
上传人:大张伟 文档编号:6194504 上传时间:2020-09-22 格式:DOCX 页数:3 大小:50.91KB
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1、高中英语短篇演讲稿同学们:the students:没有了对手和较量,没有了危机和竞争,任何事物都会因松懈而倦怠,从而走向颓废甚至灭亡。关于这个警句的故事很耐人寻味:一个参加过二战的英国老兵去日本旅游,看到3个日本孩子在玩一种叫“生存”的游戏,一张一张卡片上分别有虎、狼、狗、羊、鸡、猎人等图案, 三个孩子各执一副。游戏规则是: 虎能通吃, 但两个猎人可以打死一只虎; 一个猎人可以打死一只狼,但两只狼可以吃掉一个猎人; 虎和狼都被消灭后,一只羊能吃掉一只狗。他大惑不解, 怎么会有这样的逻辑?日本孩子的回答是: “虎和狼都没了, 狗就会处在放松状态,这时,不但羊能吃掉它,两只鸡也能将它消灭。没有了

2、对手和较量,没有了危机和竞争,任何事物都会因松懈而倦怠,从而走向颓废甚至灭亡我们的教科书上就是这么写的! ”chicken, hunter and other patterns, three children each hold one vice. the rules of the game are: tiger can sweep the deck, but the two hunters killed a tiger; a hunter can kill a wolf, but two wolf can eat a hunter; tigers and wolves have been e

3、liminated, a sheep can eat a dog. he be not a little bewildered, how can there be such a logic? japanese children s answer is: tiger and wolf are gone, the dog will be in a relaxedstate, then, not only sheep can eat it, twoeven death in our textbook - its written on!同学们, 多么发人深思、 催人警醒啊 ! 正是有了危机和竞争意识,

4、日本,这个资源极度贫乏、人口众多的岛国,才会在二战的废墟上迅速崛起,一跃成为世界经济强国 ! 竞争,是一种精神。每当我们看到体育场上运动健将们奋力拼搏的时候,我们无不为之感动,为之振臂高呼。使我们为之感动,为之高呼的是运动员勇往直前、不甘落后的精神,如果没有这种精神,体育将失去其真正的意义。同样,如果没有这种精神,将变得毫无生气。有了竞争意识,人才会有顽强的生命力。龟兔第一次赛跑,由于兔子骄傲自满而惨遭失败,而在第二次赛跑时它能急起直追,终于反败为胜。因此,可以这么说,兔子的失败,是因为没有竞争 ; 兔子反败为胜,是因为有了竞争。竞争,是一种动力,是推动社会向前发展的动力。如果没有竞争,社会就

5、会停滞不前,人民的生活水平就不会提高。几百年前,爱迪生发明了有线电话,本世纪初美国推出了无线电话,改为民用时又推出了模拟电话,俗称大哥大, 后篇二: 原创 我身边的中国故事英语演讲稿when i was out for a travel injeju island, what surprised me most are those chinesefeatures all around this prestigious scenic spot of korea. the moment i got out ofthe plane,i was amused by thosebroken chines

6、ewords printedon the wall oftheairport.most of those hilarious words say“ currency exchange!” or “ greatest hotel roomever! ” and “ duty freeshops ” ina prettyfunny way. iguess chinesepeople are,like, walking cash to them. anyway, although those who wrote them clearly are noteven close to good chine

7、se speakers, they had indeed made my travel phenomenallyconvenientas well as homelikeatthesame time. thereis even a wholedistrictcalledjungmun, which means “ chinese ” in korean. it is one of the most bustling placesin jeju, as tourists from china basically bought the whole place up. i could evenspe

8、nd rmb in jeju, which is usually not allowed in other religious or countries.chinese tourists have indeed promoted the economics there, i guess.another interesting phenomenon i d like to talk about is the chinese featurein us tv series. as you allknow,us tv seriesplay a ratherimportantpartinchineses

9、tudents lives. agents of shield is a well-known series and i personally love itvery much. when an agent came back, half-dead, saying“ i have spent my last fouryears ina shanxicooper mine”,i couldn thelplaughing.and idonthave to mentionthechinesefoodsaturdayof sheldonin thebig bang theory,themysterio

