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1、教学设计基本信息名称Unit2 Great People Lesson 10 Touch the World执教者黄美玲课时第一课时所属教材目录冀教版新目标九年级全一册教材分析1.The topic of this lesson is related to Helen Keller. By studying this lesson, the Ss will learn how to describe a great person and his or her experience in life. 2.It stresses on the students ability of using a

2、ttributive clause.学情分析The students in this period are poor in getting the main idea and further meaning of the passage, Most of students dont dare to speak English, so I encourage them to speak more English and express themselves. At the same time, I try to make real situation and provide meaningful

3、 duty to encourage the students. The students will more interested in English. Their English thinking ability will be improved.教学目标知识与能力目标1.Master words and phrases:at the age of lose ones ability to do be filled with make progress be famous for do/try ones best to do sth.2.Enable the Ss understand

4、and practice with attributive clause.3.Let the students learn that we can do anything. The only thing stopping us from achieving what we want is ourselves. Work hard and we will succeed.过程与方法目标Audio-visual teaching method, task-based teaching method, elicitation teaching method情感态度与价值观目标1. Enable th

5、e students to have the desire to study English. Encourage the students to speak more English. 2. Develop the Sss spirit of fight for our lives.教学重难点重点Master the words and phrases in this lesson难点 Attributive clause with “who” and “that”教学策略与 设计说明Elicitation teaching method,Audio-visual teaching meth

6、od, task-based teaching method教学过程教学环节(注明每个环节预设的时间)教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1: Warming up and lead-in(5min)1)Greet the class and begin the lesson.2)Show the Ss some pictures of great people who were disabled. And then ask them that what we can learn from a person like Helen Keller.1) Name the people of the p

7、ictuers on the screen.Then talk about it.2) Share their opinions about the great people.1)Showing pictures is one of the most direct and effective way to present a new lesson. 2) Sharing their feelings and ideas can arouse their interests of learning this lesson.Step2: Present new words1) Present th

8、e new words and let the Ss read after the teacher. After that, show them a few quiz to practice the new words.Helen Keller Anne Sullivan writer n.educator n.illness n.ability n.progress munity n. blind adj.deaf adj.greatly adj.planetary adj. .1) Read and try to memorize the new words and work in gro

9、ups to finish the quizes.Let the Ss have a better understanding of the new words.Step3 Listening Play the audiotape after the Ss finish reading the questions that the teacher give them.Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Task-listening can make the Ss listen more carefully and grasp the impo

10、rtant information in the passage.Step4:Detail reading (10min)1) Show three more specific questions and ask the Ss anwer them after they read the passage.2) Ask some Ss to answer them and the teacher teach the Ss some reading skills.3) Show the Ss the important words and phrases from this text and th

11、en ask the them read the text again to find what they mean in the sentences. 4) Ask the Ss try to make a sentence for each phrase.1) Read the text and find the answers.2) Read it again and figure out what these phrases mean in the text.3) Talking about their ideas in groups.1) To let the Ss have a b

12、etter understanding of the text and master some reading skills like scanning skimming.2) To improve the Sss ability of analysing and solving problems.3) Teamwork can develop the Sss sense of participating.Step5 Grammar observation1) Show the Ss some examples of attributive clause that are divided in

13、to two simple sentences.2) Elicitate the Ss find the words that are modified by the attributive clause.3) Guide the Ss do some exercise to master the attributive clause4) Help the Ss conclude the rules of the attributive clause. Think it over and try to conclude some rules.Dividing these compound se

14、ntences which with attributive clause into two simple sentences can make the Ss have a better understanding of the strctures of the attributive clause.Conclusion(2min)Draw a mind map about Helen Kellers story.Step6 Assign homework(2min)Write a short passage about a person who you admire very much.板书

15、设计Lesson10: Touch the World at the age of Helen: born in 1880 ,US lose ones ability to do 19 months old became blind & deafbe filled with Anne helped her learn to write make progress went to the university be famous for helped the disabled peopledo/try ones best to do sth. Died June 1, 1969教学反思 本节课基本完成了教学任务,但是仍有很多缺陷和不足之处。反思如下:第一,本节课中设置了很多课堂练习,目的是好的,但是由于学生水平参差不齐,难度有些大,导致学生不能按时完成任务。第二,课堂环节欠缺连贯性,进入下一环节时有时显得仓促,导致学生跟不上课堂的节奏。第三,语法探究环节引导不到位,语言不够准确,导致学生探究目标不明确。第四,课后作业没有面向全体学生,对一些英语基础较差的学生来说难度较大。可以给不同层次的学生布置水平相当的作业。第四,板书书写不太规范,有些重点没有呈现在黑板上。


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