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1、Chapter Three【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容Chapter Three: Dealing with trouble: reading学习过程一、重点句子:1. Today my father and I were waiting for the ferry .今天我爸爸和我正在等渡轮。在此句中所用的时态是过去进行时,这一时态的基本结构是was/were+ v.-ing 形式。它与一般过去时态不同。一般过去时态用于陈述过去的事实, 而过去进行时态用于描述过去某个时间里正在发生的动作,句中常有具体的表示过去的时间点或时间段。I was watching the World Cup Fi

2、nal at 7 oclock yesterday evening. 昨晚7点,我正在看世界杯决赛。He watched the World Cup Final yesterday evening. 昨晚他看了世界杯决赛。这一时态用于描述过去某一时刻正在发生的动作。而现在进行时描述的是目前正在发生的动作。I was having my breakfast then. 那时我正在吃早餐。Im having my breakfast now.现在我正在吃早餐。You were sleeping then. 当时你正在睡觉。They are sleeping now. 现在他们正在睡觉。wait f

3、or 表示:等候,等待.wait 是一个不及物动词,后接宾语时,必须用短语wait for.Please wait here. He will be back in a minute. 请等在这儿吧。他一会儿就会回来。We should wait for help. 我们应该等待帮忙。Will you wait for me for a while?你等我一会好么?2. This afternoon we heard a big argument. 今天下午我们听见一场大声的争论。heard 是动词hear的过去式。表示:听见,听到。hear 和listen to 的区别。hear 表示:听见

4、,听到,强调听的结果,listen to 表示:听,听着, 强调听的动作。Its raining outside. Can you hear?外面在下雨。你能听到么?Shes listening to English songs. 她正在听英语歌。Did you hear me ?你听到我说话了么?Are you listening to me?你在听我说话么?3. And showed everyone that it was empty. 给每个人看包是空的。句中的show后面跟了双宾语,一个是everyone, 另一个是宾语从句that it was empty. show sb. th

5、at.表示:向某人显示,表明。动词show 常用在下面的结构。show sb. +宾语从句:向某人显示,表明The photo shows us that there is no life on Mars. 这幅图片向我们表明了火星上没有生命。The evidence showed the police who was the murders. 这个证据向警方表明了谁是凶手。show sth. to sb. 或show sb. sth.把某物给某人看。Please show your passport to me. =Please show me your passport. 请把你的护照给我

6、看一下。show sb how to do sth. 教某人做某事。He will show me how to do flashes. 他将教我怎样制作动漫。Let me show you how to play this game. 我来教你怎样玩这个游戏吧。句中that引导一个宾语从句,作showed的宾语。在含有宾语从句的复合句中,当主语的时态是过去时态,宾语从句的时态通常也要用过去式。这是宾语从句时态一致原则。He said he did his homework . 他说他做了作业。I thought she was beautiful. 我以为她很靓。4. No one knew

7、 what was happening. 没有人知道发生了什么。no one 相当于nobody, 只能用于指人,不用于指物,后面不能接of 短语,no one 作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。No one believes him . 没有人能相信他。No one can help you . You must do it yourself. 没有人能帮你.这事你必须自己干。happen用作不及物动词,没有被动语态。用事物作主语,表示(偶然)发生。.What was happened to Danny? 丹尼出什么事了?What happened to my computer?我的电脑怎么啦?用

8、人作主语,表示:碰巧,后接动词不定式。I happened to be at the airport when he arrived. 他到达时我恰好在机场。Do you happen to know his e-mail address?你可知道他的电子邮箱么?5. move through the crowd表示:(速度较慢的)挪动,穿过人群。介词through 在此处表示:通过,穿过,指通过某个地域空间。There are many people on the square. You have to move through the crowds. 广场上有许多人,你得在人群中穿行。Wh

9、en you take a plane, you will have to go through a safety entrance. 当你乘飞机时,你必须通过安检。They will run through that forest. 他们将跑步穿过那个森林。Can you go through a wall ? 你能穿墙而过么?6. They stole my friends purse five minutes ago. 他们五分钟前偷了我朋友的钱包。stole 是动词steal 的过去式,过去分词为stolen. steal有下列用法:在句中表示:偷,窃取,常用的结构为:steal st