10、usgirlfriendnamed shadow ofoliverqueen inthearrow, and those meaninglessquotingofconfuciusand sun zi in countless us tv series. american writers seem to see chinatown as asacred and exotic place in which live insidious villains who happen to master kungfu and have serious asian faces.these phenomena

11、 above are just a smallpart of chinese features overseas i havenoticed.needlessto say,the riseofchinahas indeedbecame more and more relevantand significanttotheordinarychinesepeople.theremost certainlyis notany othercountryinthisworldthathas changed itsinternationalstandingatthismagnitude,and the wo

12、rld is embracing china in an unprecedented way.however, althoughwe have seen theprogressmade by theworld,i m stillhopingthatthey can see throughthe surfacetoperceivethe essenceofchina.what we shouldreally focuson are every individualof the1.3billion ordinarychinese. we shouldchange the viewpoint and

13、 take a serious look at china, at chinese people, at theirdown-to-earth dreams,attheirimpulsivedriveto change theirfate,tochange theirnations fate, and at their kindhearted temperaments, at their diligent characters.todays china is made up of chinese people who have virtue and excellence, not justof

14、 bruce lee and kung pao chicken cubes. we should not overlook this great country,and we most certainly should not see only the high-rise buildings and the apparentprosperity, but also lay our sights on those unsung heroes who have been makingcontributions to this very society since the beginning.篇三:

15、高中英语短篇演讲稿高中英语短篇演讲稿同学们:the students:没有了对手和较量,没有了危机和竞争,任何事物都会因松懈而倦怠,从而走向颓废甚至灭亡。关于这个警句的故事很耐人寻味:一个参加过二战的英国老兵去日本旅游,看到3个日本孩子在玩一种叫“生存”的游戏,一张一张卡片上分别有虎、狼、狗、羊、鸡、猎人等图案, 三个孩子各执一副。游戏规则是: 虎能通吃, 但两个猎人可以打死一只虎; 一个猎人可以打死一只狼,但两只狼可以吃掉一个猎人; 虎和狼都被消灭后,一只羊能吃掉一只狗。他大惑不解, 怎么会有这样的逻辑?日本孩子的回答是: “虎和狼都没了, 狗就会处在放松状态,这时,不但羊能吃掉它,两只鸡也

16、能将它消灭。没有了对手和较量,没有了危机和竞争,任何事物都会因松懈而倦怠,从而走向颓废甚至灭亡我们的教科书上就是这么写的! ”chicken, hunter and other patterns, three children each hold one vice. the rules of the game are: tiger can sweep the deck, but the two hunters killed a tiger; a hunter can kill a wolf, but two wolf can eat a hunter; tigers and wolves ha

17、ve been eliminated, a sheep can eat a dog. he be not a little bewildered, how can there be such a logic? japanese children s answer is: tiger and wolf are gone, the dog will be in a relaxedstate, then, not only sheep can eat it, twoeven death in our textbook - its written on!同学们, 多么发人深思、 催人警醒啊 ! 正是有

18、了危机和竞争意识,日本,这个资源极度贫乏、人口众多的岛国,才会在二战的废墟上迅速崛起,一跃成为世界经济强国!竞争,是一种精神。每当我们看到体育场上运动健将们奋力拼搏的时候,我们无不为之感动,为之振臂高呼。使我们为之感动,为之高呼的是运动员勇往直前、不甘落后的精神,如果没有这种精神, 体育将失去其真正的意义。 同样,如果没有这种精神, 将变得毫无生气。有了竞争意识,人才会有顽强的生命力。龟兔第一次赛跑,由于兔子骄傲自满而惨遭失败,而在第二次赛跑时它能急起直追,终于反败为胜。因此,可以这么说,兔子的失败,是因为没有竞争 ; 兔子反败为胜,是因为有了竞争。竞争,是一种动力,是推动社会向前发展的动力。如果没有竞争,社会就会停滞不前,人民的生活水平就不会提高。.


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