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1、江苏省涟水四中八年级英语上册Unit 5 Reading 2导学案(无答案) 牛津版学习目标:1. To get more detailed information about Zhalong Nature Reserve. 2. To analyze the sentences to get a better understanding.3. To know the importance of wetlands and nature自主学习:(P76-79) 1、课前准备:1.Why do people build nature reserves?2. Does Zhalong nature

2、 reserve play an important role in protecting birds?3. What can you do to protect birds and wild animals?2、难点释疑。 1. in north-east China = in the north-east of China西北 _ 东南 _ 西南 _观察:China is in the east of Asia and to the north of Australia.总结:“in”表示 _ “to”表示 _2. one of the worlds most important wetl

3、ands= one of the most important wetlands in the worldOne of + _,e.g.: I think diving is one of _ (危险的) _ (活动).3. provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物 ( ) China _ a lot of food _ Iraq during the war(战争). A. provides , for B. provides , with C. provided , for D. provided , with同义句:_这本书将向你提

4、供更多的信息(两种)。 _/_4. change You will see many _ (n.变化) in the village. 你会看见村里发生的许多变化。Here is your_(n. 零钱). 这是你的找头。In autumn the leaves _(v. 变化)from green to brown. 秋天树叶由绿变黄。5. danger 词性 _, 意思是 _ 。 in danger (处在危险中) out of danger (脱离危险) endangered 词性 _, 意思是 _dangerous 词性 _, 意思是 _e.g.: If you are in the

5、forest alone, you will be _ _ because there are many _ animals in the forest. We should take actions to _ (保护) the _ birds. Keep calm before _.6. living , alive 区别:两个词都是形容词,但是有一定的区别 living 意为“活的”,可以放在n 前作前置定语,也可以作表语,做表语时可与alive 互换。alive 意为“活着的”,不可以做前置定语,可以做表语。e.g.: The old woman bought some _ fish.

6、We find the bird is still _. 居住空间 _ 活羊 _7. important, 词性_, 意思是_Importance, 词性_, 意思是_ 的重要性 _e.g. English is as _ as Maths, but many students dont understand the _ of it.8. make space for 表示“为让出空间,给腾出地方” 其中space为不可数名词,表示“空间、余地”。make space for =make room for space 也可以表示“宇宙、太空”,in space指“在太空”,space前通常不用

7、冠词。 e.g. When the old man got on the bus, many people _(为他让出空间).9.stay We made a short _(n. 逗留、停留) in Beijing last week. 上个月我们在北京作了短暂逗留。 He often _ at home in the evening. 晚上他经常呆在家里。(v. 待、留) We must exercise more to_ _. 我们必须多锻炼以保持身体健康(v. 保持)8A Unit5 Birdwatchers Reading II必做题一、词汇。1. I hope you will

8、_ (积极地) take some actions to _ (保护) the birds.2. This island(岛) is a good _ (a place to live or stay) for many wild birds.3. Zhalong is one of the worlds most important w_.4. His father _(提供) good school things for him.5. Every year, a lot of t_ come to China to visit the Great Wall.6. Do you unders

9、tand the _(important) of the wetlands?7. We need do something _ (help) them.8. It is the (潮湿的) season of the year in my hometown.二、单选。( ) 1. Many birds live in Zhalong Nature Reserve _. A. all round years B. all year round C. round all year D. the all years round( ) 2. There are many people in the h

10、all. We dont have _ to stand in. A. enough space B. enough spaces C. spaces enough D. many space( ) 3. Nature reserves are used for protecting _ birds. A. in danger B. endangered C. in dangerous D. endanger三、翻译句子1江苏大丰是麋鹿的理想家园。鸟儿们舒服的住在那儿。Dafeng Jiangsu is an _ _ _ Milu deer. Birds live there _.2昆明的天气

11、终年温暖,潮湿。The _ in Kunming is warm and wet _.3它为它们提供食物和掩蔽处。 是狼的重要生活区域。It _ _ and _ them and is _4这意味着野生动植物的空间将越来越少。This there and for wildlife .5. 一些人想改变湿地来为农田和建筑物创造更多的空间。Some people want to _to _for farms and buildings6. 观鸟俱乐部的成员打算研究鸟的数量的变化。_ our birdwatching club _the number of the birds7. 我们希望这则信息可

12、以使他们积极采取行动来保护野生生物。We hope _can _to protect wildlife.选做题:完形填空。(20分) While Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside, they enjoyed _1_ the seagulls. They _2_ a lot about these lovely birds. They will often come close to you when you are eating anything. If you _3_ pieces of bread to them, they at on

13、ce snatched(抓住)it up. Seagulls swim well, but they do not often dive for fish. They are also good at _4_ with their wings. When a seagull is in the sky he puts his legs _5_ his body. Tom often watched them _6_ to the ground because he liked the way they _7_ the air with their wings and brought down

14、their feet before they _8_ the ground. Mary liked to see them gliding(滑翔)over the _9_ as they often do, without moving their _10_. But she said she didnt like the noise they make. ( )1. A. catching B. shooting C. watching D. playing ( )2. A. understood B. learned C. studied D. thought ( )3. A. threw

15、 B. took C. sent D. thought ( )4. A. swimming B. flying C. running D. rising ( )5. A. under B. about C. on D. in ( )6. A. come B. to come C. go D. to go ( )7. A held B. beat C. put D. kept ( )8. A. hit B. arrived C. got D. touched ( )9. A. water B. beach C. sky D. ground ( )10. A. eyes B. feet C. legs D. wings


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