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1、Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 3 Shops and market一、据意填空1. I need to buy a new watch _your brother.2. We dont need to buy _ videos.3. What shops will you go to _the shopping center?4. I prefer the ones _the blue belt.5. I agree _what they are doing6. Do you have them _my size?7. Would y

2、ou like to try _the jeans first?8. The changing rooms are _ there.9. -I want to get a new _of shoes today. -Why ?You have plenty of them already.10. Let me write a shopping _ first.二、单项选择1. -Whose painting is this? Its really wonderful! -Oh, its not_.Its_.A .hers, your B. mine, elses C. yours, hes D

3、. his, your2. What do you need to buy _the shop?I need to buy a new watch.A. at B .from C. over D .with3. This pair of jeans _too big for me . Try this one.A. are B. is C. wear D. wears4. Whats on TV tonight? Is there _ interesting? Im afraid not.A. something B. anything C .nothing D. everything5. I

4、 usually come to this fruit shop to _.A buy some bananas B. have a meal C. post a letter D. see a doctor6. He_ living in the country to the cityA. likes B. prefers C. enjoys D. loves7. Why dont we have a rest?Didnt we just have _?A. it B. that C. one D. this8.I think people here are friendly. Do you

5、 _me ?A. got on with B. agree with C. laugh at D. play with9. Would you like some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk, too .I prefer coffee _milk.A. to B. with C. than D. of10. Would you please bring me the jeans with the blue belt? _.A. Give it to you B. Its here C. Here it is D. Here they are三

6、、补全对话A: What can I do for you, sir?B: Im looking for a white T-shirt.A: _1_B: Size L.A: Sorry. _2_B: Have you got any other colour?A: Yes. _3_ It is very popular this year.B: Well, it looks nice _4_A: Sure, Look!It fits you well.B:I think so. _5_A: 128 yuan.B: I really like it. Though it is a bit ex

7、pensive, Ill take it.四、选择并抄写单词1. What shops will you _(go, go to)in the shopping center.2. She prefers_(the ones, ones) with the blue belt.3. Did you_(went, go)to the shops last weekend? 4. I_(preferred, prefered) the white shirt last year.5. She has been in this city_ she was born.(since, after)【试题

8、答案】一、1. for 2. any 3. in 4. with 5. with6. in 7. on 8. over 9. pair 10. at二、15 B B B B A 610 D A B A D三、15 F G E D B四、1. go to 2. the ones 3. go 4. preferred 5. since【励志故事】改变人生的一句话卡耐基小时候是个大家公认的非常淘气的坏男孩。在他9岁的时候,他父亲把继母娶进家门。当时他们是居住在维吉尼州乡下的贫苦人家,而继母则来自较好的家庭。他父亲一边向她介绍卡耐基,一边说:“亲爱的,希望你注意这个全郡最坏的男孩,他可让我头疼死了,说



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