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1、中考英语阅读 (1) The Weather In winter the weather in England is often very cold. In spring and autumn there are sometimes cold days, but there are also days when the weather is warm. The weather is usually warm in summer. It is sometimes hot in summer, but it is not often very hot. There are often cool d

2、ays in summer. When the temperature is over 27, English people say it is hot. When the temperature is about 21, they say it is warm. In the north of Europe it is very cold in winter. In the south of Europe the summer is often very hot. In the south of Spain(1) and in North Africa(2) the summer is al

3、ways hot. Water freezes(3) at 0. When water freezes, it changes from a liquid(4) into ice. Water boils(5) at 100. When water boils, it changes from a liquid into steam(6).Notes: (1)Spain/speIn/n. 西班牙 (2)Africa/frIk/n.非洲 (3)freeze/fri:z/v.结冰 (4)liquid/lIkwId/n.液体 (5)boil/bIl/v.沸腾;(水)开 (6)steam/sti:m/

4、 n.蒸汽1.What is the weather like in summer in England? A.Very hot. B.Warm. C.Cool. D.Both A and C.2.What do you think “the north of Europe means? A.A part of a country. B.The capital of Europe. C.A country in the north of Europe. D.A part of Europe.3.When water freezes, it changes frominto. A.water,

5、ice B.water, steam C.steam, ice D.ice, water4.The writer wants to tell us something about. A.the weather in Europe B.the weather in England C.some knowledge of the temperature D. three states of water(2) The Artist and the Beggar(1) An artist was coming home by train one day. He hadnt much money but

6、 was very kind. He gave his last few coins(2) to a beggar, but he saw another one, and forgot that he didnt have any money in his pockets. He asked the man if he liked to have lunch with him, and the beggar, of course, agreed. So they went into a small restaurant and had a good meal. In the end, the

7、 artist could not pay the bill(3), and the beggar had to do so. The artist felt very sorry for it, so he said to the beggar, “Come home with me in a taxi, my friend. And Ill give you the money for our lunch. “Oh, no! the beggar answered quickly. “I had to pay for your lunch, but Im not going to pay

8、for your taxi home!Notes: (1)beggar/beg/ n.乞丐 (2)coin/kIn/n. 硬币 (3)bill /bIl/n.帐单1.What kind of man was the artist?2.What did he do to the first beggar?3.What did the artist forget when he invited another beggar to have lunch with him?4.Who paid for the meal?5.What did the artist want to do at last?

9、6.Why didnt the beggar go home with the artist?(3) A Common Language There is a common(1) language popular in every country in the world. All the people, old and young, men and women, must use it. Its everybodys second language. Its easy to learn, though(2) you dont hear it. Its sign language(3). Wh

10、en you wave to a friend, you are using sign language. When you smile at someone, you mean to be friendly. When you put up your hand in class, you are saying, “Please ask me. I know the correct answer. When you put your finger in front of your mouth, you mean “Be quiet. The deaf use sign language to

11、talk to each other. There is even a university for the deaf in the United States. There are also TV programmes for the deaf people. They use sign language to tell everybody.Notes: (1)common/kmn/adj. 共同的 (2)though/u/ conj. 尽管 (3)sign language 手势语 (4)wave/weIv/ v. 挥手1.Euses sign language.2.Sign langua

12、ge is not d, so we can learn it.3.Most people who can suse sign language, too.4.If someone smiles at you, it means he/she is friendly tyou.5.If you can aa question, you should put up your hand first.6.You put your finger in front of your mouth if you want someone not to sanything.7.The deaf can talk

13、 to each other wsign language.8.Some Adeaf people can learn sign language in the university (4) Tom Broke a Plate or a Gold Watch? It was Sunday and Tom was staying at home. After breakfast he went out into the garden and played quietly by himself. There were no kids around and he was used to(1) pla

14、ying alone quietly. He played with Bobby, the dog. He climbed up and down the tree. Sometimes a bird would come down to perch(2) on top of the doghouse. Then Tom would have the greatest fun(3) by throwing a stone or something at it. Though he never made it, he did like doing this kind of thing.Now T

15、om had been in the garden for half an hour. Suddenly a crack(4) was heard and the little boy began crying.“Whats the matter,Tom?his mother looked through the kitchen(5) window. Tom ran into the kitchen.“Mum, he sobbed(6). I broke Bobbys plate. I didnt know it was so fragile(7).His mother put her arm

