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1、河南省虞城县第一初级中学 七年级英语下学期期末复习 Units 5-6单元语法及练习 人教新目标版【学习目标】一、知识目标:1.重点语法:复习巩固why和where引导的特殊疑问句;because引导的句子表原因。Why do you like pandas? Because theyre kind of interesting. Why does John like koalas? Because theyre very cute Why dont you like tigers? Because theyre really scary. Where are lions from? They

2、re from South Africa.2. 重点单词和短语:friendly, shy, a lot, other, else【学习重难点】1.why 和 because 引导的句子。 2. 利用所学句型和单词短语编对话。【知识点拨】解析 But I like tigers a lot._. “a lot ”是固定搭配,意为“_ _”,在句中做副词,相当于very much. 短语 “like.a lot ”意为_(=like.very much.)例句:玛丽非常喜欢汉堡包。Mary _ hamburgers _ _/(_ _)解析. I like dogs because theyre

3、friendly and smart._.1、“friendly” 是一个形容词,它是由名词“_”加上“ly”构成的,意为_. 常用短语be friendly to sb ,意为 _; be friendly with sb意为_.【知识点点拨】1. save 是一个动词,意为_、_, 例句:我们必须救它们。We must _ _.另外,做动词时还有“贮存,储蓄、节省、保存等意思。节约水_ 贮存食物_2. “one of.”意为.之一.,后接可数名词复数名词形式。one of.结构做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例句:我的一个同学来自云南。_ _my classmates _ from Yunn

4、an.3. symbol是一个名词,意为_.常用短语a/the symbol of.表示_. 例句:白鸽是和平的象征。The dove is _ _ _ the peace(和平)。4. danger 是一个名词,意为“_-”,常用短语 be in danger意为_. danger前可用great修饰,表示“巨大的”.be in great danger 意为_例句:那个男孩会面临巨大的危险。The boy can _ _ _ _.5. with. 是一个介词 prep.意为“.与.一起,偕同,和.”例句:她和她姐妹一起看电视。She _ _ with her sister. With做介词

5、还有“带有.;有.的”之意,其后面接一个名词构成介词短语修饰前面的名词。例句:那个长头发的女孩是我同学。The girl _ _ _ is my classmate翻译:有水和食物的地方 _ _ _ _6. forget (v.)意为_/_常用短语:forget to do sth _ (言下之意,事情还没做);forget doing sth _(事情已做,但是忘了。)【知识点点拨】一. 词汇短语检测:1、tiger_ elephant_ koala_ dolphin_panda_ lion_ penguin_ giraffe_2. 写出英语意思吓人的;恐怖的_ 种类_ 稍微;有点儿_南;南

6、方;南方的;_ 非洲_ 南非_ 澳大利亚_ 宠物_ 腿_ 猫_ 睡觉_3 英汉互译. 1)有点儿无聊_ 2).南非_ 3). 非常喜欢_ 4).整天_ 5).聪明的动物们_ 6). 黑白相间_ 7). Let me see_ 8). very interesting_ 9).be from_ 10). really scary_ 【学习过程】思考:特殊疑问句结构:1). 询问来自哪里用_; 询问为什么用_; 回答原因用_2.) 完成句子 我不喜欢狮子因为它们懒。I _ like _ theyre lazy. 你为什么喜欢老虎?_ do you like _?连词成句:1). lions, th

7、e, let, first, see, us_.2). pandas, why, want, see, to, do, the, you_?3). they, are, ugly, because_.4). South Africa, lions, from, are, those_.完成下列句子:(1) The child likes dolphins (改一般疑问句) _the child_ _ dolphins?(2) we like penguins because theyre cute (划线提问) _ _ you like penguins?(3) Pandas are from

8、 China. (同上)_are pandas _?(4) Koalas like to eat meat (改否定句) Koalas_ _to eat meat ( 6) Giraffe are from Africa(改为同义句) Giraffe _ _ from Africa。( 7) The story is very interesting.(一般疑问句) _the story interesting?课后巩固一、根据汉语完成句子(1) 我有点冷。I am _ _ cold.(2). 这只老虎3岁了。The tiger is 3 _ _ .(3). 他喜欢吃什么水果?_ fruit

9、_he like ?(4) 企鹅来自南极。_ _ from the South Pole .(南极)(5)他想玩电脑游戏.He _ _play computer games.(6).欢迎来到我们学校_ _ to our school.(7).狮子惹人喜爱。The lions _ _.(8).咱们先读第三单元吧_read Unit 3_.(9).但我很喜欢熊猫.But I _pandas _ _?二. 单项选择1. _ these tigers _ from? A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, /2. I like koalas because

