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1、Module 1 Food and drinks一. 本周教学内容:1. 相关语法2. Unit 1 A surprise birthday party(一)重点词汇add 加入 beat 打蛋 candle 蜡烛 caption 说明cartoon 卡通;漫画 cool 使变凉 each 每一;每个 free 有空的gramme 克 icing 糖霜 karaoke 卡拉OK person 人pity不幸的;可惜的 powder粉末 sift筛;筛分 spoonful一匙的量surprise 惊喜 looking forward to 期待着of course 当然了 spring roll

2、 春卷(二)语法聚焦1. 用be going to 描写不久将发生的事情。例:Were going to have a lot of delicious food. 我们将吃许多美味食品2. 用情态动词提出礼貌的请求。例:May I speak to _, please? 我可以和讲话吗?3. 用need to 表示需要。例:She needs to buy some她需要买一些4. 用固定表达表示喜好。例: Id rather have more snacks. 我宁愿再吃一些小吃。5. 用副词表示时间顺序和过程。例:First, /Secondly,/Thirdly, 第一,/第二,/第三

3、,(三)重点短语1. speak to 和谁说话2. a surprise birthday party 一个令人惊奇的生日聚会3. planfor sb 为计划4. be free 有空5. on Saturday afternoon 在周六下午6. at the party 在聚会上7. delicious food 好吃的食品8. dressed up 打扮9. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!10. look forward to 期望着11. something else 其它的一些12. on that day 在那天13. have a great party 愉快的聚

4、会14. Chicken wings 鸡翅15. good idea 好主意16. fish finger 鱼条17. orange juice 桔汁18. spring rolls 春卷19. make a fruit salad 做水果沙拉20. birthday cake 生日蛋糕21. what kind of 哪种22. write a shopping list 写个购物清单23. take some photos 拍照24. decorate our flat装饰我们的公寓25. put candles on ones birthday cake 把蜡烛插到的生日蛋糕上26. b

5、ake for 20 minutes 烤20分钟27. addto 加入28. mix and together 把和混合29. put into 放入30. wait for 等待31. on top of 在顶上32. on the back of 在背面33. help sb to do 帮助某人去做34. visit sb 拜访35. need to buy 需要去买(四)重点句子1. This is Kitty Li speaking. 我是Kitty Li。2. May I speak to ? 我可跟说话吗?3. What are we going to do at the pa

6、rty? 我们在聚会上将干些什么4. Were also going to watch some cartoons from Japan. 我们也打算看些日本的漫画。5. Im looking forward to it. 我对它非常期望。6. What a wonderful party! 多好的一个聚会呀!7. I cant make it. 我确定不了。8. What a pity! 多遗憾呀!9. Ive got some thing else to do on that day. 我在那天有其它的事要做。10. What shall we have at the party? 我们在

7、聚会上吃什么?11. Lets look in this book. 让我们查一下这本书。12. Lets have some Chicken wings. 让我们吃些鸡翅。13. Ill make a fruit salad. 我将做水果沙拉。14. What do you think? 你怎么想?15. What may she need to buy? 她可能需要买什么?16. What do I need to buy? 我需要买什么?17. What else may Kitty need to buy? Kitty 可能需要买其它的什么?18. It was a lot of fu

8、n. 很有乐趣。19. Please write soon. 请快回信。20. She may also need to buy some fruit . 她可能也需要买一些水果。21. Id rather have some cakes. 我宁愿吃些蛋糕。(五)重点难点解析1. be going to+动词原形对于将要发生的事或打算计划、决定要做的事,都以“be going to +动词原形”的句型来表示。因为此句型中含有be动词,所以在使用时,be(即am, is, are)要随着句子主语的人称或数而变化。(1)肯定句句型:主语be(am, is, are)going to +动词原形a.

9、 She is going to buy a birthday cake. 她准备买一个生日蛋糕。 b. Its going to rain. 要下雨了。(2)否定句句型:主语be(am, is, are)not going to +动词原形a. Shes not going to be a doctor.她不打算当医生。b. Im not going to tell you about it.我不打算告诉你那件事。(3)一般疑问句句型:Be (Am, Is, Are)+主语going to +动词原形a. Are you going to have any English classes n

10、ext Friday?下星期五你们上英语课吗?b. Are you going to stay at school on May Day?-No, Im not .Im going back home.五一节你打算呆在学校吗?不,我打算回家。(4)特殊疑问句句型:疑问词(What,Where,How)+be (am, is, are)+主语going to +动词原形?a. How are you going to do the work?这项工作你们准备怎么做?b. What are you going to do tomorrow?-Im going to go shopping.明天你打

