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1、广东省深圳市宝安区上寮学校七年级英语下册Unit 6 ElectricityListening and speaking 教案 牛津版课题课型Listening and speaking 备课时间教材分析教学目标1. Master expressions on electrical equipment.2. Students learn some simple Modal verbs. 3. Students listening ability is improved.教学重点Get the main points of the listening.教学难点The new words and

2、modal verbs in the listening. 教学关键Make a dialogue according to the listening.教法与学法指导Task-based learning and group work. 教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step1.Lead in .Learn to sing the song Electricity1. Listen to the song and find the key words to finish the words of song. 1. Pla

3、y the song and encourage them to finish the songs words.1. Draw attention and interest of the students and practice their listening. 5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step 2 Listening.Before listeningWhile listening Post listening 2. Listening practice.Prepare to get rid of the strange words .Preview to get the ma

4、in task and situation of the listening text.Listen to tape and finish the Exercises twice and check the answers.Read the original text and try to retell the story. 2.Lead students to listen in a right way Help theme to learn the new words.Limit the time to understand the task of the listening.Play t

5、he tape and introduce some skills of listening “Getting the key points”.Help them to summarize the story. 2.Improve their listening ability.15第三环节课堂练习Step3 Speaking Talk about the ways to keep safe from electricity?Pair work3. Make clear about the expressions to describe the pictures.Learn the examp

6、le to make dialogues in pairs.3.Explain the situation and example. Organize them to make dialogues in pairs.S1:May IS2:No,you may3.Improve their speaking ability and cooperation ability.10第四环节课时小结 Step 4 Summarize.Finish a chart to list our ways to keep safe group work.4.Finish the given chart according to the 5 pictures.4.Give them a chart to finish in groups.4.Help them to consolidate what they have got.10第五环节课后作业Write out the safety tips (at least 10).课堂教学流程Listen to a song Listening Speaking Finish a chart.效果评价与反思


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