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1、第二十二讲 九年级(下)Unit 3 Unit 4 基础知识即时训练一、易错单词1. 忧虑 2. 大气层 3. 温度 4. 燃料 5. 结果 6. 表面 7. 土壤 8. 习惯 9. 目的 10. 解决办法 11. 政府 12. 地震 13.(使)灌满水 14. 物体 15. 长途汽车 16. 屏幕 17. 增长;增加 18. 摧毁 19. 回收利用 20. 盯着看 21. 注意到 22.(使)醒来 23. 无生命的 24. 恰当的 25. 活着 26. 聋的 27. 失踪的 28. 同类的 29. 严重地 30. 立即 二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分

2、的最佳选项。1. Whats the purpose of the meeting?To raise money for poor children.A. scheduleB. aimC. place2. I noticed that his hand was shaking.A. ignoredB. agreedC. saw3. Why did she cry?Because when she awoke, she found nobody in the house.A. started to walkB. stopped walkingC. stopped sleeping4. The w

3、orlds population is increasing fast.A. givingB. growingC. showing5. What can I do if I was given a present in America?You dont have to wait and can open it immediately.A. at timesB. at onceC. at last6. Many of these children are deaf.What a pity! We should help them as often as possible.A. not able

4、to talkB. not able to seeC. not able to hear7. Air pollution is becoming more and more serious, what should we do?We should take action to protect the environment.A. measuresB. chancesC. years8. She was late as a result of the heavy rain.A. so thatB. instead ofC. because ofii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选

5、项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。9. The _ means the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.A. atmosphereB. liquidC. temperature10. To _ something means to damage something.A. destroyB. recycleC. spread11. In order to prevent the air pollution, we need to take _ action.A. successfulB. convenientC. proper12. Do you k

6、now that the population of the Earth is _ very fast?Yes, I do. And I think it will be controlled in the near future.A. increasingB. discoveringC. creating13. Im sorry, I didnt do that _. I just made a mistake.A. for funB. on purposeC. by chance三、词组英汉互译1. in danger 2. 由于 3. result in 4. 许多;大量 5. make

7、 a difference 6. 采取行动 7. act as 8. 经过 9. stick with 10. 没有时间做11. sit around 12. 凝视 13. for now 14. 惊讶地 15. fall on deaf ears 四、课文语法填空根据所学课文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Our world is facing many problems. One of them is the greenhouse effect. That is, the atmosphere around the Eart

8、h can let sunlight in and prevent heat from 1. _ (get) out. But now its polluted by too much CO2 so that it keeps in too much 2. _ (hot). As a result, the temperature is getting higher and sea level rises. Another problem is cutting down forests. It not only makes the greenhouse effect 3. _ (bad) bu

9、t also causes animals in the forests lose their homes. In addition, it makes the soil easy to 4. _ (wash) away by rain, which can result 5. _ floods and other disasters. The third problem is 6. _ (we) bad habits, such as using things 7. _ (one) and throwing rubbish everywhere. Such habits create lot

10、s of rubbish and cause pollution. 8. _ we want to protect the environment, we should take action now. We should buy and use environment-friendly 9. _ (product) and meanwhile try our best to recycle and reuse things. Only in this way can we play 10. _ active role in protecting the environment. 必考词汇背记

11、1. resultA. n.: sth. happens because of an action or event 成绩,结果The result was a complete surprise to everyone.结果完全出乎人们的意料。B. v.: come about; happen as a natural consequence 发生;导致The accident resulted in the death of five passengers.这起事故导致五名乘客丧生。常用短语as a result of 作为的结果result in 导致,造成结果拓展as a result

12、 因此,结果result from 起因于;由造成2. increase v.: make or become larger in amount or number(使)增长;增多They have increased the price of petrol again.他们又提高了汽油的价格。The population of this town has increased.这个城镇的人口增长了。反义词reduce v. 减小;降低拓展increase to . 增加到 increase by . 增加了3. purpose n.: the thing you want to achieve

13、 目标;目的He went to NewYork for the purpose of seeing his family.他到伦敦是为了去看他的家人。He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.他返回祖国, 意在为祖国人民服务。拓展on purpose 故意4. take action: take measures 采取行动If we dont take action to protect wild animals, they will be in danger.如果我们不采取行动保护野生动物,

