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1、.2014One night, when I was eight , my mother gently asked me a question I wouldnever forget. “Sweetie, my company wants to16me but needs me to work inBrazil. This is like your teacher telling that you ve done17and allowing you toskip a grade(跳级 ), but youll have to18your friends. Would you say yes t

2、o yourteacher?”She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled. Thequestion kept me 19 for the rest of the night I had said “yes”but for the first time, Irealized the 20 decisions adults had to make.For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Everyevening Id

3、 21 wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her 22 and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.During my fourth-grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her. Looking ather large23apartment, I became24 how lonely my mo

4、ther must have been inBrazil herself. It was then 25I started to appreciate the tough choices she had tomake on26family and work.27difficult decisions, she used to tell me, youwouldntknow whether you make the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with passion and a 2

5、8 attitude.Back home , I29myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she30to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be31. I learn how to takecare of myself and set high but achievable 32.My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the33hasreally taught me. Sacr

6、ifices 34in the end. The separation between us has proved tobe 35 for me.16.A. attractB. promoteC. surpriseD. praise17.A. littleB. muchC. wellD. wrong18.A. leaveB. refuseC. contactD. forgive19.A. explainingB. sleepingC. wonderingD. regretting20.A. poorB. timelyC. finalD. tough21.A. eagerlyB. politel

7、yC. nervouslyD. curiously.22.A. patienceB. presenceC. intelligenceD. Influence23.A. Comfortable B. ExpensiveC. EmptyD. Modern24.A. Interested inB. aware ofC. doubtfulD. satisfied with25.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. that26.A. abandoningB. balancingC. comparingD. mixing27.A. Depending onB. supplied withC

8、. Faced withD. Insisting on28.A. differentB. friendlyC. positiveD. general29.A. criticizedB. informedC. warnedD. reminded30.A. managedB. offeredC. attemptedD. expected31.A. gratefulB. energeticC. independentD. practical32.A. examplesB. limitsC. rulesD. goals33.A. questionB. experienceC. historyD. oc

9、casion34.A. pay offB. come backC. run outD. turn up35.A. blessingB. gatheringC. failureD. Pleasure16-20 BCACD 21-25 ABCBD 26-30 BCCDA 31-35 CDBAA2013AsI held my father s hands one night, Icouldn thelp but notice their calluses(老茧) androughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a16,including a

10、ll his struggles.One summer, I remember, a drought ( 旱灾) hit Ontario,turning it into a17desert.Onone og those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last18from thegrocery store.Fifty dozen was all we needed, which19took twenty minutes.That morning,however,the process didnt 20q

11、uickly.After forty minutesof aimlessly walking in the field,we21needed twenty dozen.I was completely frustratedand22.Dropping thebasket heavily,I declared,“ If the store wantsitslasttwentydozen,they can pick it themselves1 ” Dad23.“Just think,my little girl,only ten dozen leftfor each of us and then

12、 we re24.”Such is Dad-whatever problem he25,henever gives up.26 , the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our county.It was a challenging time for everyone,27Dad remained optimistic.He28to begrateful forother things likegoodhealth and food on our plated.Onlythen did Itruly begin to2

13、9Dad and his faiththatguided us through the hard times.Dad is also a living example of real30.From dawn to dusk,he warks countless hoursto31our family.He alwaysputs our happiness32hisown,and never fails tocheer me on at my sports games33his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless.nature

14、has inspired me to become more sympathetic and34putting others first.Dad, the life35I have learned from youwillstay withme forever.You are myfather,teacher,friend and,most importantly,my hero.16.A.teacherB.gardenerC.farmerD.grocer17.A.stormyB. livelyC.disappearingD.burning18.A.orderB.formC.gapD.posi

15、tion19.A.repeatedlyB.normallyC.finallyD.really20.A.goB.beginC.occurD.change21.A.yetB.stillC.evenD.nearly22.A.surprisedB.nervousC.angryD.frightened23.A.apologizedB.criedC.complainedD.laughed24.A.lostB.doneC.goneD.touched25.A.meets withB.brings upC.works outD.thinks about26.A.ThankfullyB.HopefullyC. U

16、nfortunatelyD.Strangely27.A.orB.forC.soD.but28.A.happenedB.seemedC.continuedD.aimed29.A.faceB.appreciateC.examineD.question30.A.loveB.prideC.friendshipD.honesty31.A.supportB.settleC.startD.impress32.A.afterB.beforeC.besideD.under33.A.in spite ofB.in terms ofC.in control ofD.in place of34.A.carefulB.

17、regretfulC.considerateD.humorous35.A.historyB.mottoC.patternsD.lessons16-35CDABABCDBACDCBAABACD2012I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13. My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to E1 Capitan, a_16_ rock of

18、 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew _17_ I wanted to climb it. That has been my life s passion (钟爱 ) ever since- _18_ the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. I ve long made Yosemite my _19_.About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of _20_, like toilet paper, beer cans, and empt

19、y boxes, around the area. It s _21_ me why visitors started respecting the place _22_ andtreated such a beautiful home-like place this way.I tried _23_ trash( 垃圾 )myself, but the job was too big. I would _24_an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally

20、, I got so _25_ it that I decided something had to change.As a rock-climbing guide, I knew _26_about organizing any big event. But in 2004, together with some climbers, I set a date for a _27_. On that day, more than 300 people_28_. Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was am

21、azing how much we were able to _29_. I couldn tbelieve the _30_ we made -the park looked clean!Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2007 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and _31_ 132 miles of roadway.I often hear people _32_ about their surroundings. If y

22、ou are one of them, I would say.the only way to change things is by _33_rather than complaining. We need toteach by_34_. You cantblame others _35_ you start with yourself.16.A. distantB. hugeC. narrowD. loose17.A. immediatelyB. finallyC. graduallyD.recently18.A. imaginingB. paintingC. describingD.cl

