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1、.Different shopping concepts of America and ChinaAmongst all the cultures in the world , we cantfind two cultures exactly alike. Just as the shopping cultures of China the United States, they might have some common points in many specific aspects, but in respect to the shopping concepts, there is a

2、word of difference between these two countries. The reasons are as follows.Chinese people usually have a very strong sense of thrift which was one of the traditional merits of ancient China, and this merit was passed on from generation to generation. The sense of thrift makes Chinese people develop

3、the habit of conservative consumption. Under the influence of this point of view, Chinese are more likely to be cautious in spending their money. Many people would rather save up the money they earned than use them to enjoy life. For example, it is very common in China to see that many people work h

4、ard to earn money and put them in bank. They live a poor or uneasy life all their lives until the money in bank is much enough to buy a big and comfortable house. But the question is that they are already old and there are few years left for them to enjoy the comfortable house. Maybe they should lea

5、rn to enjoy sweets of life while they are young.However, the situation is totally different in America. Most of American people do not care about saving money. On the contrary , they love excessive consumption .Not only will they spend all their money by.the end of the month ,but also they will spen

6、d their money before they have it, that is to say they are likely to borrow money from friends or bank when they are short of money. For example, if an American wants to buy a house that is so expensive that he can not afford it, what will he do? Will he work hard for many years and save up enough m

7、oney to buy thehouse?The answer might be no. He will borrow money from bank and repay the loans bit by bit after he lives in the house. But there still are problems about this kind of shopping concept-it is easy for thesepeople to become too radical in borrowing money and have no ability to repay the loans in the future.In conclusion, American and Chinese hold different views on shopping concepts. Contrast these two shopping concepts, we will findthat both of them have their own features and problems. Theyd better to learn from each other and find a mean course to improve their concepts.


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