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1、.2011 年职称英语理工类模拟试题及答案第 1 部分:词汇选项 (第 115 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) l 、Have you talked to her lately?A lastlyB finallyC shortlyD recently2 、 While we dontagree ,we continue to befriendsA whoeverB whereC AlthoughD Whatever3 、 Enormous sums of money have been spent on space explorationA MuchB LargeC SmallD Fixed

2、t4 、 About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancerA every yearB severelyC activelyD every month5 、 The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accidentA secretsB detailsC benefitsD words6 、 We willtake yourrecentillnessintoconsiderationwhenmarkingyourexamsA effectB acco

3、untC effortD discount;.7 、 There are a limited number of books on this subject in the libraryA smallB totalC goodD great8 、 The chairman proposed that we should stop the meetingA showedB suggestedC agreedD believed9 、 Mary has blended the ingredients.A madeB mixedC cookedD eaten10 、They agreed to mo

4、dify their policyA clarifyB defineC changeD develop11 、 The dentist has decided to extract her bad toothA take outB break offC push inD dig up12 、 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in SeptemberA playB showC sendD tell13 、 This table is strong and durablePA long-lastingB extensiveC fa

5、r-reachingD eternal14 、 He endured great pain before he finally expiredA firedB resigned;.C diedD retreated15 、 The girl is gazing at herself the mirrorA smilingB laughingC shoutingD staring第 2 部分:阅读判断 (第 16 22 题,每题 1 分,共 7 分) Mother Nature Shows Her StrengthTornadoes( 龙卷风 )andheavythunderstormsmove

6、dacrosstheGreatLakes andinc0TrumbullCountyonSaturdayevening :The stormsweredramatic and dangerousGeorge Snyder was driving the fire truck down Route 88 when he firstnoticed that a funnel(漏斗状的 )cloud was behind him“I stopped the truckand watched the funnel cloudIt was about 100 feet off the ground an

7、d I sawit go up and down for a while It was moving toward Bradley Road and thensuddenly it disappeared”Snyder saidSnyderonlysawoneofthefunnelcloudsthatpassedthroughnortheastern Ohio on Saturday In Trumbull County, a tornado turned treesonto their sides Some trees feel onto houses and Cars Other tree

8、s fell intotelephone and electrical wires as they went downAmanda Symcheck was having a party when the storm began“I knewsomethingwaswrong ,”shesaid “I sawtheskygo green andpink( 粉红色) Then it sounded like a train rushing toward the houseI started cryingand told everyone to go to the basement for pro

9、tection”The tornado caused a lot of damage to cars and houses in the areaIt will;.take a longtimeand muchmoneytorepaireverything There wasalsoserious water damage from me under stormsThe heavy rains and high windcaused the power to go out in many homesThe storms caused serious flooding in areas near

10、 the riverMore than fourinches of rain fell in parts of Trumbull CountyThe river was so hight that thewater ran into streets and housesMany streets hadtobeclosedtoCars andtrucksbecauseof thehighwater This madeitdifficult forfiretrucks policecars ,andother rescuevehicles to help people who were in tr

11、oubleMany people who live near the river had to leave their homes for theirown safety Some people reported five feet of water in their homes Localand state officialsopenedemergencyshelters for the people whowereevacuated( 撤走 )The Red Cross served meals to them“This was a reallyintensestorm。 ”said Sn

12、yder Peoplewereafraid.MotherNaturecallbefierce We wereluckythis time No onewaskilled ”16 The weather was nice in Trumbull County on Saturday eveningA RightB WrongC Not mentioned17 George Snyder was a firefighterA RightB WrongC Not mentioned18 Amanda Symcheck was having a party in the basement when t

13、he stormbegan A RightB WrongC Not mentioned;.19 Power supply system was not damaged during the stomaA RightB WrongC Not mentioned20 There had not been such a severe storm in Trumbull County for a hundredyearsA RightB WrongC Not mentioned21 Rescue vehicles had a hard time getting to peopleA RightB Wr

14、ongC Not mentioned22 Several people were missing during the stormA RightB WrongC Not mentioned第 3 部分:概括大意与完成句子(第 23 30题,每题 1分,共 8 分 )Global Warmingl 、Smoke is clouding our view of global warming, protecting the planet fromperhaps three-quarters of the greenhouse(温室 )effect That might sound likegood