10、 they are _ friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of 3. -_ he _ breakfast at home? - Yes. A. Dose, have B. Does, have C. Does, has4. Does this lion _ from Africa or America? A. be B. is C. come D. go 5. -What _ do you like ? - I like penguins. A. sports B. subjects C. music D.Unit 6 Im watching

11、 TV1. 现在进行时(The Present Progressive Tense)1) 现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的的动作。如: The student are listening to the teacher. He is watching TV now. 现在进行时也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 We are working on a farm these days. Im writing a book this month.2) 构成:be(am/is/are) + v-ing。以动词work为例,现在进行时的肯定式、否定式、疑问式和简略答语如下

12、: 肯定式 I am working. You are working. He / She / It is working. We / You / They are working. 否定式I am not working. You are not working. He / She / It is not working. We / You / They are not working. 疑问式和简略答语: Am I working? Are you working? Yes, you are. Yes, I am. No, you are not (arent) No, I am not.

13、 Is he / she / it working? Are we working? Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, you are. No, he / she / it is not (isnt). No, you are not (arent) Are you working? Are they working? Yes, we are. Yes, they are. No, we are not (arent) No, they are not (arent).3) 动词-ing形式的构成: 一般在动词原形末尾加-ing. gogoing askasking lo

14、oklooking 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing. writewriting makemaking taketaking 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加-ing。 getgetting sitsitting putputting runrunning beginbeginning 以ie结尾的重读开音节动词改ie为y,再加-ing。 diedying lielying tie-tying2. What are you doing? Im watching TV. 你在干什么?我在看电视。Whats he doing? Hes doi

15、ng his homework.他在干什么?他在做家庭作业。Whats she doing? Shes reading. 她在干什么?她在看书。3. Sure“的确,当然”,相当于Certainly,可代替Yes作肯定回答。Do you like pandas? Sure! 你喜欢熊猫吗? 当然!4. wait for.等候5. talk to“和/对说话”(主要指一方说,另一方听)talk with“和交谈”(指双方交谈) talk about“谈论”6. family“家庭,家人”,是个集合名词。指整体概念即“家庭”时为单数名词,指组成家庭的成员即“家人“时,为复数名词。 1) 他的家庭是

16、个幸福的家庭。His family is a happy family. 2) 他家人在看电视。 His family are watching TV. 单项选择。(30分)( )1. What is Kate doing? _A. She is in the room. B. Yes, she is C. She is reading D. She is run( )2.Look! What is Tom doing? Hes _ TV.A.seeing B.looking C.looking at D.watching( )3._ are they playing football? A.

17、What B.Who C.Which D.Where ( ) 4. A: Is he writing or reading? B: _. A. Yes, he isB. No, he isnt C. Hes reading D. Yes, he is writing. ( )5. The men _ to the radio. A. are listeningB. listeningC. is listening D. are listenning ( 6. Thanks for_me. A. helpsB. is helpingC. helping D. help ( )7. We are

18、doing _. A. our homework B. our homeworks C. her homework D. his homework ( )8. Here _ a photo of my family. You can see me in it. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )9._ the first photo, I _ at the mall. A. On; shop B. On; shopping C. In; am shoping D. In; am shopping ( )10. Do you want _ to the movies wit

19、h us this evening? A. go B. to go C. goes D. going ( )11. Look,Nancy _ a letter to her parents.A. writingB. is writingC. is writeing D. writes( )12. Listen! Who_? -Emma is.A. singing B. is singing C. sing D. are singing( )13. Where is Mike? Hes _ the pool.A. swim atB. swimming atC. swiming at D. swi

20、ms( )14.Its six oclock. The Green family _ dinner.A. is eatingB. are eattingC. are eating D. eats ( )15. Jimmy likes _ soccer. Look! He is _ soccer. A. playing; playing B. play; play C. plays; plays D. playing; plays( )16. That sounds very _.A. niceB. goodC. wellD. both A and B( )17.This is a photo

21、_ my family.A. ofB. onC. inD. s( )18. Who _my parents talking _?A. are; /B. is; /C. are; toD. is; at( )19. Kate has many _,and she likes _ very much.A. pictures; them B. picture; them C. pictures; it D. picture; it( )20. Thank you for _ me a letter. A. write B. to write C. is writing D. writing( )2

22、1. Please be quiet, my grandfather_ . A sleep B sleeps C is sleeping D are sleeping( ) 22. In_ photo, a boy is playing soccer. A two B second C the two D the second( )2 3. Look! Mary and her brother _ there. A are talking over B is talking over C are talking to D are talking about( ) 24. I_ my room

