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1、.1) 先后次序关系:at this time( 候、此 ); first; second; at last; next; previously (以前) ;simultaneouslysaim ?lteini ?sli (同 ) ;eventually (最后) ;last but not least (最后但并不是最不重要的);to begin with (首先、本来) ; to start with =for a start (首先) ; first of all (首先,第一);to end with (最后) ;finally (最后) ; since then(从那 以来 ); a

2、fterwards( 然后、后来 ); following this :following This Trend 种 ;By Following This Strategy通 采用 种策略;只要遵循 策略following This Pattern下面 个模式;Following This Opinion由此来看following This Way沿着 条思路;Following This Thought循此思路following This Commitment根据 一承 ;Following This Example下面 位比如;preceding this (在 之前).2) 因果关系:

3、because; because of this; being that(既然、因 、由于 ); another important factor reason of. ; since(既然、因 、由于、自以来); as(因 、依照、当 、随着、 然); for; in that. ( 既然、因 、由于 ); owing to (由于,因 ) ; due to; for the reason that.; in view of ( 于、考 到) ; the reason seems to beobvious; for this reason; as a result of this; ther

4、efore; .and so (因此、所以) .; consequently(所以、因此、 果) ; as a result; thus; hence; so; so that.; in consequence (因此、 果) ; as a consequence(因此、 果) ; accordingly (因此、于是) ; inevitably (不可避免地、必然地) ; under these conditions( 在 种情形下、在此情况 、在 些情况下 ); thereupon ,e ?rp?n 于是 ; seeing. (因 ; 于;由于) ;3) 折关系: but; even so

5、( 然如此, 即使如此) ; however; though(可是、 然、然而、不 ) ; even though ( 然、即使) ; independent of(不管) ; despite that(尽管、不管) ; in spite of that (尽管、不管) ; regardlessof(不管) ; yet.(然而、但是); and yet(可是、然而); but unless(除非) .4) 并列关系: and; also; too; as well as(也;和一 ; 不但而且) ; either.,or.(不是就是; 或者或者) ; both.and.5) ( 充 ) 关系:

6、 furthermore( 此外、而且 ); moreover( 此外、而且 ); further (更 地; 一步地;而且) ; In this way ( ) ; still (但是;仍然;尽管如此) ; not only.but also.; not that but that(不是 (因 ) 而是 (因 )) ; in addition (to) (另外,此外(除 之外); additionally( 此外 ), much more interesting, morespecifically (更具体地 ) , next(其次;然后) , besides(而且;此外;除之外) ; as

7、 far as. (至于,就而言); in other words( 句 ); on the one hand., on the other hand.( 一方面,另一方面 ); even(甚至;即使); as a popular saying goes.( 常言 ); in order to do it.( 了做 件事 ); meanwhile( 同 ); at the same time; accordingly( 因此,于是 ); In the first place.( 首先 ),in the second place.(其次、第二 ); equally important( 同 重要

8、 ); of even greater appeal( 更吸引 ).6) 比 关系:similarly (同 地) ;in like manner (同 地); in comparison with (与比 ) ;when compared with (当和 .相比 ) ; compared with (与 .相比 ) ; when in fact.(而 上;但事 上) ;like. (如同) ;likewise( 也;同 地 ); apart from (doing).( 除之外;且不 ;);. rather than.(而不是;宁可也不愿);by doing so( 通 来做 );both

9、 and.;in the same way(同 地;以同 的方式);not only.but (also) ;7) 照 (不同点 ):yet; still (但是;仍然;尽管如此); notwithstanding( 尽管, 然 ); rather(宁可 );neither . nor( 既不是也不是 ); although;though; but; however;conversely(相反地 );unlike( 和不同,不像 );opposed to(反 );as opposed to(与截然相反 ) ;in contrast (to)( 与此相反 );on the contrary (正

10、相反) ; different from this; nevertheless(然而,不 ); contrary to( 与相反 );whereas hw ?z ( 反之;然而 ); while( 而 );but on the other hand(但另一方面 ).8) 例关系:;.for example; for instance;in this case( 假若 );namely( 也就是; 句 );as you know( 正如你知道的 );as you may say(如你所 );like( 像;如同 ); such as(比如; 如 );a case in point is.( 一个