15、news ,but experts say that as the cover diminishes in coming decades,we are facing a dramatic increase of warming that could be two or even threetimes as great as official best guesses2 、 This was the dramaticconclusionreached lastweek at a workshopinDahlem ,Berlin, where top atmosphericscientistsgo

16、ttogether,includingNobel prizewinner PaulCrutzenand Swedish scientistBert Bolin ,formerchairman of the UNS Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)3 、 IPCC scientists have suspected for a decade that aerosols(浮质 )of smokeand other particles from burning rainforest,crop waste and fossil fuels

17、areblocking sunlight and counteracting the warming effect of carbon dioxide(二;.氧 化 物 )emissions Untilnow , theyreckonedthataerosolsreducedgreenhouse warming by perhaps a quarter, cutting increases by 02 。CSothe 0 6 。C of warming over the past century would have been 08C withoutaerosols 4、 ButtheBerl

18、inworkshopconcludedthattherealfigureisevenhigher-aerosolsmayhavereducedglobalwarmingbyasmuchasthree-quarters,cutting increases by 18 。C If SO ,the good news is thataerosols have prevented the world getting almost two degrees warmer thanit is now But the bad news is that the climate system is much mo

19、re sensitiveto greenhouse gases than previously guessed5 、As those gases are expected to continue accumulating in the atmospherewhileaerosolsstabilizeorfall,thatmeansdramaticconsequencesforestimates of future climate change,the scientists agreed in a draft reportfrom the workshop23 Paragraph 224 Par

20、agraph 325 Paragraph 426 Paragraph 5A 、 Atmospheric ScientistsB 、 The Calculations Made at the Berlin WorkshopC 、 The Previous Calculations of the Effect of AerosolsD 、 The ScientistsAgreement;.E 、The Authoritative ConclusionF、 Greenhouse Gases27 、When the cover diminishes in the coming decades,temp

21、erature28 、The conclusion reached at the Berlin workshop29 、 The Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure30 、 The increase of greenhouse gasesA 、 will influence future climate changeB 、 was somewhat surprisingC 、 will rise rapidlyD 、 was known to US allE 、was much higher than had been expected

22、 F、 will drop dramatically第 4 部分:阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3 分,共 45 分 )第一篇 Sleepless at NightIt was a normalsummernight Humidity(湿气 )hungin thethickair Icouldntgo to sleep ,partlybecauseof mycoldand partly becauseof myexpectations for the next dayMy mum had said that tomorrow was going tobe a surpriseSweat

23、stuck to my aching bodyFinally, gathered enough strength to situp I looked out of my small window into the night There was a big brightmoon hanging in the sky, giving off a magic lightI couldnt stand the pressure anymore,so I did what I always do to make;.myself feel betterI went to the bathroom and

24、 picked up my toothbrush andtoothpasteI cleaned my teeth as if there was no tomorrowBack and forth,up and downThen I walkeddownstairsto lookforsomesigns of movement,somelife Gladiator,mycat,frightenedmeas hemeowed(喵喵地唱出 )hissadsong He was on the old orange couch(长沙发 ), sitting up on his front legs,w

25、aiting for something to happenHe looked at me as if to say IIm lonely,pet me I need a good hug(紧抱 )Even the couch begged me to sit on itInonemovementI settleddownontothesoftcouch Thiscouchrepresentedmyparentsmarriage,mybirth ,andhundredsofotherlittleevents As I heldGladiator,myheartstartedbeatinghea

26、vily Mymindwasflooded with questions:Whats life? Am I really alive? Are you listening to me?Every time I moved my hand down Gladiators body, I had a new thought;each touch sang a different songI forgot all about the heat and the next days surprise The atmospherewas so full of warmth and silence that

27、 I sank into its almsFalling asleep withthe big cat in my arms,I felt all my worries slowly move away31 The author of the passage could not go to sleep partly becauseA 、 it was too coldB、 it was too dryC、 he had a coldD 、 he had a fever;.32 What was the weather like that night?A 、 It was chillyB、 It

