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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 学习目标:1、复习重点单词,短语和句型。2、复习有关规则的话题。3、复习祈使句。Guide One一、词汇拓展1. rule(复数)_ 2. hallway(复数)_ 3. listen(现在分词)_4. fight(现在分词)_ 5. outside(反义词)_ 6. wear(同音词)_7. important(反义词)_ 8. bring to(反义词)_ 9. uniform(复数)_ 10.out(反义词)_ 11. before(反义词)_12. dirty (反义词)_ 13. noisy(反义词)_ 14. relax(形容词

2、)_15. terrible(副词)_ 16. luck(形容词)_Guide Two二,短语1.Donteat inclass不要在课堂上吃东西 2.arrivelateforclass上课迟到3.be on time准时 4. inthehallways在走廊里5. in the dining hall在餐厅 6. followtherules遵循规则7. listentomusic听音乐 8.fightwith.与某人打架 9.listentomusicoutside在外面听音乐10. wearahat戴帽子 11. therearea lot of rules有许多规则12. bela

3、tefor因而迟到 13. bringsthto带到 bring music player to school 带音乐播放器到学校14.wear schooluniform穿校服 15.havetobequiet不得不安静16.seefriends看朋友 17.practicetheguitar练习吉他18. do the dishes洗盘子 19.helphismommakebreakfast帮助妈妈做早饭20.clean his room打扫他的房间 21. before dinner晚饭后22.toomanyrules太多规则 toomuch+不可数名词 muchtoo太+形容词或副词2

4、3 makeyourbed整理床铺 24.afterbreakfast早饭 25.leavesthin+地点 留.在某处 leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen 26.benoisy 太闹 /bequiet安静的27.how youfeel你感觉怎么样;你的感觉 28.feelwell感觉好29.tellsbtodosth告诉某人做某事 30.thinkaboutit考虑它;想一下31.onweekends在周末 32.bestrictwithsb对某人严格要求33.remembertodo记住做某事 34.makerulestodo sth制定规则做某事3

5、5.havefundoing有趣做某事 36.followthe rules遵守规则37 keepmyhairshort保持头发短 38.playwithmyfriends和朋友玩耍Guide Three语法探究.祈使句 定义: 用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫_祈使_句。 时态: 使用_一般现在_时态。 结构: 动词原形其他成分 please. 否定祈使句在动词原形前面加_Dont。如: Be quiet in the classroom, please. 在教室里请保持安静。 Dont fight. 不要打架。.情态动词have to 和must 1.情态动词have to和

6、must都表示“_必须_”的意思。have to 表示从_客观_条件上来看必须做某事;must表示说话人_主观上_必须要做某事。如: There is no bus, you have to walk home. (没有公交车是客观条件)没有公共汽车,你必须走回家。I must study English well. (想学好英语是一种主观想法)我必须要学好英语。have to有_人称_、_数_和_时态的变化,而must 只有一种形式。如: He has to stay at home, its raining.他必须待在家中,下雨了。3. 在否定结构中dont have to表示“_不必要”

7、, 而mustnt表示“_禁止”。如: You dont have to wait for him. 你没必要等他。You mustnt play with fire. Its dangerous.你禁止玩火。那很危险。【练习吧】( D )1. Can I go to the park, Mum? Certainly. But you _be back before six oclock. A. can B. may C. might D. must( B )2. You _ stop when the traffic light turns red. A. can B. have to C.

8、 need D. had better( D )3. _ come late to school tomorrow! A. Do B. Does C. Be D. Dont( C )4.下面哪句话是祈使句? A. Hi, there. B. Here you are. C. Be quick. D. No way!当堂训练易错点针对训练.用wear,put on 或 dress 填空1. He _puts on_his coat and goes out. 2. She is _wearing_a red skirt today. 3. The little child can_dress_

9、himself now. .用too many, too much 或 much too 填空1. There are _too many_people and _too much_ traffic in the street.Its _much too_crowded. 2. Watching TV _too much is bad for our health. .用 too, also 或 either 填空1. He speaks English. He can _also_ speak Chinese. 2. I like Mount Tai. He likes it, _too_.3. She isnt late. I am not late, _either_.用适当的介词填空1. I am afraid you cant pass, because our boss is very strict _in_the quality of it. 2. All the workers cant go out at work. The boss are strict _with_them.


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