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1、Unit 9 What does he look like一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1He cant see the words on the blackboard, because he doesnt wear his _ (眼镜)2Many friends are coming to your birthday party _ (今晚)3Bob, you look really _ (英俊的) in your new school uniform.4Mom says Dad is too _ (重的), and he must exercise every day. 5I want t

2、o go to the _(电影院) to watch Personal Tailor(私人订制)二、根据汉语意思完成课文原句或原句改编6我不认识他。他长什么样?I dont know him. What does he _ _?7她中等身高,并且留着长直发。Shes _ _ _, and she has long straight hair.8是的,但我可能会稍晚一会儿。Yeah, but I may be _ _late.9嗨,托尼。明天晚上你去看电影吗?Hi,Tony. _ _ _ _ the movie tomorrow evening? 10萨莉留着长发还是短发?Does Sally

3、 have _ _ _ hair?三、用be与have的适当形式填空11She _ tall and thin. She looks very beautiful. 12Does your sister _ long hair? Yes, she does. 13Mike _ short hair, and hes really cool. 14What do they look like? They _ of medium height. 15The comic star _ curly hair and _ tall.四、用所给词的适当形式填空16What _your father_(lo

4、ok)like?He is thin.17Are you going to the movie tomorrow?Yes,we _(meet)at six oclock.18(中考宿迁)Miss Zhang is friendly and always _ (wear)a smile on her face.19The _ (high) of the wall is about ten meters. 20Who is your favorite _ (act)? Sun Li. 五、单项选择21(2015安徽)Do you have any plans for this Sunday?Im

5、not sure. I _ go to the countryside to see my grandmother.Acan Bmust Cmay Dneed22Tom _ his father and his father _ very young.Alooks like; looks like Blooks like; looks Clooks; looks like Dlooks; looks 23(2015常德)Is he tall _ short?He is short.Aor Band Cbut24My pen friend Lucy has _ hair.Ablack strai

6、ght long Blong black straightClong straight black Dstraight black long25Is this a Chinese book or an English book?Oh,_.Ayes,it is Bno,it isntCan English book Dits my brothers26(2016宜宾)This passage is very difficult._ people can understand it.AA few BFew CA little27Lets go to the _ this afternoon. So

7、unds good. There are many new movies these days. Apark Bhospital Ccinema Dzoo 28(中考济宁改编)Meimei is a beautiful girl _ big eyes and dark hair.Ain Bis Chas Dwith29Your hair looks very beautiful. _.ANo, it isnt BNot at allCThank you DYes, it is 30(中考昆明)_?He is of medium build and has straight hair.AWhat

8、 does his uncle doBWhat does his uncle look likeCWhat can his uncle doDWhat is his uncle doing六、根据汉语意思完成句子31沿着这条路一直往前走。她正在超市前面等着你。_ _ along the road. Shes waiting for you _ _ _ the supermarket. 32那个年轻人戴着一副眼镜吗?Does that young person wear _ _ _ _? 33你应该早点儿来,这样就不会迟到了。You should come _ _ early, and you

9、wont be late.34这个男人又矮又瘦,是个演员。The man is _ _ _, and he is _ _.35我的妹妹有一个漂亮的红色小书包。My sister has a _ _ _ schoolbag.七、语法专练:按要求改写句子36Xiao Na is thin and beautiful. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Xiao Na _ _? 37Tina likes apples. (用bananas改为选择疑问句) _ Tina _ apples _ bananas? 38Susans father isnt tall or short. (改为同义句) Susan

10、s father is _ _ _. 39He is a popular actor. He has short black hair. (合并为一句) He is a popular actor _ short black hair. 40I am going to the cinema tonight. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ the cinema tonight? 八、根据句意及图片提示完成句子,每空一词41Susan has _ _ hair. She looks really beautiful. 42What does Uncle Wang look like? H

11、e is a little _ and wears a pair of _ . 43Janes father is a policeman. He isnt tall or short. Hes of _ _ . 44Is your cousin tall? No, he isnt. Hes a little _ . 45Does your sister have long straight hair? No, she doesnt. She has _ _ hair.九、补全对话A:Whos your math teacher this term(学期),Ann?B:Kate Jones.A