11、典型的例子 ); in particular( 尤其,特 );put it simply( 地 );for one thing. 首先, for another.其次、第二 ; as an illustration( 作 一个例 ), I will say.;a good example (of.)would be.;It is interesting to note that.;in this situation( 在 种情况下 );take as example(以 例 );as for(关于,至于 );as regards(关于,至于 ); as to(关于,至于 );according

12、 to( 根据 ); on this occasion( 合 ).9) 关系: in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally(自然地 );what is more important is that (更重要的是 );in reality( 上;事 上 );certainly( 当然 );of course;indeed(的确 );in particular( 尤其,特 );not to mention.( 更不必 );believe it or not( 信不信由你 );undeniably( 不可否 地 );other thi

13、ng being equal( 另一件是同等的 );it is certain sure that.;to be true(说实话 ); by definition(明 地 );definitely( 明 确 地 , 肯 定 地 );undoubtedly( 无庸置疑地 );without a doubt( 无疑地 );in truth( 事 上 );in any event( 不 怎 );without reservation( 毫无保留地 );obviously( 明 地 ),not only. but(also.), both. and.10) 条件关系: if; unless;lest

14、(唯恐 );provided that(倘若;假如 ); if itis the case(如果是 的情况 );in this sense(在 一点上,从 点来 );once.(一旦 );if possible( 如果可能的 );if necessary(如果必要的 );if so( 如果是 的 );if anything( 如果有什么区 的 ).11) : in other words( 也就是 ); on the whole( 就全体而 ); in sum( 而言之 );therefore;hence;in short( 之; 言之 );in brief( 之 );to sum up( 之

15、;概括地 );in conclusion( 之, 上所述 );in summary( 之;概括起来 );to conclude( 最后 );the conclusion can be drawn that. ( 可以得出的 );for this reason( 此 )12) 地点关系: beyond(在 . 的一 ); opposite to( 在 面 ); adjacent to(接近 ); at the same place; there;over( 从 到尾、在之上 ); inthe middle; around(在附近、在周 ); in front of; in the distanc

16、e(在 );farther( 此外;更 地;更 一步地); here and there(各 ,到 ); above(在之上;在上面 );below( 在下面;在下面 );at the right side( 在右 );between( 在之 ;在中 );on this side( 在 ).13)目的关系: for this purpose; in order that; in this way ; since; so that; on that account (由于那个 故) ;in case 万一、假使; with a view to ( 于、由于 考 到); for the same

17、reason。14)重申关系: in other words ( 句 ) ; that is to say(就是、即、 言之) ;as I have said(就像我 的) ; again; once again(再一次) .15) 果关系: accordingly(因此、于是、相 地);thus; consequently(所以、因此、 果); hence; therefore;thereupon( 果、因此) ; inevitably (必然地、不可避免地) ; under these conditions;as a result;as a consequence( 果、因此) ; bec

18、ause; because of; so that; not only.but (also.);so as to(以便, 了) .16) 序关系: first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset( 在开始 ), following this; at this time; now;at this point; after; afterward (以后,后来) ; after this; subsequently (随后、其后、后来) ; lastly (最后, 于) ; finally; consequently (所以、因此、 果) ; be

19、fore this; previously (以前) ;preceding this ( precede 的 ing 形式:在 .之前) ;simultaneously (同 地) ; concurrently( 同 ).17) 关系: at once( 上,立刻); immediately; at length (最后, 于); in the mean time; meanwhile;at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after (不久) ; later; at last; finally; some time ago (不

20、久前) atpresent; all of a sudden(突然地,出乎意料地) ; from this time on (从今以后) ; from time to time (不 ,有 ) ; since then; when; whenever; next point (下一点) ;a few minutes later; formerly (以前、原来); as(当 的 候) ; once( 一旦 );since(自以来、自以后;); occasionally( 偶而 ); in a moment( 一会儿,不久);shortly (不久, 上,立刻, 短地); whereupon(于是、因此); previously (以前、 先).;.


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