvery cooltoday,Amy.-_ .A.Oh, Idon looktitB.Thank youC. No. I am not cool at allD. The same you12.The newshoes fitme very_

11、 .A. goodB. muchC. wellD. nice13.- How _do yousleep every night?- More than 8 hours.A. oftenB. muchC. longD. many14.- When_ Simon _ school yesterday?-About5:30A.A.Does,leaveB. did,leaveC. did,leftD.was, leave4最新 料推荐15.- What does _ come from?- It froms sheep.A.silkB. cottonC. leatherD. wool16.When d

12、id you start to goto school?-_A. TwomonthsB. IntwomonthsC. AftertwomonthsD. Twomonths ago17.Then the shoemaker cut me_the shape of a shoe.A.A.atB. onC. ofD. into18.- _ do you wantto buy?-Size Eight.A. WhichB. HowbigC. WhatsizeD. Howmuch19.- _doyou takeyour dog fora walk every day?-Once.A. HowoftenB.

13、 Howmany timesC. HowlongD. Howmuch20. - What do you have _ breakfast?- Some _ and milk.A. for,biscuitsB. with,breadC. for,cakeD. witheggs21.It rainingsoutside. You must _ araincoat.A.put onB. wearC. haveD. dress22.Jimlikes to wear _ .A.a jeansB. some jeansC. a bluejeanD. a pair of jeans23.I didn hav

14、et _ to say. So I said _.A.something, anythingB. anything,somethingC. anything, nothingD. nothing,anything24.Won t youlet _ helpyou?5最新 料推荐A.I and my friendtoB. my friend and IC. my friend and meD. my friendand I to25. Your bag is different_ mine.A.toB. withC. fromD. for三、阅读理解40 分(每小题2 分)A. 阅读短文 ,判断

15、正误 (T,F)Hank lives in a small town, but then he finds a job(工作) in a big city and begins to livethere with his wifeand his two children.On the first Saturday in their new house, Hank takes his new red car out of the garage(车库)and washes it. A friend comes. When he sees Hank snew car, he looks at itf

16、or a minute. Then, Hank turns and sees him.The friendsays, “ That as nice car. Is ityours? ”“ Sometimes! Hank” answers.The friendis surprised. “ Sometimes! he” says, “ Whatdo you mean?”“ Well, answers” Hank slowly,“ Whenthere as party, it belongs(属于)to my daughter, Jane. When there as footballgame,

17、itbelongs to my son, Joe. When I wash it, and it looks nice and clean, it belongs to my wife.And when it is not clean, itbelongs to me. ”() 1.Hank is Jane and Joesfather.() 2.Hank livesin a small townbut he works in a big city.() 3.Joe goes towatch footballgames in the car.() 4. Hanks wife cantdrive

18、 acar.() 5.Only Hankwashes the car.B.阅读短文 ,选择最佳答案.(1)A frog (青蛙) is born in a small river. When he is young, the riveris his home. Hedoesn knowt his parents, but he has hundreds of brothers and sisters. He swims about and plays withthem all the time. Atthat time, he doesn lookt likehis parents. He h

19、as no legs and he has a big tail (尾巴) . So he looks likea fish.6最新 料推荐Then his tail gets shorter and shorter. And he has four legs and a very short tail.Helooks likehis parents now. Then he sgoing to eat a lot of bad insects(害虫 ).1. 1.Where is a frog born?A. On a farmB. On the landC. In the riverD.

20、In the sea2. 2.Which of the following is right?A. A baby frog stays at home and knows only his parents.B.Ababyfroglookslikea birdandhe doesn knowt hisparentsC.Ababyfroglookslikehis parents but he doesn knowtthem.D.Ababyfroglookslikeafishandhe has alot of brothersand sisters.3.Whodoes a frogplaywitha

21、llthetime?A.HisparentsB.Hisbrothersand sistersC. FishD.Insects3.4. Afroghas.A.fourlegsand a very shorttail.B.fourlegsbuthe has along tail.C. no legs but he has a long tail.D. nolegsandhe looks likea fish.4.5.Ababyfrog.A. can swimtB. can eat bad insectsC. has no tailD. can eat bad insects(2)Mikedidn

22、got to bed untilvery late last night. He watched a very interesting filmon TV.He had tostay up till (坚持到) two o clockthis morningbecause he wantedto see the end of the film.This morning his mother had to wake him up. He got up and washed his face inahurry(匆忙) . He didn eat anything for breakfast. He