23、imbing19.A. gardenB. homeC. labD. palace20.A. materialB. resourcesC. wasteD. goods21.A. beyondB. againstC. overD.within22.A. moreB. mostC. lessD. least23.A. throwing awayB. picking upC. breaking downD.digging out24.A. killB. saveC. waitD. spend25.A. satisfied withB. delighted inC. tired ofD. usedto2

24、6.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD.nothing27.A. cleanupB. partyC. picnicD.concert28.A. dropped outB. showed upC. looked aroundD. calledback29.A. demandB. receiveC. accomplishD.overcome30.A. planB. visitC. contactD.difference31.A. crossedB. measuredC. coveredD.designed32.A. talkB. complainC. arg

25、ueD.quarrel33.A. doingB. thinkingC. questioningD.watching34.A. methodB. explanationC. exampleD.research35.A . althoughB. ifC. whenD.useless16-20 BADBC21-25 ACBDC26-30 DABCD31-35 CBACD.2011A Love Note To My MomWhen I was a little girl, would often accompany you as you modeled for fashionphotographers

26、. It was years later thatfinally understood what role modeling16in your life. Little did I known you were17 every penny you earned to go to18school.I cannot thank you enough for 19you told me one autumn afternoon when Iwas nine. After finishing my homework. I wanted into the dining where you werebur

27、ied20piles of law books. Iwas21.Why were you doing what Idomemorizing textbooks and studying for22 ?When you said you were in lawschool, I was more puzzled. I didn t known23. Momsbelawyers too. You smiledand said, “life,In you can do anything you want to do.”As young as I was, that statement kept24i

28、n my ears. I watched as youfaced the25 of completing your studies, staring companies with Dad, while stillbeinga26 and a Mom if fivekids. I was exhausted just watching you27 .With your words of wisdom in my28 mind, I suddenly felt unlimitedfreedom to dream. My whole world29.I set out to live my life

29、 filled with30 , seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.Your words became my motto. I31found myself in the unique position ofbeing either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) 32 one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength ever

30、y time I said ,I ll try that.”Encouragedby your 33, I have forged ahead (毅然前行 ) with my life sjourney, less afraid to make mistakes, and 34meeting each challenge. You did it,and now I m 35 it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.16.A. foundB. playC. keptD. provided17.A. savingB.

31、 makingC. donatingD. receiving18.A. businessB. fashionC. lawD. medical19.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. where20.A. atB. toC. uponD. under21.A. amusedB. worriedC. puzzledD. disappointed22.A. roleB. testsC. positionsD. shows23.A. mustB. ought toC. needD. could24.A. ringingB. blowingC. fallingD. beating25.A.

32、 choicesB. chancesC. challengesD. changes26.A. professorB. doctorC. reporterD. model27.A. in dangerB. in actionC. in troubleD. in charge28.A. weakB. powerfulC. youthfulD. empty29.A. came backB. closed downC. went byD. opened up30.A. hopeB. hardshipC. harmonyD. sadness31.A. constantlyB. shortlyC. har

33、dlyD. nearly.32.A. andB. butC. orD. for33.A. descriptionB. statementC. praiseD. introduction34.A. secretlyB. curiouslyC. carelesslyD. eagerly35.A. doingB. considering C. correcting D. reading1620 BACAD2125 CBDAC 26 30 DBCDA3135 ACBDA2010Robert Moody, 52, is an experienced police officer. Much of his

34、 work involves dealing with16an gang (团伙 )problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often17trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids togo fishing with him on his day18.Those fun trips had a(n) 19impact. A chance encounter

35、in 2000 proved that. One day,20working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys21.He sensedtrouble between them.22one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug.23” Iyou. You took me24when I wasin fifth grade. That was one of the25days of mylife .”Deeply touched by the

36、boy s word, Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会) that26teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs.“ As a27policeman,therewasIsawviolence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging28on the kids,” says Moody.By turning kids on to fishing, he29to present an alternative way of l

37、ife,“ When you resitting there waiting for a30 , ” he says,“ you can t help but talk to each other, and31 suchcan be pretty deep.”“ Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人) pressures in high school,” saysMichelle, 17 who32the first program.“ And I was able to help my little brother33d

38、rugs.”Moody faces 34 in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation full- time.” I m living ahappy life and I have a responsibility to my35 to give back,” Moody says.” If I teach a kid tofish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”16. A. drinkingB drugC securityD smoking17. A. ran in

39、toB got overC left behindD looked into18. A aheadB awayC offD out.19.A immediateB damagingC limitedD lasting20.A onceB whileC sinceD until21.A quarrelingB complainingC talkingD cheering22.A SlowlyB SuddenlyC FinallyD Secretly23.A understandB hearC. seeD remember24.A fishingB sailingC boatingD. swimm

40、ing 25.A quietestB longestC bestD busiest26.A connectsB introducesC reducesD commits27.A whereB unlessC asD whether28.A impressionB burdenC decisionD impact29.A askedB intendedC pretendedD agreed30.A solutionB changeCbiteD surprise31.A concernsB interestsC conversationsD emotions32.A. participated i

41、nB. worked outC. approved ofD. made up33.A. misuseB. avoidC. tolerateD. test34.A. unemploymentB. challengeC. competitionD. retirement35.A. teamB. schoolC. familyD. community16.B17. A18.C19. D20.B 21.A22.B 23.D24.A 25. C 26. B 27.A28.D 29. B30. C 31C32. A33.B34.D35.D2009The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school. He 16 me with a puzzle - all because he waved to me likesomeone does 17 seeing a close friend. A big, 18 s


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