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1、Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 3 Language in use.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1With the help of the Internet(互联网),we can learn about the w_ more easily.2We can see some elephants in A_ and A_.3They visit the g_ in Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region(内蒙古自治区)4The l_ on the tree are very beautiful.单项选择。1He is good at

2、 _.AworksBto workCworking Dworked2The old woman lives _ but she never feels _.Alonely;lonely Balone;alone Calone;lonely Dlonely;alone3Where _ the wolf(狼) come from?It _ from Europe.Ado;comes Bis;isCdoes;comes Ddo;comes4This is _ African lion.Aa BanCthe D/5The tiger and the lion _ meat.Aeat BeatsCto

3、eat Deating .用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1The snake _(come) from America.2_ Li Lei often _(watch)TV on Sundays?3He needs _(live) here.4Pandas usually eat 30 _(kilo) of bamboo a day.5The wolf _(live) in the European forest.阅读理解。Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America.They like eating me

4、at and they dont like eating vegetables.The bears are waiting to meet you,and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things to you.The lovely kangaroos from Australia are very lovely.The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down(俯视) on you.TicketsOpen timeGrownups(成年人):$2.00900 am400 pmExce

5、pt(除了之外)Friday1000 am300 pmChildren:over(超过) 12$1.00Under 12FreeKeep the zoo clean!Dont touch,give food to or go near the animals!1.How many kinds of animals are mentioned(提到) in the passage?AFour. BFive.CSix. DSeven.2Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons.One is 14 and the other is 10.How muc

6、h are the tickets together?A$ 4.00. B$ 2.00.C$ 3.00. D$ 10.00.3Which of the following is the visiting time?A830 am.on Monday. B930 am.on Friday.C300 pm.on Sunday. D500 pm.on Tuesday.4From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very _.Afat BlongCstrong Dtall5Which of the following can

7、we do in the zoo?ATo give some food to the fish.BTo touch the monkeys on the head.CTo throw things everywhere.DTo keep the zoo clean.参考答案 . 1. world 2. Asia;Africa 3. grassland 4. leaves .C C C B A.1. comes 2. Does;watch 3. to live 4. kilos 5. lives.1. 解析:综观全文可知共提到了6种动物。答案:C2. 解析:观察表格可知史密斯先生要花费两美元,14岁的儿子需花费1美元,而10岁的儿子免费,共需花3美元。答案:C3. 解析:观察动物园开放时间可知周日到周六每天上午9点到下午4点,除周五(上午10点到下午3点)外。答案:C4. 解析:由短文中“The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you”,look down意为“俯视”,可知giraffe应该很高。答案:D5. 解析:观察表格可知“在公园里保持洁净是应该的”。答案:D


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