14、它们将处于危险之中。We have to take action to stop poachers.我们得采取行动来制止偷猎者。拓展由 take 构成的常见短语:take care of . 照顾,照看take down 取下,拿下take off 脱下;起飞take away 拿走,带走take in 吸取,吸收5. make a difference: have an effect on 有作用;有影响I think you can make a difference.我觉得你可以发挥影响力的。Young people dont think their votes will make a

15、difference.年轻人认为他们的投票没什么作用。6. alive adj.: living 活着;在世用法alive 既可用作表语也可用作定语。用作定语时必须放在被修饰词的后面。His grandmother is still alive. 他的祖母还在世。She is the only person alive in that car accident.她是那次车祸中唯一的幸存者。辨析alive 表示“活着的;在世的”,常用作表语。living 表示“活着的”,可作定语,修饰人或物。7. missing adj.: cannot be found 失踪的The police are l

16、ooking for the missing child.警察正在寻找那个失踪的孩子。拓展miss v. 错过;想念I dont want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。Her children have gone to Australia, and she missed them very much.孩子们去了澳大利亚, 她非常惦记他们。8. awake v. & adj.: wake up(使)醒来;not asleep醒着的I awoke in the middle of the ni

17、ght. 我半夜醒了。The noise awoke me. 吵闹声把我吵醒了。Are you awake? 你醒了吗?反义词asleep adj. 睡着的拓展wide awake 完全醒着的9. stick with: continue to work hard at 持续;坚持Its easy to do anything if you stick with it.如果你能坚持去做一件事,那么就没有做不成的事。Amy stuck with her homework until it was done.艾米继续做她的作业,直到做完为止。拓展stick to 坚持,坚守;遵守She decid

18、ed to stick to her post. 她决定坚守自己的岗位。10. have no time to do 不愿为花时间;没时间做I have no time to run errands for her.我没有时间为她跑腿。People are so busy these days that many of them have no time to cook.现在人们都很忙,以至于很多人没有时间做饭。 写作句型运用1. prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事例句We must do something to prevent people from p

19、olluting the environment. 我们必须做一些事来阻止人们污染环境。运用Theres nothing to prevent them from _ (do) that.2. rather than 而不是;宁可也不愿例句At last, remember to go shopping with baskets rather than plastic bags. 最后,记得带篮子去购物而不是塑料袋。用法rather than 连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。运用她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。(汉译英)_ 写作模板狂背类型:低碳生

20、活典例:“我”的低碳生活模板:Its our duty to protect the environment. The environment is becoming worse and worse. We must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. First, we should go to school on foot and tell our parents to walk to work instead of driving the car. Second, we should save wa

21、ter and electricity by turning off the taps, fans, TV sets and lights in time when we dont need them. Whats more, water should be reused by us. Third, it is good to make full use of paper. We should use both sides of the paper. By doing this, we can save many trees. At last, remember to go shopping

22、with baskets rather than plastic bags.I believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things.提醒:能力提升卷(二十二)的书面表达就写低碳生活第二十二讲基础知识即时训练答案一、1. concern 2. atmosphere 3. temperature 4. fuel 5. result 6. surface 7. soil 8. habit 9. purpose 10. solution 11. government 12. earthquake 13. fl

23、ood 14. object 15. coach 16. screen 17. increase 18. destroy 19. recycle 20. stare 21. notice 22. awake 23. lifeless 24. proper 25. alive 26. deaf 27. missing 28. fellow 29. badly 30. immediately二、i. BCCBB CAC ii. AACAB三、1. 在危险中 2. as a result of 3. 造成;导致 4. mountains of 5. 有作用;有影响 6. take action 7. 充当 8. pass by 9. 持续;坚持 10. have no time to do 11. 无所事事地消磨时间;闲坐 12. stare at 13. 暂时 14. in surprise 15. 不被理睬;不被注意四、1. getting 2. heat 3. worse 4. be washed 5. in 6. our 7. once 8. If 9. products 10. an写作句型运用1. doing 2. She enjoys singing rather than dancing.


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