12、:Really?_(46)B:Well,she has long straight hair.And she wears funny glasses.A:_(47)B:Yes,of course.We all like her._(48) She always tells jokes to us in class.A:_(49)Oh,where does she live?_(50)B:No,she doesnt. She lives far away from our school.AIs she friendly to you?BDoes she wear a white dress ev

13、ery day?CSounds great!DAnd she is very funny.EWhat does she look like?FDoes she live at school?GI often see her at school.十、原创阅读 (词数:约110;建议用时:5分钟)The Monkey Buffet Festival (猴子自助餐节) is on the last Sunday of November. It is a great day for monkeys in Thailand (泰国). People there think monkeys can bri

14、ng good luck to them. So, to thank monkeys, they have this special (特殊的) festival. On that day every year, people put lots of fruit, vegetables, cakes and even drinks on the table outside. They are all for monkeys. Many people come to see the monkeys on that day. During the festival, there are a lot

15、 of interesting activities about monkeys.Young people always dress like monkeys and they sing, danceand play some music on the street. 51Why do people in Thailand have the Monkey Buffet Festival?_52What is the best title (标题) for the passage?AMonkeys Are Smart AnimalsBMonkeys Favorite FoodCThe Festi

16、val for MonkeysDMonkeys in Thailand 53将文中画线句子译成汉语_答案:一、1.glasses2.tonight3handsome4.heavy5.cinema二、6.look like7.of medium height8a little9.Are you going to10long or short三、11.is12.have13.has14.are15has;is点拨:以上五题用语法判定法解答。描述人的外貌特征时,常用beof medium height/build或betall/short/heavy/thin描述人的身材特征;用have/has形容

17、词hair/eyes/.描述人的某一身体部位的特征。四、16.does; look17are going to meet点拨:本题用前后照应法解答。问句是一般将来时,故答语也用一般将来时。18wears点拨:本题用寻找题眼法解答。由always及and之前的is可知,此处填wear的第三人称单数形式wears。19height点拨:本题用构词法解答。由题意“这面墙大约有十米高。”可知,此处应填high的名词形式height。20. actress点拨:本题用构词法解答。由答语“孙俪。”可知,应在act后面加ress,表示“女演员”。五、21.C点拨:由Im not sure可知表示不确定,所以

18、要用表推测的may “也许,可能”。22B点拨:本题用词语辨析法解答。look like意为“看起来像”,其后跟名词;而look为系动词,其后跟形容词作表语,故选B。23A点拨:答语是在所提供的备选对象范围内选择,可知问句是选择疑问句,所以选并列连词or。24C点拨:当有多个形容词修饰同一个名词时,先后顺序应遵守“描绘形容词大小长短形状年龄新旧颜色产地材料”的原则,所以选C。25C点拨:考查选择疑问句的答语。本题用习惯用法解答。选择疑问句回答时不用yes或no,需选择其中的一项作答,故选C。26B点拨:句意:这一段很难,几乎没有人能理解它。few 几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数。27C点拨:本题用

19、逻辑推理法解答。由答语后句“最近有很多新电影。”可知,前面是说“咱们今天下午去看电影吧。”go to the cinema意为“看电影”,故选C。28D点拨:句意“梅梅是个漂亮的女孩,长着大眼睛,留着黑头发。”前面已有be动词is,排除B、C两项;介词with表示“带有;具有”,符合句意。29C点拨:本题用交际法解答。当得到对方的赞许时,需用Thank you.或Thanks.来表示感谢,故选C。30. B点拨:本题用交际法解答。由答语“他中等身材,留着直发。”可知,问句是对某人长相的提问。四个选项中,只有B项用来询问长相,意为“他的叔叔长什么样?”符合句意。故选B。六、31.Go strai

20、ght; in front of点拨:go straight意为“径直往前走”,其中straight用作副词,表示“笔直地;径直”。32a pair of glasses33a little34short and thin; an actor35beautiful small red七、36.What does; look like37Does; like; or点拨:本题用分析句子结构法解答。选择疑问句的结构为“一般疑问句or被选择部分?”38of medium height39with40Are; going to 八、41.long straight42heavy; glasses43medium height44short45short curly 九、46.E47.A48.D49.C50.F十、51.Because they think monkeys can bring them good luck.52C 53年轻人总是打扮得像猴子一样,他们在街上唱歌、跳舞并演奏音乐。


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