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1、黄一小学2016-2017学年度第一学期三年级英语期中测试班级:_姓名:_得分:_听力部分(60分)一.听录音,选择你所听到的单词序号填在括号里内。(句子读一遍)(10分)( )1. A. red B. green C. black( )2. A. afternoon B. grade C. morning( )3. A. pen B. pencil C. bag( )4. A. crayon B. mouth C. eye( )5. A. Hello ! B. Look at me ! C. How are you ?二听录音,涂色。根据录音要求,在物品上涂上相应的颜色。(句子读两遍)(8分

2、) 1. 2. 3 4 5 6. 7. 8. 三听录音,根据所听内容与下列图片是否相符,相符打“”,不相符打“”,(句子读两遍)。(12分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( )四听录音,选出正确的答语的序号填在括号里。(句子读两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A.Goodmorning! B.Goodafternoon ! C.Goodevening!( ) 2. A.Nicetomeetyou,too . B.Thanks. C.Great.( ) 3. A.Verywell B. Bye C.MynameisChenJie( ) 4. A .Yes! B.T

3、hankyou C.OK( ) 5. A.Metoo . B.Bye. C.MynameisZoom五听录音,选出你所听到的句子,并将序号填入前面的括号内。(句子读一遍)(10分)( )1. A. This is Mike . B. Im Mike . ( ) 2.A. I have a book . B. I have a pen . ( )3.A . L ets paint . B.Lets go to school . ( )4. A. Fine , thank you . B. Im fine , thanks . ( )5. A. Show me green . B. Show me

4、 red .六听录音,排序号.(按照ABCDE的顺序排列)。(句子读两遍)(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )笔试部分(40分)一 选出下列选项中不同类的一项的序号填在括号里内。(10分)( )1. A.Zoom B. ruler C. Sarah D. Chen Jie ( ) 2. A. school B. bag C. book D. crayon ( ) 3. A. black B. pencil box C. orange D. green ( ) 4. A. leg B. bag C. foot D. face ( ) 5. A. hand B. head C. re

5、d D. nose二 情景对话:选择正确的答案,把答案的序号写在括号内。(10分)( )1. 你第一次认识Mike ,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说: A Me too. B. Nice to meet you . C. Good afternoon. ( ) 2. 老师请你拍手,用英语应该这样说: AClap your hands. B. Clap my hands . C. Snap your fingers. ( )3. 当你想知道对方的名字的时候,你应该说: AIm Mike . B. Whats your name ? C.Bye , Tom . ( )4.当你想把你的朋友Mike 介绍

6、给别人时,你应该说: AHe is Mike . B. his name is Mike . C. This is Mike . ( ) 5.Sarah是班长,老师走进教室准备上课,她应该这样说: A Sit down. B. Good morning . C. Stand up.三. 我会填。(把对应的单词序号填在括号内)(10分) 7.( )1.( ) 2.( ) 8.( )9.( )3.( ) 4.( )10.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 11.( )A. head B. foot C. arm D. hand E. eye F. earG. nose H. mouth I. body

7、 J. face K. leg四给下列句子选择正确的翻译,并把序号填在括号内。( )1. I have an eraser. A.黑色的,黑色的。起立。 ( ) 2. Carry your bag . B.给我看看黄色。 ( ) 3. Show me yellow . C. 闭上你的眼睛。 ( ) 4.Close your eyes. . D.我有一块橡皮。 ( ) 5. Black , black .Stand up . E.背上你的书包。听力材料:一听录音,选择你所听到的单词序号填在括号里内。(句子读一遍)(10分)1. green 2. morning 3. pencil 4. cray

8、on 5. How are you ?二听录音,涂色。根据录音要求,在物品上涂上相应的颜色。(句子读两遍)(8分)1.Colour it orange . 2 . Colour it green . 3. Colour it red . 4.This ruler is yellow . 5. Colour it black . 6. Colour it white . 7. The ball is brown . 8. The fish is blue .三听录音,根据所听内容与下列图片是否相符,相符打“”,不相符打“”,(句子读两遍)。(12分)1. Hello ! Im Sarah .Wh

9、ats your name ? 2. Good morning , Miss White .3.Touch your face. 4. Good morning. 5. Show me your ruler. 6. Brown,brown.Turn around .四听录音,选出正确的答语的序号填在括号里。(句子读两遍)(10分)1.Good afternoon . 2. Nice to meet you . 3. Goodbye. 4.Lets play . 5.I have a book .五听录音,选出你所听到的句子,并将序号填入前面的括号内。(句子读一遍)(10分)1.This is Mike . 2. I have a pen . 3. Lets go to school . 4. Fine ,thank you . 5. Show me red.六听录音,排序号.(按照ABCDE的顺序排列)。(句子读两遍)(10分)A. Look at my nose. B. This is my mouth . C. This is my hand .D. Touch your eye. E. Touch your ear . 一DCBBA 二. BABCC 三. FEGHIKAJCDB 四. DEBCA


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