16、s round him and said, “Dont feel so sad, Tom. We have other plates for Bobby. But how did you break that one?“I threw it at a bird but missed, and it went straight to the plate.In Toms hand was his fathers gold pocket watch(8)!Notes: (1)be used to 习惯于 (2)perch/p:t/n. 停歇 (3)fun/fn/n. 爱好 (4)crack /crk

17、/n. 破碎声 (5)kitchen/kItn/n. 厨房 (6)sob/sb/v. 抽泣 (7)fragile/frdaIl/adj. 易碎的 (8)gold pocket watch 金怀表1.When did the story happen? A.On a Sunday afternoon. B.On a Sunday morning. C.At noon. D.In the evening.2.When a bird perched on top of the doghouse,Tom. A.would like to play with it B.was very interest

18、ed in it by throwing a stone at it C.would like to give it something to eat D.would smile3.There were no kids around and he was used to playing alone quietly. Here“kids means. A.men B.dogs C.children D.birds4.How long had Tom been in the garden when his mother heard him cry? A.An hour. B.A day. C.Tw

19、o hours. D.Half an hour.5.“Though he never made it means“. A.Though he couldnt hit a bird with a stone or something B.Though he couldnt catch the bird C.Though he couldnt have fun from the bird D.Though he couldnt eat the bird(5) EatingAn important question about eating out is who pays for the meal.

20、 If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this,“Im afraid itll have to be someplace cheap, as I have very little money. The other person may say,“OK, Ill meet you at McDonalds.This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He

21、 may also say,“Oh, no. I want to take you to lunch at Smiths, or“I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there. Theyre great. This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly towards this person, you can go with him and you neednt pay for the meal. You may just say,“Thank you

22、. That would be very nice.American customs(1) about who pays for dates(2) are much the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a university(3) girl or a woman in business world will usually pay her way during the day. If a

23、 man asks her for a dance outside the working hours, it means “Come, as my guest(4).” So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning.Notes:(1)custom/kstm/n. 风俗 (2)date/deIt/n.约会 (3)university/、ju:nIv:sItI/n. 大学 (4)guest/gest/n. 客人1.The passage tells us. A.ho

24、w to eat out B.where to eat out C.what to eat out D.who pays for the meal2.If you have little money,. A.youll have a cheap meal B.youll borrow some from others C.youll ask your friend to pay for your meal D.you wont want your friends to ask you to dinner3.“Go Dutch in this passage means. A.去饭馆 B.就餐

25、C.订餐 D.各自付款4.Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means. A.hes going to lend some money to you B.hes going to pay for your meal, too C.hell be angry with you D.he cant understand you5.In America,some girls and womennow. A.ask men to pay for their meals B.try to pay for the mens meals C.try t

26、o pay for their own meals D.never have anything outside阅读理解(6)Most children like watching TV.Its very interesting.By(1) watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world.Of course,they can also learn over the radio.But they can learn better and more easi

27、ly with TV.Why?Because they can hear and watch at the same time.But they cant see anything over the radio.TV helps to open childrens eyes.TV helps to open their minds(2),too.They learn newer and better ways of doing things.They may find the world is now smaller than before.Many children watch TV onl

28、y on Saturday or Sunday evening.They are always busy with their lessons.But a few children watch TV every night.They go to bed very late.They cant have a good rest.How about you,my young friends?Notes:(1)by/baI/prep.通过 (2)minds/maIndz/n.智力 1.A few children go to bed late because they. A.are busy wit

29、h their lessons B.do their homework C.watch TV D.listen to the radio 2.Children cant see anything. A.in the radioB.on the radio C.on TV D.by watching TV 3.TV helps to open childrens. A.eyes and minds B.minds C.eyes or minds D.eyes 4.children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. A.A lot B.Muc

30、h C. A lot of D.A little 5.Children can study better and more easily with TV because. A.they like to watch TV B.they can hear at the same time C.they can watch at the same time D.they can listen to and see something at the same time 阅读理解7John was ten years old and he was very lazy1.He had to go to s

31、chool,of course,but he was bored2there and tried to do as little work as possible.His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that he would become one,too,when he grew up.But one day John said to his mother,“When I finish school, I want to become a garbage collector3.”“A garbage collector

