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1、江苏省永丰初级中学七年级英语下学期暑期基础知识训练8 单项选择1.-What is_ girl in red? -She is_ English teacher A. a: the B. a; an C. the; a D. the; an2. John works in a hospital_ his home. So he takes a train there every week. A. far away B. away from C. far from D. from3. My pet, Amy, never_ because l take good care of her A. w

2、orry B. worrying C worried D. worries4. Walk_ the house, turn left and youll see the big bridge_ the river. A. pass; above B. past; over C pass; on D. past; on5. I was_ to know that dodos_ on the earth a long time ago A surprised; live B surprised; lived C surprise; live D surprising; lived6. We mus

3、t keep our classroom_-ants smell things_. A. clean; good B cleaned; good C. cleaned; well D. clean; well7. Run_ a field, walk_ a forest, finally she found a small river. A across; through B. dross; through C through; across D through; cross8. We mustnt play with fire. It_ be very dangerous A must B

4、can C could D will9. The superman can burn things with his eyes._ special his eyes are! A. What B What a C. How D How a10. My parrot can make nice sounds, I can hear it_ every day. A singing B. sing C to sing D sings11. -Does_ have a dog? -Yes, I have a dog. Shes nice to_. A someone; somebody B. any

5、one; everyone C. no one; nobodyD. everybody; no one12.-Who_ make a kite out of wood? -Peter is. A. is B. shall C. will D is going to13. The exchange_ homes are in the UK.I want to take_ to the Great Wall A students; them B students; their C students, theirs D. students; they14. There is a_ tree in f

6、ront of my classroom A ten-metres-tall B. ten metres tall C. ten-metre-tall D tens-metre-tall15.-Can we swim in the river? -_. Its dangerous to swim here. A Im afraid not. B Thats OK C No, not at all. D. No problem16. Its _ unusual thing for _eight-year-old girl to find _ UFO.A. a; a; a B. an; an; a

7、 C. an; a; an D. a; an; an 17. Could you join us this afternoon? Sorry, I _. I take care of my little sister because my mother is out.A. cant; may B. couldnt; have to C. cant; have to D. couldnt; may18. Whose book is it? I asked many people, but _ knew.A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody19

8、. Did you_ your grandparents last month? No. They didnt go to school when they were young. So they cant read or write.A. heard of B. hear of C. heard from D. hear from20. _ big river it is! Yes. I am afraid I cant swim _ it.A. What; through B. How; past C. What a; across D. How a; over21. Can you an

9、ything strange? It like a small mouse.A. listen; sounds B. hear; listens C. hear; sounds D. sound; hears22. _ Mr. Zhang _ Beijing last week? No, but he _ Beijing with his son next time. A. Did; visit; visitsB. Did; visit; will visit C. Does; visit; visitsD. Will; visit; will visit 23. Which of the f

10、ollowing words has the same sound as the “ed” in the word “danced”? Let me see. Thats _.A. needed B. listened C. chatted D. passed24. The snow made them _ cold, so they decided to make a fire _ warm.A. feel, to keep B. to feel, keep C. feel, keep D. to feel, to keep 25. All of our students are looki

11、ng forward to _ our summer holidays.A. have B. having C. had D. will have26. The firemen _ water _ the building and _ the fire at last.A. poured, over, put out B. poured, on, put away C. pour, over, put on D. pour, on, put out 27. I read an interesting book last Sunday. It _ therere lots of amazing

12、things in the world.A. writes B. speaks C. tells D. says28. Linda was too short the peaches on the tree.A. to reaching B. to reach C. reachingD. not to reach29. Xiao Fang, we decided a picnic this weekend. Will you join us? Im afraid not. I have a lot of homework .A. to have; to doB. to have; doingC

13、. having; to doD. having; doing30. If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. _.A. Im glad to hear that B. I have no trouble C. I will. Thank you. D. Ill think it over 单词拼写1. You should listen_ (仔细地). Its very important.2Ants can smell things very wellHow_(令人吃惊的)!3. _(长颈鹿)have seven bones in their

14、 necks.4It is so_(吵闹的)that I cant think.5. We know that different people have different_(能力)6. Dad_(点头)his head when he was listening to my grandfather.7. Ben_(隐藏)in the bushes, so it took us a long time to find him.8. Look out! The dog_(跟着)you again!9. Pandas like to eat_(竹子)10. They went to the mo

15、untain to find the_(宝藏)11. One of my cats_(weigh) about 2 kilograms12. He often_(lie) on the sofa when he was young13. The teacher asks him_(not talk) in class14. Without_(say) anything, she left the house.15. Daniel_(come) back to London next week.16. I like watching ants_(move) from one place to a

16、nother.17. Who first_(think) of the idea?18. They often practise_(play) volleyball after school.19. I dont know how to teach the parrot_(speak)20. The boy_(call) Daniel wears glasses句子翻译1我们经常在社区中心见面分享我们的技能。_2我认为下学期他将进校队。_3他冲进厨房扑灭了火。_4他醒来发觉自己在一家医院里。_5你知道有关这种食物的一些事吗?_七年级英语基础知识练习(8)16-20 BCADC 21-25 CBDAB 26-30 ADBAC


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