
上传人:大张伟 文档编号:6173959 上传时间:2020-09-16 格式:DOCX 页数:4 大小:67.53KB
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1、最新 料推荐英文面签问题汇总About me 自我介绍Can you introduce yourself?/Could you tell us something about yourself?请做下自我介绍What s you name?/What s your full name?/ What s your surname (family name)?/What s meaningof your name?你的姓名 /全名 /姓 /名字的意义When were you born?/ What s your birthday?你的生日Where were you born?/Where a

2、re you from?/ Where do you come from?/Where do you live (in China)?出生地 /籍贯Tell me about your hometown./Can you introduce your hometown?/ What sthe most special building in your hometown?/What are the famous building and sights pots?说说你的家乡 / 你家乡最有名的建筑/家乡最有名的建筑和景点Can you introduce your family?/ How ma

3、ny members are there in your family?/ Do you have any brother or sister?/ What do your parents do?/ What syour father profession? And your mother?/Are you single? / Have you married?介绍一下自己的家庭情况 / 家庭成员 / 是否有兄弟姐妹 /父母做什么的 /职业 /自己的社会情况(未婚 /已婚)Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why?家人同意你到法国

4、留学吗?原因?What are you doing now?/Where are you working now?/ Who do you working for?/ What s your profession / occupation?你现在做什么 ?/在哪里工作 /在哪家公司工作/做什么职业 /职位Who will pay all your fees for your study?/ Who will pay your courses fees?/Who will support1最新 料推荐your study in France?/Who will sponsor you?/Who

5、will pay the money?/How much does it cost for your study?/How much is your tuition fees?/ Have you paid all the fees for your study?/Do you think it is expensive?/How much is the living expense?谁为你留法付学费/学费多少钱 /是否已付学费/觉得学费贵吗/生活费多少Plan of study in France赴法学习计划What s your study plan in France?/Do you h

6、ave any plan about your study?留法学习计划Why do you want to go to the France for further study?/ Which university will you study in?/Which major are you in?/What institution did you attend and what was your major?/Why doyou choose that university?/Whydo you want to study in that major?/What dont you want

7、 tocontinue studying in the same major?/For what reasons you want to change your major?/ What sthe difference between your major now and the major in France?/how much do you know aboutthat school/major?/Whatcourses willyou attend?/ What willyou study in this major? Whatcourses?为什么去法国留学/学校及专业 /为什么选择该

8、学校/该专业? /为什么不继续学原来的专业了/为什么转专业?/ 原专业和将到法国学习的专业有什么区别/说说对该校 /该专业的了解/专业课Which university did you graduate from in China?/Which university have you studied in?/which major were you in?/What was your major?/What courses have you studied in your current major?/Can you talk something about the course XX?中国哪

9、所高校毕业的? /中国哪所高校就读? /学什么专业的? /专业课 /某一门专业课都学了些什么Professional plan职业计划What s your future plan?/When you finish your study in France, what will you do?/ What will youdo after graduation?/What do you plan to do when you finish your study?/After your study in France, what will you do next?将来有什么职业计划/毕业后打算做

10、什么Would you come back after graduation?/What is your plan in coming back to China?/ Please give me three reasons that you will come back to China./Why do you think there will be moreopportunities in China when you come back?/What kind of job do you want to get?/ Why don t you want to work in France?

11、毕业后会回国吗/ 能给我三个回国的原因吗/为什么觉得回国时中国工作机会多/ 回国后想做2最新 料推荐什么工作 /为什么不想留在法国工作How can you live in France without any language?/ What will be the biggest challenge for you to study in France?/What will be the most difficult thing for you to study in France?/What willyou do to resolve all these problems?/Are you

12、 sure that you can get used to life in France?/Areyou sure that you can adapt to living France?不学法语如何在法国生活? / 在法国学习最大的挑战是什么 /在法国学习最大的困难是什么 / 如何克服这些困难 /能适应法国的生活吗About France 关于法国Can you say something about France?/ How much do you know France?What is the name of French President?/Do you know who is t

13、he president of French?/Which day is the National Day of France?/Do you know the French currency?/ Do you know the Capital of France?/What are the famous building and sights pots?/What is Paris famous for?你了解法国吗? / 讲讲对法国的了解 /法国现任总统是谁 / 法国国庆节是哪天 /法国货币 /法国首都/ 法国著名建筑和景点 /巴黎为何著名How much do know about Fr

14、ench culture?/ What sthe difference between Chinese culture and French culture?对法国文化了解多少/中国文化和法国文化有什么区别Other questions 其他问题What is your hobby?/What are your hobbies / interests?/What do you like to do in your free time?What do you do at leisure?/What are you your leisure activities?/What do you do for relaxation?Do you like sport?/Which color do you like?有什么兴趣爱好/平时喜欢做什么/喜欢运动吗 /喜欢什么颜色3


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