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1、山东省东营市河口区实验学校 七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题1 人教新目标版一、单项选择题(20分)1. My friend is Annie. She is a _ girl. A. five years old B. five year old C. five-years-old D. five-year-old2. _is it from your home to school? Three kilometers. A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How long3. You can _ it in English. The actor cant

2、 _ Chinese at all.A. speak, speak B. tell, say C. say, speak D. talk, say4. Lets go and play _ping-pong. I dont want to play _violin. A. a, the B. the, a C. X, the D the,the5. Who wants _ the singing club? A. to joins B. join C. to join D joining6. I always help my sister_ her history. A. to B. with

3、 C. for D of7. Maybe he can _ in their basketball team. A. is B. be C. are D am8. I can sing English songs very _. A. well B. much C. good D bad9. The students in the poor(贫穷的) village often go _to cross the river to school.A. take a ropeway B. by a ropeway C. in a ropeway D. on a ropeway10. My frie

4、nd Lisa is good at _. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D sings11. We want some singers_ our rock band. A. for B. at C. with D to12. How about _there by subway? Ago B. to go Cgoes Dgoing13. My sister _ home _ 5:00 p.m. every day. A. gets at B. get to C. get in D. gets on14. -_does it take you to go to t

5、he park by taxi? -About 30 minutes. A. How B. How far CHow long D. How many15._do they play soccer? On Sunday afternoon. A what B. how CWhen D Where 16.we have _rules at school. A too much B too many C much too D many too17._the afternoon of June 2nd,many foreigners arrived _Shanghai. A In at B. On

6、to CIn in DOn in18.How to read 6;45pm? Its_A a quarter past six in the morning B. a quarter to six in the morning Ca quarter to seven in the afternoon D a quarter past seven in the afternoon19.Is the store far from here?No, about _walk.A ten minutes walk B. ten minutes walk C.ten minute walk D. ten

7、minutes walk20.Many students dont like Li Lei because he often _for class.A be late B. arrive late Care late D arrives late二阅读理解(共四篇,计40分) (A) I am a middle school student. I like fashionable clothes. I like wearing a scarf. I like red shirts and I have curly hair. They all look cool. My parents and

8、 teachers sometimes ask me not to do so,but I dont mind. These are my own(自己的 )things. Dont you think so? -Sally My uncle is 40 years old He works for a magazine. He writes articles for children. He visits many places and talks with many children. He thinks children should not watch TV too much and

9、some TV shows are not good for them. -Barry I study in a middle school. I have many rules at school. I cant be late for school, I have to wear a school uniform at school. I cant eat or sing in the classroom. Miss Yang, our English teacher, is very strict with us. - Mona ( )21. Sallys hair is_. A. re

10、d B. black C. straight D. curly( ) 22. _writes articles for kids. A. Barrys uncle B. Barry C. Sally D. Miss Yang(. )23. Mona can _. . A. be late for school B. wear a school uniform at school C. eat or sing in the classroom D. wear her own clothes at school( )24. Which of the following is NOT true ab

11、out Barrys uncle? A. He is 40 years old. B. He does not let Barry watch TV. C. He thinks children should not watch TV too much. D. He visits many places and talks with many children.( )25. From the information above(上面的信息) ,we can know_. . A. Sally and Mona are workers B. Sally minds what others thi

12、nk of her C. Miss Yang is an English teacher D. Miss Yang isnt strict with her students (B)Captain GreenDo you enjoy interesting stories, funny games or exciting dances?Captain Green is ready to teach all these things to you at City Theater on Saturday morning, free. Movie at Museum TheatreThere are

13、 two American movies on Saturday afternoon at Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 2:30-4:00. The workers is at 4:10-6:00. For more information, call 489-7898.International picnic(野餐)Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food all over the world.