23、 ran fast allthe way to the bus stop. When he saw the bus coming, he suddenly(突然) rememberedthat he left hisschoolbagathome. Heput his textbooks(课本) and homework inthe bag last night.Hehad togoback to get it. When he finally (终于) got to school,hisEnglish class was already over.7最新 料推荐1. 1.What did M

24、ike do before he went to bed last night? A.He did his homework.B. He watched an interesting film.C. He played computer games.D. He did some reading.2hy couldn Miketwake up this morning?A. Because he was ill.B. Because he didn havet a clock.C. because he didn want to go to school today.D. Because he

25、went to bed late last night.2. 3. What did Mike have for breakfast this morning?A. A. He had a big breakfast.B. B. He had nothing.C. C. He had a little food.D. D. We don knowt.4.Whydid Mikehave to go back home?A. He left his schoolbag at home.B He wanted to go back home to have breakfast. C. His mot

26、her asked him to go back home quickly. D. Both B and C.3.5.Howdo you think Mikewould feel this morning?A. happyB. worriedC. tiredD. excited (激动的)(3)Allstudents need to have good habits(好习惯) : When you have good study habits,you learn things quickly.You also remember them easily.Do you like to study

27、in the livingroom? This is not a good place because it is usuallytoo noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place willhelp you onlythink about one thing, and you willlearn better.Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light (台灯)is impo

28、rtant,too. Youll feel tired easily ifthere is not enough light (光线) .8最新 料推荐1.When you have good study habits, you will.A.learnthingsquicklyB. remember things easilyC.thinkaboutone thingD. both A and B2.Theliving-roomis notagood place for studybecause it is too.A. quietB. noisyC.goodD. clean3.You ll

29、 feel tiredeasilyifthe lightis.A. goodB. enoughC. badD. wonderful4. You should remember tobefore you study.A. clean the deskB. tidy the roomC. turn on the lightD. go to the bedroom5.The besttitle (标题) forthispassage(文章) is.A. Study in the bedroomB. GoodstudyhabitsC. HowtostudyD. Desklightisimportant

30、 (重要的)四、完形填空10 分Christmaswillcomesoon. Theradiostations(广播电台)are playingChristmas music,and the stores1verybusy. People are doing their Christmas shopping. Manyfamilies havegotChristmastrees2theirhomesalready.At thistimeoftheyearpeoplemakeor3presents(礼物 )fortheirfamilies.Lisais goingto buy a new boo

31、kfor her elder sister. Hereldersisterlikes4 .Herfamiliesusuallygettogether5ChristmasDay.Her eldersisterlivesinanother cityfaraway,6she alwayscomeby plane.7isgoing toarriveonChristmasEve. Then Lisa is going toputa8in thelivingroom,andputthe presents under the tree. Theydon opentthemuntilChristmas9 .T

32、heyare very10to receive(收到) presents.1.A beB. areC.isD. have2.A toB. atC. fromD. on3.A bringB. playC. takeD. buy4.A swimmingB. shoppingC. readingD. have5.A onB. inC. atD.of6.A soB. thenC. butD.and9最新 料推荐7.A HeB. ItC. TheyD. She8.A bookB. Christmas treeC. chairD. desk9.A eveningB. afternoonC. morning

33、D. night10. A busyB. happyC. sadD. kind非选择题部分( 50 分)一、单词拼写5 分1.He did a lotofthingsfor people.(不平凡 )2.Thein the newspaper are veryinteresting. (广告 )3.some clothes andmake a posterto giveinformation about the styles. (设计 )4.Twohundredwillcometo ourschool tomorrow.( 参观者 )5.Howmuch did youforthe pen? (

34、付款 )二、 动词填空 (10分 )1.Myfamily_(be)bigand my family _ (be) allteachers.2.Jim _ (have) some good friends. They _ (have)a field trip nextweek.4.Hecan t(put)his car here.The policeman will_(take)it.5.Thegirl withtwo dogs always _ (go) out fora walkaftersupper.6.There_(be)lotsof money in my purse.7.It times forhim _ (have) supper.8.Hurry!Yourmother_(wait) for you at the school gate.9._ Kate _ (have) a meeting last Saturday?10.Don yout think itveryuseful _ (learn) Englishwell?三、


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