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1、Chapter 7 Nobody wins ()Teaching aims:1. To deal with the exercise to go with the text2. Words and expressions3. Contents of the text4. ListeningImportant and difficult points:1.Words and phrases2.Usage of some of the wordsMaterials:Students Book 8A Chapter7, Cassette 8A, a cassette player, multi-me

2、diaTeaching procedure:Pre-task preparation:Review the exercise we did yesterday:1) All twelve of us approached the _ door carefully.A. two storey high B. two storeys high C. two-storey-high D. two-storeys- high2) The doors _ the cliff were _.A. on, two stoerys high B. in, two-storey-high C. in two s

3、toreys high D. on, two-storeys- high3). Youd better attend school tomorrow, _?A. would B. wouldnt C. hadnt you D. had you4). I like all colors _ black.A. except B. except that C. beside D. besides5) Everyone of us arrived there on time _ Tina.A. besides B. beside C. except D. except for6). John is _

4、 to go to university.A. enough old B. old enough C. not too old D. so old7). The furniture was so huge _ they could play _ tennis on the bed.A. because , the B. when, / C. that, the D. that, /8). Who were the first people _ the Moon? - AmericansA. visiting B. to visit C. visited D. visit9). He can h

5、ardly say anything, _?A. can he B. does he C. doesnt he D. cant he10) They looked _ aliens from another planet.A. for B. like C. as D. through11) The roar he gave was so _ that our blood turned to ice.A. frightened B. frightening C. excited D. exciting 12) We _ oil. We have to buy some next week.A.

6、ran out B. ran out of C. are running out of D. are running out13) Time _ , so you must finish your paper as soon as possible.A. ran out of B. runs out C. is running out D. is running out of2. Complete the sentences with the given words.1) He failed the exam _ because he wasnt hardworking enough. (pa

7、rt)2) Her _ is a magnet and it makes her _. (laugh, attract)3) All the people living in _ in the world is what we wish (peaceful)4) Please keep _ (silence) ! The teacher is giving a speech.5) Human is thinking about _ (explore) the Mars.6) You had better _ (approach) the dying snake carefully.7) The

8、 room is full of _ (laugh) and _ (happy)8) The speaker made the audience r_ (roar) with _ (laugh)9) The last student _ (leave) is responsible for switching off the lights.10) He lied on the grass _ (lazy), enjoying the _ (peace) lake.11) Children dreamed to _ (开发) the planet in the near future.3Do t

9、he exercises to go with the text on page 80 and 81 C1: 1) Was your food almost finished? Yes, we were running out of food2) Did you land near a cliff?Yes, we came down close to a cliff3) Did you walk towards the doors?Yes, we approached the doors4) Did Peters quarrel with you about waiting in the ca

10、ve?No, I told him not to argue.5) Did Gork think you were all from another place?Yes, he roared that we were aliens6) When Gork pressed the button, did the steel bars rise slowly from the ground? No. They sprang from the ground. 7) Did Gork offer to do something kind for you?Yes, he said he would do

11、 me a favor8) Did you ask Peters to believe that you could save him?Yes, I asked him to trust me.C2: 1)The person who finds the way on a plane or a ship is the navigator. The person who drives the plane or the ship is the pilot 2) The first part of the day is called the dawn. 3) Most buildings in ou

12、r city have many storeys 4) Something big, ugly and frightening is called a monster. 5) A trap is used for catching animals and people. Sometimes it is made of a strong metal called steel. 6) Glowing means shining in the dark. 7) we call a place unexplored when people have never visited it to find o

13、ut about it. 8) Earth-type means of the same kind as on earth. 9) A magnet is a metal object than can pull other metal objects towards it.While-task procedure:1. Exercise E on page 81.E. 1) Peters was not a very good navigator. The story says that he was lost again. 2) Lam was a good pilot. The stor

14、y says that she brought them down gently. 3) The doors in the cliff were very big. The story says that they were two storeys high 4) Gorks roar frightened the captain and crew. The story says that it turned their blood to ice.5) Gork and his friends did not like aliens. Gork said that it was their c

15、ustom to kill all aliens.6) Gork was crueler to the captain than to the rest of the crew. Gork said to the captain: “ Youll be the last one to die.”来7) Peters was frightened. The story says that his voice shook when he spoke.8) The captain was sure that he could save his men. He said “ Trust me.”2.

16、ListeningA few years ago, Gorks sister Gokella visited Shanghai. Listen to thestory of her visit and put the picture in the right order.1) Gorkella wanted to visit China. She flew her spaceship over Shanghai. She landed her spaceship next to the Oriental Pearl Tower.2) Gorkella got out of her spaces

17、hip. She walked around the streets,Looking at the shops. Unfortunately she stood on some of the cars.3) Then she decided to cross the river. She took the Pujiang Ferry. She sat on the roof so that she could see the view. 4) Next she went to Changfeng Park. It was a hot day, so she had a swim in the

18、pool.5)After her swim, Gorkella was hungry. So she went to a restaurant and had a sea-food meal. She ate lots of fish.6)Then she walked over to Zhongshan Park. She was feeling tired, so she sat down. She sat on a big piece of wood. It went down the steps very fast7) Gorkella decided that it was time

19、 to go home. She took the underground back to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. The otherpassengers stood clear of the door when she got out.8) Lots of people were angry with Gorkella, because she had broken lots of things. She got in her spaceship and flew away to her home.1.Ask the students to listen a

20、gain and this time to fill in the blanks paragraph by paragraph.2.Work in pairs. Both S1 and S2 will go hiking next week. S1 has made the arrangements. S2 asks questions about the arrangements.S2: What time will we leave tomorrow?S1: We will leave at 8 oclock sharp.S2: What will we take with us?S1:

21、Well take food, water, and a plastic bag each.S2: What will we use the plastic bag for?S1: Well use it for our rubbish.S2: when will we return?S1: We will return at about 5 p.mS2: Will / shall we take a compass with us?S1: Yes, of course.S2: Will it be a difficult hike?S1: Yes, it will be.S2: Will w

22、e be in any danger?S1: No, of course we wont. we will be careful. 5. Allow the students some time to finish the notice on page 83 Exploring Sheshan Arrangements for hike on 15 October Attention all membersWe will leave from the club at 8 .a.m sharp. We will take food,water and a plastic bag each. We

23、 will use the plastic bag for our rubbish. We will return at 5 p.m. we will take a compass with us. It will be a difficult hike. However we wont be in any danger because we will be careful.Evelyn ChenSecretary Post-task activity1. Read the exercises done today.2. Writing “ Arrangements for hike next week” (the students must use in, on, at, next to write about the time)Notes: 练习是巩固知识点的有效途经,给学生时间做所订练习册上的基础题,主要是关注中差生学习的反馈情况。第四部分题目仅仅是将来时态的练习,很简单,我没有放在课堂上做,而是作为回家作业让中差生做,第二天上交老师检查。课堂上可只对他们进行口头问答,增强他们的自信心。第五部分学生完全可以在没有准备的情况下口头来做。同时作为训练可以给学生提供另外一个关于活动的表格让学生来写作,他们自然会利用原文进行参照。


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