23、every day. But now I _. . A clean, am reading B am cleaning, reading C cleaning, read D clean, read( ) 25. In the picture you can see a boy swimming. His father _ him. A sees B is looking C is look at D is watching( ) 26. Its 7oclock. Tom_ dinner at home. A is having B have C has D having ( ) 27. We

24、 _ any Chinese classes on Thursdays. And we _an English class now. A arent having, are having B dont have , have C dont have, are having D arent having, dont have( ) 28. -Lets go to the park, Lily. - . Shall we go now? A Sorry, I cant B Sure C Its boring D Thanks( ) 29. -Ling Ming, are you listening

25、 or writing? - . A Yes, I am B Im listening C No, I am not writing D Im listening and writing( ) 30. -What are you doing? - _. It is too dirty. A Im doing my homework B Im playing computer games C Im cleaning the room D Im writing二、完型填空。(10分)It s a fine Sunday morning. There _(1) many children in th

26、e park. They are _(2) happily. Some are playing _(3) under a big tree. Some girls are singing and _(4). Some boys _(5) running up the hill. Li Leis _(6) by the lake. Hes reading a story. _(7) is Wang Lin? Hes standing over there. _(8)is he doing? Hes looking _(9) a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He _(10) to ca

27、tch it. ( )1. A. is B. are C. am ( )2. A. playing B. sing C. dance ( )3. A. the tennis B. the football C. games ( )4. A. danceing B. to dance C. dancing ( )5. A. are B. is C. am ( )6. A. sitting B. sit C. siting ( )7. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )8. A. Where B. What C. Who ( )9. A. down B. after C. fo

28、r ( )10. A. want B. is wanting C. wants 三、阅读理解。(10分)It is six forty in the morning. The children are coming into the classroom. A girl is opening the windows. Some are laughing and talking. Some are listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework.Miss Lin is standing behind

29、the teachers desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Anna are wearing their new dresses today. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy. What are Bill and Bob doing? Oh, dear! They are still playing basketball.( )1. The children are _.A. in the school B .at home C.

30、in a boat D. on the hill.( )2. What are the children NOT doing?A. Doing their homework B. Writing on the blackboardC. Laughing or talking D. Reading books.( )3. The teacher is _.A. Miss Gao B. Miss Lin C. Sue D. Four( )4. How many students are not in the classroom?_A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )5

31、.Which is Not right? _A. Ann is cleaning the blackboard.B. Mike is helping Ann clean her desk.C. Bill and Bob are still playing basketball.D.The students all look happy.四、根据句意和所给词的首字母完成单词。(10分)1. Look! My brother is swimming at the swimming p_. 2. We can borrow some books from the school l_. 3.Lets

32、go s_ at the mall.4.He is taking pictures with a c_.5This is my family p_.6Look! My mother is c_ the house.7.Nancy is t_ on the phone.8.Hurry up!(快点) Theyre w_ for us.9.Jacks mother is w_ TV in the bedroom.10. Look! They are r_.五用所给的单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. The _(man) are playing cards under the tree in th

33、e park.2. Listen! Lisa (sing) in the next classroom.3. Look, Jack! Who _(clean) the blackboard?4. We want _(buy) some books.5. Can you _(look) after the child, Ann?6. It is seven oclock . They _(eat) some cakes.7. _(do) he often get up early? Yes, he does. He _(read) English now.8. Lets _(have) some

34、 salad. Good idea . I like it very much.9Listen, some boys _(talk) in the room.六句型转换。(10分)1. Ann is reading under the tree.(就划线部分提问) _ _ Ann _?2. They are cleaning the desks. (就划线部分提问) _ _ they _?3. Tom often draws pictures in the evening. (用now改写句子) Tom _ _ pictures now. 4. Linda is writing a lette

35、r to her pen pal. (改为否定句) Linda_ _a letter to her pen pal. 七据课文翻译句子。(10分)1.我正在看电视。 I am _ TV. 2.他们正在打电话。Theyre _ _ the phone.3.Tom正在做家庭作业吗? 不,他在写信。 Is Tom _ his _? No, he_ _a _.4.你想去看电影吗?Do you _ _ _ to the movies?5.这个电视节目很无聊。This _ _ is _.6.你妈妈正在等谁? _ is your mother _ _?7.我爷爷在看报纸。My grandfather is _ _ _. 八作文(10分) 假如现在是晚上七点半,请你根据Tom提供的信息,写一篇短文描述Tom一家人此刻的活动情况,六十词左右。Father Read a bookMotherClean the roomGrandfatherWash the clothesTomDo his homeworkNancyPlay with the cat_


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