28、 was windyC 、 It was fine D 、 It was cloudy 33 The author brushed his teeth over and overA 、 to relieve himself of the pressureB、 to ease his toothacheC、 to shake off the coldD 、 to remove the dirt34 Gladiator was the name ofA 、 a movie B、 a pet C、 a couch D 、 a song 35 What did the“couch ”represent

29、?A 、 A new thoughtB 、 Different songsC 、 A comfortable lifeD 、 Happy memories第二篇:自己准备自己专业的相关押题文章并熟悉问题的变化,加15 分。;.第三篇 Renewable Energy SourcesTodaypetroleum(石 油 )providesaround40%oftheworld s energyneeds,mostlyfuellingautomobiles.Coalisstillused,mostlyinpowerstations,tocoverone-quarterofourenergyneed

30、s,butitistheleastefficient,unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel(矿物燃料 ).Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil,but reserves ofthat will not last into the 22nd centuryeither.Mostexpertspredictwewillexhausteasilyaccessiblereserveswithin50years.Less-pollutingrenew

31、ableenergysourcesofferamorepracticallong-termenergysolution. “Renewable ”refers to the fact thattheseresourcesarenot usedfaster than they can be replaced.Hydroelectric( 水力发电 的 )powerisnowthemostcommonformofrenewableenergy,supplying around20% ofworldelectricity.Chinas ThreeGorges Dam is the largest e

32、ver.Atfivetimesthesizeofthe USs HooverDam,its26 turbines(涡轮 机 )willgeneratetheequivalentenergyof18coal-fired power stations.It will satisfy 3% of Chinas entire electricity demand.In 2003,the first commercial power station to use tidal(潮汐的 )currents inthe open sea opened in Norway.It is designed like

33、 windmill(风车 ),but otherstake the form of turbines.Aspricesfall,windpowerhasbecomethefastestgrowingtypeofelectricitygeneration-quadrupling(翻 两 番 )worldwidebetween1999and2005.Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity.Thoughit will bemoreexpensive,thereismorethanenoughwindto prov

34、idethe;.world s entireenergyneeds.Windfarmscomeinonshoreandoffshoreforms.Theycanoftenendupatspotsofnaturalbeauty,andareoftenunpopularwithresidents.Andturbinesare nottotallyharmless-theycaninterferewithradar,alterclimateandkillseabirds.ScotlandisbuildingEurope s largest wind farm,which will power 200

35、,000 homes.The UKs goal istogenerateone-fifthofpowerfromrenewablesources,mainlywind,by2020.But this may cause problems,because wind is unreliable.31.According to the passage,which of the following is the most pollutingenergy resource?A.Petroleum.B.Coal.C.Natural gasD.Water.32.China s Three Gorges Da

36、mA.is the first hydroelectric dam in the world.B.is of the same size as the USs Hoover Dam.C.can generate around 3% of world electricity.D.is the largest hydroelectric dam in the world.33.Whichcountrytooktheleadinmakinguseoftidalcurrentstoproduce power in 2003?A.The UK.B.China.C.Norway.D.The US.34.O

37、ne of the problems with wind farms is thatA.there is not enough wind.B.wind is not reliable.C.they can only be built on the sea.D.they might influence the world economy.;.35.According to the passage,resources like wind areA.renewable.B.recyclable.C.damaging.D.scarce.第 5 部分:补全短文 (第 4650 题,每题 2 分,共 10

38、 分) You Need Courage!Shortly after I began a career in business, I learned that Carl Weatherup,presidentofPepsiCo( 百事 可乐公司 ) , wasspeakingattheUniversityofColorado I tracked down the person handling his schedule and managed toget myself an appointment (46)So there 1 was sitting outside the universit

39、ys auditorium, waiting for thepresident of PepsiCoI could hear him talking to the students.and talking,and talking (47)He was now five minutes over, which dropped my timewith him down to 10 minutesDecision timeI wrote a note on the back of my business card,reminding him that he hada meetingYou have

40、a meeting with Jeff Hoye at 2: 30 pm I took a deepbreath ,pushed open the doors of the auditorium and walked straight up themiddle aisle(过道 )toward him as he talkedbeforeI reachedthedoor,I heardhimMr Weatherup stopped (48) Justtellthe groupthathe was runninglate He thanked them for their attention,wished them luck and walked outto where 1 was now sitting,holding my breath


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