32、?”his mother asked .She was very surprised.“Thats not a pleasant job.Why do you want to become a garbage collector?”“Because then Id only have to work one day a week,”John answered.“Only one day a week?”his mother said,“What do you mean?”“Well,”John answered,“I know that the ones who come to our hou

33、se only work on Wednesday,because I only saw them on that day.”Notes:1lazy/leIzI/adj.懒的 2bored/bd/adj.厌烦 3garbage collector 垃圾工 1.Johnat school. A.didnt do any work B.did much work C.did very little work D.tried to finish his work 2.Johns parents wanted him to become. A.a garbage collector B.a docto

34、r C.a teacher D.a worker 3.John hoped to be a garbage collector because. A.he knew it was an important and necessary job B.he thought he would work only one day a week C.he often saw some garbage collectors come to his house D.the garbage collectors really work only one day a week 4.John thought tha

35、t the garbage collectors only work one day a week because. A.it was a rule B.some garbage collectors told him so C.his parents told him so D.he saw them work only on Wednesday阅读理解(8)Bill and Fred studied at a university and they were friends. They didnt have much money, so when it was time for their

36、 holidays, Fred said, “Lets take our holidays in a trailer1, Bill. Its cheaper than a hotel. I can borrow my fathers trailer.”Fred was very happy. So they got into the trailer and began their holidays. They wanted to get up early the next day to go fishing, but they didnt have an alarm1 clock. “That

37、s all right, Bill, Fred said. “Ill put these pieces of bread on the roof3 of the trailer tonight and theyll wake us up in the morning. Bill was very surprised, but he didnt say anything. Fred was right. As soon as it began to get light, small birds came down to eat the bread, and their noise on the

38、roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quickly. Notes:1trailer/treIl/ n. 活动房屋式的拖车 2alarm/la:m/ n. 警报 alarm clock 闹钟 3roof/ru:f/ n. 顶;房顶1.Bill and Fred were both university s.2.The two young men decided to go t during their summer holidays.3.The two young men tried to ssome money,so they borr

39、owed a trailer.4.The two young men wanted to get up, but they were ato wake up too late the next morning.5.Fred had a good i.6.Bill didnt know whis friend put some bread on the top of the trailer.7.The next morning, the birds found the bread and flew to eit.8.In fact, the bwoke the two young men up.

40、9.The birds began to look for fas soon as it got light.10.Fred was very c.阅读理解(9)Some children think writers are great and they can tell people a lot. So they also wish to be writers some day. They mean that they want to write stories or books which many persons will read. I would like to remind1 th

41、em that they will need to be good readers and to read a lot in order to2 be good writers. Nearly all great writers read too long before they started to school, and read for hours and hours every day since they became good readers. Instead of watching TV in the evening, they spend much of their spare

42、3 time reading books. If you are a good reader, it wont take you long to do the reading homework your teacher asks you to do. Then you will have time to read other books for fun. Because you read so well, you keep looking for more books to read. While making up your mind4 to become a good writer, yo

43、u had better say to yourself,“I must read more and more if I am really to become a good writer. Notes:1remind/rImaInd/v. 提醒 2in order to 为了 3spare /spe/adj. 多余的 4make up ones mind 下决心1.Some of the children like the gwriters.2.The writer told the children to read mbefore they hope to be writers.3.A l

44、ot of writers la lot from other writers books and stories.4.For a student, he or she should do the reading homework well f.5.Doing much good reading can h you to be a good writer.阅读理解(10)Australia is one of the greatest islands in the world.It is a little smaller than China.It is in the south of the

45、 earth.So when there is hot summer in our country,it is cold winter in Australia.Australia is big,but the population1 has small.The population of Australia is the same as that of Shanghai,a city in China.Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos2.After a short drive from any town,you will find

46、 yourself in the middle of white sheep,sheep,sheep,everywhere are sheep.Have you seen a kangaroo?It has a “bag” in its body.The mother kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroo in the “bag”.It is very interesting,isnt it?Notes:1population /、ppjuleIn/n.人口 2kangaros /、kgru:/n.袋鼠根据短文内容判断正()、误()。 1.China is larger than Australia. 2.Australia is an island country. 3.The population of Australia is as large as that of China. 4.Kangaroos are small animals li


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