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1、最新 料推荐*建 信模板:祝 信模板 :Li MingDear,I am writing to express my opinions concerning主 .Dear,In the first place, I would like to express my thanks to youGood news travels fast! It was delightful for me to hearfor the help and everything else you have been giving to us.that主 . Please accept mysincere congra

2、tulationstoMeanwhile, I alsowant tomake some proposals to betteryour accomplishments.主 .I have been watching your progress with admiration allFirstly, we have found that建 一. Secondly, wethe years, and I knowmore than anyone else howmuchwant to建 二 . Finally, we hope that建 三 .effortsyou have put in. N

3、owyou prove to me an excellentI hope you willfindtheseproposalspracticalandand full-fledged in every respect. Judging from your currenthelpful. It would be appreciated if these proposals could besuccess, I am confident that in the future you will certainlyproperly considered.get a bigger success.You

4、rs sincerely,Please accept my most sincere congratulations on yourLi Mingsuccess! May allthe years ahead fulfillallyourhopes and*道歉信模板:dreams!Dear,Yours sincerely,I am writing this letter for the purpose of apologizing to抱怨信模板:Li Mingyoufor主 活 . Had Ipaid more attentionthen, Iwouldn t have made such

5、 a stupid mistake.To Whom It May Concern ,It is mainly because at that time I will be fully occupiedI am writing to complain about the poor service of yourby原因, which is quite out of my expectation, and that主 I received when.conflictswith your主 活 . ThereforeI am forced toThe reasons for my dissatisf

6、action lie upon three pointsadjust my schedule and cannot make mypresence on youras follows(Thereare mainlythreereasons formy主 活 . I sincerely hopethat youwillenjoyagooddissatisfaction):1)原 因 一; 2)原 因time. Bythe way, can we have dinnertogether some time二;3)原 因 三.Underthesenext week? I hope to see yo

7、u soon.circumstances, IfinditdifficulttoreceiveyourhospitalityI am really sorry againand Itrustthat youwilland warmth .understand.I am sure that you are able to thoroughlyunderstandYours sincerely,my discontent, which you are bound to replacewith aLi Mingsatisfactory solution. I would be grateful if

8、 you could help*推荐信模板:settle it as soon as possible.Dear,Yours sincerely,I m writing thisletter for the purpose of recommendingLi Mingyou a former student of mine, Mr./Miss for his application辞 信模板for the position in your company.Dear,Withreference to yourparticularrequirements,IhaveIam writingto in

9、formyouof mydecision toresignthe pleasure to say that he is the just person you are lookingfrom my current position. There are a few factors involved.for.First and foremost,原因一. Secondly,原因He is a good team playerwithstrongorganizational二. Last but not least,原因三.abilities and communicational skills.

10、 All the work handed toIwould like to take this opportunitytoexpress myhim was completed satisfactorily. With his help, I have beengratitude to you for the rewardingexperience thatI haveable to spend more time in. I reallyconsidermyselfachieved during my employment. I sincerely wish you couldvery fo

11、rtunate to have such an excellent subordinate.approve of my resignation, and I apologize inadvance forTherefore, I do not hesitate to recommend her as anany inconvenience thus caused.ideal candidate for the post you advertised. I would be most求 信模板 :Yours sincerely,grateful if you would consider my

12、recommendation andkindly offer him such a promising position.To Whom It May Concern,Yours sincerely,I have learnt fromyesterdaynewspaperthat you areLi Mingemployingthepositionofsalesmanager. Iwishtobe* 求信模板considered as an applicant for the position, and beg to stateDear_,my qualifications as follow

13、s:I am writing to formally request to_.I am 28 years old, a marketing major student of BeijingThereason for _ is that_. I_,Technologyand Business University. During my academicso I _.years, I have shown excellent performance and am awardedI would also liketo request _. I am sorry forthe first-class

14、scholarship each year. In additiontomyany inconvenience I have caused. Thank you for youreducational background, I have the rich working experiencesattention to these requests. If you have any questions, do notin the fields of sales . Therefore, I believe I can be of value tohesitate to contact me a

15、t_. I m looking forwardyour company.to your favorable reply.Enclosed is my resume for your reference, and it wouldYours sincerely,be highly appreciated if you would arrange an interview with1最新 料推荐me.I am expecting your early reply!Yours sincerely,邀请信模板:Dear,I am writing on behalf of机构, I would like

16、 to inviteyou to visit our universityfrom起始日期to结束日期 .We would feel very much obliged if you could deliver aspeech on the topic of演讲题目during the visit,because对邀请人的赞扬(We know that you are an experton American literature and have been well-knownboth athome and abroad). I am sure that it would be immens

17、ely beneficial to all ofus if you would consider giving us an update on this.Duringyour stay in our university, we wouldlike tooffer you accommodation arrangements, whichare free ofcharge, schedule planning and activity program.We would appreciate it verymuch ifyou could acceptour invitation. We are

18、 looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming感谢信模板Dear,咨询信模板Dear Sir or Madam,I am. I am writingthis letter forthe purposeofenquiringabout somenecessaryinformationregarding.First of all,I meager to know. Secondly,could you please give me a brief introduction of?Thirdly,I wantto enquir

19、e about whether. Itwouldbe highlyappreciated if you could send me somerelevant information on the above-mentioned aspects.I would be very grateful ifmy inquiry could be givenprompt and favorable attention. I m looking forward to yoearly reply.Yours sincerely,Li MingI should like this message to be t

20、aken as an expressionof heartfelt gratitude to you and your team.If it had not been for your generous assistance and greatsupport, I fear that this cultural exchange program would nothave been so successful. During the cultural exchange, yourthoughtful reception and hospitality made me feel warmly a

21、thome.Thus, I really appreciate everythingyou have done forme during my visit,and I hope that I may repay yourkindness by inviting you to visit our country some day in thefuture. Finally, I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Yours sincerely,Li Ming申请信模板To Whom It May Concern,I am writing this

22、letter for the purpose of applying forobtaininganopportunityto dograduatestudyinyouruniversity.Tobriefly introducemyself,Iam aseniorstudentmajoring in marketing from BeijingTechnologyandBusiness University. During my undergraduate study, I havedemonstrated both excellent academic achievements and ri

23、chpractical experiences. I have attachedtothis lettermyresume, a complete transcript, and three recommendationletters.I wouldgreatly appreciateitifyoucouldkindlyconsider my application. If you requiremore information,please feel free to contact me. I m looking forwards to yourearly reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming2


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