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1、江苏省洪泽外国语中学 七年级英语下册 7BUnit 1 Dream Homes Grammar教学案 牛津版教学过程:Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Revision 翻译下列句子。 1. 我们经常躺在床上听音乐。 2.他住在海边。 3. 我住在洛杉矶的一个大房子里。 4. 我和我的妹妹共有一间卧室。 5. 我喜欢坐在那里向外看海滩和海。Step 3 .Prevision Translation 一万 _ 十万_ 了解不同的国家_ 住在九楼 _ 在3月8日 _ 六千人_ 两个月 _ 第二月_ 200 _ 1,256 _Step 4 Lead-in Step 5 Presentati

2、on数词有两种:表示数目多少的词叫做基数词;表示顺序先后的数词叫做序数词。 (1)基数词的用法hundred, thousand, million 等词前有具体数词或 several 时,必须用单数 形式;当它们表示不确 定数目时,必须用复数形式,后接 of 短语。如:three hundred, thousands of 表示“几十年代”或“几十岁”时,用逢十的基数词的复数。如:in the 1970s/1970s 中的 1970s/1970s 读作 nineteen seventies 与基数词合成的复合定语,其中的名词用单数。如:a fifty-metre-wide river (2)

3、序数词的用法:表示日期编号或顺序。如:March 18th, 1978 the sixth lesson = Lesson Six 前面一般加定冠词 the。如:He is the first student to get to the school every day. 如果序数词前面有形容词性物主代词,可以不加 the。如:It was his fifth bowl of rice for lunch. 有时还可以作副词用。如:I finished the homework first in my class today. 顺口溜:基变序有规律,词尾加上 th; 一,二,三要牢记,词尾字母

4、 t,d,d; 八减 t,九减 e,f 来把 ve 替; 单词以 y 作结尾,需将 y 改 ie; 若是碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。Step 6 Exercise 动词适当形式填空 1.There are _ (thousand) of workers in this company. 2.Mr Read lives on the _ (十五) floor. 3. This year Mary will have her _ (十四) birthday. 4. Uncle Jim will arrive on the morning of _ (六月八号) 5.My birthday is o

5、n the _ ( twenty) of this month. Step 7 Homework板书设计:教学反思命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评价批阅日期序号仲沭华3一、单项选择。( )1一 Im going on a trip to Hainan next week 一_ A Its good BThank you CHave a good time DGood idea ( )2_students will go to the island for the picnic A Two hundreds BTwo hundred of CTwo hundreds of DHundreds o

6、f ( )3We read 10,206 like this_ A one thousand,two hundred and six Bone thousand,two hundreds and six Cten thousand,two hundred and six Dten thousand,two hundred six ( )4I want to buy this pair of jeansCan I_? A try on them Btry them on Ctry it on Dtry on it( )5.We will have a_walk A ten minutes Bte

7、n minutes Cten-minutes Dten-minutes ( )6. Dont_the birdsListen to the teacher carefully Alook out of Blook for Clook out Dlook out at( )7. What on the wall? 一 There are _pictures on the wall A. lot of Ba lot Clots D many ( )8.Would you like_on the moon? A1iving B1ives Cto live D1ived 二、用所给词的正确形式填空:1

8、.Toms mom gives him a gift on his_(eight) birthday.2.Whats the date today?Its September the_(thirty).3. Mr Wu asks his students to turn to the _(fifty-nine).4. He owns a company(公司)in his_ (twenty).5. There are _(thousand) of students in our school.6. The _ (nine) lesson is very easy.7. Thank you fo

9、r_ (give)me a present.8. There are_(twenty) floors in the building. 3 完形填空I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zooWhen you are_1_ ,you can go there with your family _2_ the zoo,there are many animals:elephants(大象),pandas,tigers and _3_ animals Elephants are the _4_ animals on land(陆地)I hear

10、 there _5_ a baby elephant in our zoo I wan to _6_ at it. Mary wants to go with meShe _7_ , “Shall we go together?” “Sure,I say. ”. We can _8_ a good time thereBut let s _9_ there at half past fourI have _10_ homework to do( )1Abusy Bfree Cyoung Dclean( )2AIn BOn CFor DNear ( )3AOther Bthe other Cth

11、e others Dothers ( )4Ayoungest Bsmallest Cbiggest DTallest ( )5Aare Bam Cis Dbe ( )6Alooks Bhave a look Csee Dhave a see ( )7Asay Bsays Csaying Dto say ( )8Aget Bhave Cbe Dmake ( )9Agoes Bgo Cto go Dgoing ( )10Aa lot B1ittle Cmuch Dmany 4 阅读理解 Dream may be more important than sleepWe all need to dre

12、am, some scie-ntists(科学家) sayDreams take up about onequarter(四分之一)of our sleeping timePeople have several dreams each night Dreams are like short films hey are usually in colourSome dreams are like old filmsThey come to us over and over againThat may be because the dreamers are worrying about someth

13、ing Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer Some people get new ideas about their work from dreamsThey may think about their wo-rk all dayThese ideas can carry over into dreams Too much dreaming can be harmful(伤害的)The more we sleep,the longer we dream The mind is hard at work when we dream

14、That is why we may have a long sleep and we still wake up tired ( )1 Dreams take up about_of our sleeping time A half B one-third C one-fourth D one-fifth ( )2It may be less important to sleep than to_ Athink Bdream Cwork Dstudy ( )3Dreams are usually_ A very long Bin colour Cabout work Dvery sad ( )4Why do some people often dream about their work? ABecause they are tired in the daytime BBecause they are not interested in their work CBecause they may think about their work all day DBecause they have too much work to do


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