14、Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 2:00 pm. Take me out to the ball gameIts October, and Saturday night (7:00-9:00) is your last chance(机会) to see the Red Bird this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It may be cold. Dont forget sweaters or jackets.Do you want to hear ZooZoo, a popular rock group

15、from Australia, will give their first U.S. concert(音乐会) at eight this Saturday night, in Rose Hall, City College. 26. On Saturday morning, you can go to_. A. watch the ball game B. play funny games at the City Theater C. the Central Park for a picnic D. the zoo 27. You can see the Red Bird _. A. on

16、Saturday afternoon B. At 2:30pm 4:30 pm, Saturday C. At 7:00-9:00, Saturday night D. At 8:00, Saturday morning 28. You can eat food all over the world if you _. A. go to Central Park B. go to City Theater C. buy tickets at the gate D. go to City College29. Zoo is _. A. a U.S. concert B. a park with

17、many birds in it C. a rock group D. a mans name 30. Mr. Turner wants to have a nice Saturday. He cant _ at the same time(同时). A. watch the ball game and have a picnic B. go to a movie and listen to the concert C. listen to the concert and watch the ball game D. have a picnic and go to a movie (C)The

18、re are many programs about the work of the police on TV. People like them because they are interesting and useful.In London there is a TV program - “ Police Five”. It lasts (持续) for five minutes once(一次) a week. A TV reporter talks about crimes(犯罪) in London. He asks people for help because the poli

19、ce station needs their help.During the week the TV reporter shows pictures of lost paintings, lost cars and other things lost. When people see pictures of such things on TV, they may recall(记起) something and tell the police about it. With their help the police may catch more thieves. Sometimes the p

20、olice find a car or something expensive that is lost, and the TV reporter shows it on TV, then the owner(主人) may see it and get it back. 31 “ Police Five” is _. A. a police station B. the time of a TV program C. the name of a TV reporter D. the name of a TV program32. People can watch “ Police Five”

21、 for _ a week. A. 5 minutes B. 35 minutes C. 2 hours D. 5 hours 33. This TV program is about _. A. cars B. pictures C. crimes D. a TV reporter 34. The police _ through this TV program. A. show people the lost things B. want peoples helpC. make the TV interesting D. want to sell lost things35. The po

22、lice may _ through this TV program when they find a lost thing. A. find the owner B. recall something C. be on TV D. tell the TV reporter (D)“Which meal do we all need most, breakfast, lunch or dinner?” Miss Baker asks. Boys and girls wave(挥动) their hands in the air. They know the answer.“What do yo

23、u think, Jim?” Miss Baker asks.“Dinner,” Jim answers.“Dinner is the big meal of the day,” says Miss Baker. “But I dont think we need it most.”Tom puts up his hands. “Do we need lunch most?”“No.” says Miss Baker. “We need breakfast most.”“Why is this so?”“From night to morning is a long time to go wi

24、thout food,” says Ann.“Thats right.” says Miss Baker. “We need food every morning. What may happen(发生) to us if we have no breakfast?”“The students have many answers to give.“We may feel hungry.”“We may not feel like working.”“We may feel sick.”“Yes, you are right.” says Miss Baker. “Now lets talk a

25、bout what makes a good breakfast. Give me your answers. I will write them on the blackboard.”The first word Miss Baker puts on the list(列表) is milk. What else do you think she puts on the list? Write your answers.36. Who are discussing(讨论)eating? A. The mother and children. B. Some of the boys and g

26、irls. C. The teacher and her students. D. A group of friends.37. Miss Baker thinks _ is a big meal of the day.A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. picnic38 .why is breakfast the most important(重要)meal?A. Because it is the last meal.B. Because there are usually a lot of nice things to eat at breakfast.

27、C. Because people like to enjoy food before going to work.D. Because from night to morning is a long time to go without food.39. “We may not feel like working.” means (意味着) that_.A. we may not do the work well B. we may not feel strong enough to work. C. we may not want to work D. we may not be able to (能) work40. Miss Baker teaches by _.A. writing words on the blackboardB. asking the children to eat applesC. telling the children storiesD. asking questions and discussing them


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