10、h. from sb. /some place(从某人或某处偷取某物),steal sb. sth. 为某人偷窃某物。The spy stole some military information from the base. 间谍从基地窃取了一些军事情报。The thief stole his girlfriend a diamond. 那个小偷为女友偷窃了一颗钻石。表示:偷偷的夺取,巧取。He is doing his best to steal his girlfriends heart. 他竭尽所能来博取女友的欢心。7. We were down in the bookshop, bu

11、ying postcards. 我们到书店买明信片。句中buying postcards 是一个v.-ing形式的短语,用作状语,表示伴随动作。所谓伴随动作,是指与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的一个次要动作。He went out , laughing loudly. 他大笑着走了出去。You can make sentences, using the new words in this unit. 你可以用本单元的生词造句。(make 主要动作,using次要动作,同时发生)8. started talking to us 表示:开始和我们聊了起来。动词start后面可以跟v.-ing形式s

12、tart doing sth. 也可以跟动词不定式start to do sth. 两种用法在含义上没什么区别,都表示开始做某事。It started raining when we got to the airport . 当我们到达机场时,天开始下雨了。She started to pack up.她开始收拾行装。二、重点词组:1. deal with trouble表示:应对麻烦deal with 是一个动词短语。在课文中表示: 对付,应对,处理What should we do to deal with this situation?我们应该做什么来应付这种情况呢?It is not

13、easy to deal with him. 和他打交道可不容易。Deal with a man as he deals with you. 以其人之道,还治其人之身。表示:与做生意。We are dealing with that company. 我们正在和那家公司做生意。trouble 在此处作名词,表示: 麻烦,困境,可以作不可数名词,也可作可数名词。Im sorry to give you so much trouble. 真不好意思,给你添了这么多麻烦。It saved me a lot of trouble.这倒省了我不少麻烦。He is a trouble maker. 他是一

14、个麻烦制造者。trouble 作名词时还可以表示:讨厌的事或人。It is a great trouble to bring these bags. 带这些包裹真是麻烦事。He is a big trouble . 他是个挺麻烦的人。trouble 还可以作动词,表示:使麻烦,扰乱,费力,费神。The bad news troubled me. 那个坏消息让我烦心。Dont trouble about it. 别为那事费心了。2. shout at : 对吼叫,介词at在此处表示:针对着,向.通常指发怒,发火的情形。Dont shout at me. 别对我大喊大叫的。You should n

15、ot shout at your child. 你不应该冲着孩子吼叫.shout to 表示:向着喊叫。介词to 表示声音所喊的方向,通常指呼唤较远处的人。Dont shout to him. Its too far. He cant hear you.别对他喊了。太远了。他听不见。shout back 表示:吼叫还击,在此处。back 表示:回,还,还可以与一些动词搭配,表示以语言或动作还击。Her father said she was lazy, and she did not answer back. 她父亲说她很懒,而她并没回嘴。3. hold out 表示:伸出,端出。后面接宾语时

16、,如果是代词,则必须放在out 前面。Hold out your hands. 把你双手伸出来When the soup was ready , she held it out to the dining room. 汤好了之后,她把汤端到了餐厅。4. stare at sb. 表示:盯着某人看。It is not polite to stare at other people. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。The teacher stared at Tom and said “ I know you did it” 老师盯着汤姆说:我知道这事是你干的。look at 表示:看,看着,指一般看的动作

17、。Look at that girl ! She is crying.瞧那个女孩,她正在哭。Why are you looking at me? 你为什么看着我?see 表示:看见,强调结果。 Can you see the star in the sky? 你能看见天上的那颗星星吗?Did you see Helen in the swimming pool? 你在游泳池里看见海伦了么?5. talk to sb. 表示和某人谈一谈,多指主动找对方谈话的情景。6. at first 起先,起初,开始的时候,多用于过去时态的句中作状语,描述过去的动作。At first I though he was our new teacher. 起先,我以为他是我们的新老师。At first she was friendly to him. 起初。她对他还挺好。At first he was learning English , but later he picked up French. 开始的时候,他是在学英语,后来他学起了法语


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