11、算干什么?我打算去买东西。2. Hello .This is Kitty Li. May I speak to Mark, please?你好。我是基蒂李。我可以和马克讲话吗?这是一句电话用语。打电话时表示想找谁除了用Hello,(this is) speaking. May I speak to sb.? 这一句型以外,还可以说:Id like to speak to Tom.我想找汤姆。Hello! Is Tom in? 喂!汤姆在吗?电话中问对方是谁,英语说:Whats it?或 Whos that(speaking)? Is that Tom(speaking)?你是汤姆吗?表示我是谁

12、,英语说:Its Tom.或This is Tom(speaking).我是汤姆。请对方别挂电话或稍等,英语说:Hold on, please.或Hold on for a moment.请稍等。如果是人不在,英语说:Sorry, Tom is out at this moment. May I take a message for him?抱歉,汤姆现在出去了,我可以为他传个口信吗?如果没有对方要找的人,英语说:Im sorry youve got the wrong number.对不起,你打错了。注意:以上电话用语中要避免说Are you Tom speaking?或Im Tom spe

13、aking.通常用that指对方,用this指自己,也可以用it指对话双方。3. Are you free on Saturday afternoon at three oclock?星期六下午三点你有空吗?free是个形容词,在本单元里的意思是“自由的”“有空的”“空闲的”等。free 是busy的反义词。Are you free? Do you have time?例如:a. Are you free this morning?今天上午你有空吗?b. Her Saturdays are always free.她星期六总是有空。c. We are not free,but very bus

14、y today.我们今天没有空闲时间,相反,我们非常忙。4. So, Mark, Ill see you on Saturday afternoon at three oclock at our flat?那么,马克,周六下午三点钟我在公寓见你吧?这种句型叫做陈述疑问句。它的语序跟陈述句的语序相同,而它的语调则跟一般疑问句的语调(升调)相同,并在书写时加上问号。陈述疑问句的语义特点是:说话人对答案是有倾向性的,他倾向于他所需要的或所期望的回答。肯定的疑问句具有肯定的倾向性,否定的疑问句有否定的倾向性。a. You told her?你对她讲了吧网b. You didnt get anythin

15、g to eat? 你没有找到什么吃的吧?c. You arent hungry? 你不饿吧?5. I cant make it.我不能来/我来不了。习语make it 有四个常见的含义:(1)约定时间(地点),规定时间(地点):a. A: Shall we meet next week? B: Yes, lets make it next Sunday.甲:下星期我们碰一次头好吗?乙:好的,让我们约定下星期天碰头吧。b. Lets make it 7:30.让我们定在七点半吧。(2)及时赶到,按约定时间赶到(arrive in time),赶得上:a. I think well just m

16、ake it.我认为我们将及时到达。b. The train goes at 10:15,and its now ten oclock. I think we shall make it.火车10点15分开,现在是10点。我认为我们会赶得上的。(3)成功、做到、办到(succeed, be able to do):a. After twenty years ,we ve finally made it.二十年后我们终于成功了。b. The American did not make it. He gave up halfway.这个美国人没有成功。他半路就放弃了。(4)用于否定句,表示不能应邀

17、参加某项活动:a. He cant make it today .He has to stay at home.他今天来不了啦。他必须呆在家里。b. He hadnt been able to make it to our dinner.他未能来参加我们的宴会。本单元涉及到的属于此种用法。6. Yes ,thats a good idea!行,好主意。thats a good idea作“好主意”“好办法”解。如:a. “Lets go for a picnic this Sunday.“Thats a good idea.”(或Good idea.)“这个星期天我们去野餐吧。”“好主意。”b

18、. What about having a drink?Thats a good idea.(Good idea.)喝一杯怎么样?好主意。注意:在简略回答中,我们可以用“Good idea!”代替“Thats a good idea!”要注意的是Good idea 前没有不定冠词,不定冠词a要和前面的Thats一块省去。7. We need some eggs, some sugar, some butter我们需要一些鸡蛋,一些糖,一些黄油用作形容词的some除可修饰复数名词之外,还可修饰单数的可数名词和不可数名词。修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词其词义为“一些”,如some children(

19、一些孩子),some water(一些水);修饰单数可数名词时,其词义为“某个”,“某种”,如:some day (某天),some place(某地)。a. I can see some flowers. 我能看见一些花。b. Ask some teacher to come here.请一个(随便哪一位)老师来这里。c. Could you lend me some money?你能借我一些钱吗?8. Let me write a shopping list first.让我先写一个购物单。let 是使役动词,意思是“让”“请让”“允许”等,let后面跟somebody做宾语时,在some

20、body之后的动词不定式,需要省略不定式符号to 。a. Let me have a look.请让我看一看。b. Lets do it together.咱们一起做吧。c. Let him think about it for minute.让他考虑一会吧。 9. Id like是I would like的缩写形式,表示“想要”、“希望”,相当于want,但比want更有礼貌。 a. Id like to go swimming this afternoon.今天下午我想去游泳。 b. Id like to invite you to dinner at my flat before I move.我想在搬家前请你到我家吃饭。


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