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1、“Unit 3 What color is it?”一、选择题1. Spell it , please! _ . A.ThankB.PE N, penC.Its penD.OK2.Whats this ? It is A.a orangeB.rulerC.an mapD.a pen.3. What color is the ruler?_. A.Its a rulerB.Its whiteC.Its a whiteD.Its the white4. 表示“联合国”。 A.UNB.CCTVC.UKD.USA5.下列各组字母中不含元音字母的是 A.stpuB.xzytC.oquyD.vwxi6.当

2、别人夸奖你的衣服漂亮时,你应说: _ () A.Please!B.Thank you.C.No.D.So so.7. Please sit down. () _. A.HelloB.Thank youC.Sit downD.Im fine8.在大写字母A-H中有_个字母需要三笔才写成。( ) A.1B.2C.3D.49.What color is the cup? Its . A.an orangeB.in greenC.a purpleD.pink10.The desk is blue .The chair is _ ,too. () A.blackB.yellowC.blueD.green

3、11.My grandfather like _ tea best (最喜欢). A.redB.blueC.blackD./12.在四线格中,占三格的小写字母是( ) A.f ,jB.i, j, fC.f, j, pD.q, p13.An orange is . A.orangeB.an orangeC.a orangeD.red14.询问同学的夹克衫颜色,应该说_ 。 A.Whats your jacket?B.What color is your jacket?C.Is it a jacket?D.Whats this in English?二、填空题15.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F

4、)。Look at this . Its a pencil case. Its orange. Its my pencil case. Whats in it? Look, this is a pen. Its black. This is a pencil. Its red And this is a ruler. Its green. This is an eraser. Its blue and white. My pencil case is big and nice . I like it.(1)My pen is black._ (2)This is an orange penci

5、l case .Its small and nice._(3)There is a pen,a pencil,a ruler,and an eraser in it._(4)My eraser is blue and black._(5)I like my case._ 16.翻译下列句子。(1)这支钢笔什么颜色?绿色。_ is the pen?_ _.(2)请拼一下你的名字?Dale._ name,_._.(3)那是什么?它是“Z”._?_Z.(4)这用英语怎么说?它是一张地图。_this _ _?_a map.(5)这是一件橙色的夹克衫。This is _ jacket. 17.下面的古诗

6、中少了表示颜色的单词,请用你的巧手为它们着“色”,写出相应的英语单词。(1)春风又_江南岸,明月何时照我还?(2)日出江花_胜火,春来江水_如_。(3)两个_鹂鸣翠柳,一行_鹭上青天。(4)停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶_于二月花。(5)_毛浮绿水,_掌拨清波。 18.写出下列字母相对应的大写形式,并标明缩写词的释义。12小写s/m/lufo大写_释义_三、完形填空19. 1 morning, everyone. 2 Grace. Look (看). This is a 3 . Its a nice quilt. What 4 is it? 5 yellow and white. And 6 this

7、in English?Its 7 . Its 8 jacket. Thats a ruler. 9 ruler is 10 1. A. GoodB. goodC. Hello2. A. ItsB. ImC. Hi3. A. mapB. penC. quilt4. A. colorB. thisC. quilt5. A. ItsB. IsC. Its6. A. howB. whatsC. what7. A. a jacketB. jacketC. an jacket8. A. orangeB. a orangeC. an orange9. A. AnB. TheC. A10. A. BlueB.

8、 blueC. a blue20.完形填空 Mrs. Brown lived alone in a small flat(公寓). She was old and didnt like 1 at all. So she was very 2 when the young man and woman in the flat above moved out. A new young man moved 3 , and Mrs. Brown thought, Well, he looks 4 . But at three oclock the next morning, she was woken

9、up by the bark (吠声) of a dog. Ive 5 heard the bark here before, she thought, It 6 be the young mans dog. So she telephoned the young man at once, 7 some unpleasant things to him, rang off the telephone and went to bed 8 he could answer. The next day Mrs. Browns telephone rang at 9 hour of morning, a

10、nd when she got out of bed and answered, the 10 said to her, “I havent got a dog, madam. 1. A. musicB. noiseC. walkingD. sports2. A. angryB. surprisedC. happyD. sad3. A. inB. backC. outD. away4. A. strongB. worriedC. quietD. well5. A. neverB. alsoC. everD. once6. A. canB. willC. mustD. may7. A. showedB. tookC. saidD. chose8. A. untilB. ifC. becauseD. before9. A. anotherB. thisC. otherD. usual10. A. boyB. girlC. womanD. man


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