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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?教材解读本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此“Where did you go on vacation?”“Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did / No,I didnt”等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。单元目标一、知识与技能1. 词汇:New York City, Central Park, exam, were, rainy, delicious,expensive, inexpens

2、ive, crowded, flew, kite, later, felt, little, corner, discuss, etc.2. 句型: Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer campDid she go to Central Park?Yes, she didNo, she didnt.3. 语法:一般过去时的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。4. 能力目标:能用一般过去时熟练谈论假期发生的事。二、过程与方法灵活运用教材,从所教学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,调整和取舍教学内容,合理安排本单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教学内

3、容。三、情感、态度与价值观1通过描述假期发生的事,增进同学间的了解,增进感情。2通过图片和视频欣赏优美的风景,培养热爱祖国大好河山的思想感情,提高学生的环保意识。3了解自己的能力,培养情操4培养学生们对英语的兴趣。教法导航1. 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法等。2. 在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。3. 教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为基础,注重实用性。4. 引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。学法导航 多读善思,小组合作、探究、学习、交流。课时支配第1课时:Section A 1a-2c第2课时:Section A 2d

4、-3c第3课时:Section B 1a-2c第4课时:Section B 2d-Self Check课时教案 第1课时 Section A 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握句型:Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains. Did you go with anyone? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.2. 熟练掌握本课短语:stay at home, went to New York City, went to summer camp, went to the mountains, went to

5、 the beach, visited museums, visited my uncle.二、过程与方法通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性。三、情感、态度与价值观学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。教学重点掌握句型:Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains/ New York City/ beach /summer camp. Di

6、d you go with anyone? Yes,I did. / No, I didnt.教学难点掌握用过去时谈论假期的活动。教法导航通过看图、看视频、听录音、问答、讨论等方法学习谈论能力和表达愿望。学法导航通过看、听、说等各种途径,以小组合作的形式,主动探求知识,锻炼自主学习能力。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the class.Step 2 Lead inAsk questions about what students did last Saturday.(1)Who went to the movies last Saturday? Po

7、int to one student who raises his or her hand. Sara went to the movies last Saturday. RepeatWrite this sentence on the board. Underline the word went(2) Ask:Who visited a friend last Saturday?Point to one student who raises his or her handCarlos visited a friend last SaturdayRepeat. Write this sente

8、nce on the board. Underline the word “visited”Point to the words went and visited in the sentences on the boardSay:We use these words to talk about things that happened in the past. Write these pairs of words on the board:gowent, visit visited. Ask: Can you point out the words that talk about the pa

9、st?This activity introduces the key vocabularyStep 3 Practice1. Focus attention on the pictureAsk: What can you see?Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the pastName each activity and ask students to repeat: went to the mountains, went to New York City, went to summer camp, visited my u

10、ncle,stayed at home, went to the beach, visited museums.2Point to the numbered list of activitiesSay each one again and ask the students to repeat3Now, please match each phrase with one of the picturesSay:Write the letter of each picture next to the name of the activityPoint to the sample answer.4Ch

11、eck the answers.Step 4 Listening 1Point to the picture on the screen. Say: look at Picture A,Where did Tina go on vacation? Yes,she went to the mountainsAsk:What did the person do in each scene? Say: There are three conversations. Play the recording the first time.2. The people talk about what they

12、did on vacationListen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes in the picture. Please write only 5 numbers. Point out the sample answer next to the picture showing went to the mountain. Play the recording a second time.3Correct the answersStep 5 Pair workPoint out the examp

13、le conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class. Say the dialogue in the picture with a student,Do a second example to the class. Then say:Now work with a partner, make conversations about the people in the picturesAs they talk,move around the classroom monitoring their work. Off

14、er language or pronunciation support as neededStep 6 Listening1.2a. Ask: Where did the people go on vacation? And then ask the students to listen carefully and fill in the chart. Play the recording twice and then check the answers.2. Look at the form carefully, ask: Did the people do the following t

15、hings? Then ask the students to listen carefully and check the anwers. Play twice and ask the students to check the answers in pairs and then check the answers together.Step 7 Role playLook at the form again carefully and make role-play conversations among Grace, Kevin and Julie. Ask one or two grou

16、ps to show the conversation first and then get the students to practice in groups.Step 8 HomeworkPractice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 1课堂作业I. 翻译短语:l. 待在家里 _ 2. 去纽约城_ 3. 参加夏令营_4. 去爬山 _ 5. 去海滩_ 6. 参观博物馆_II. 按要求完成句子。1. I went to the mountains(改成一般疑问句)2. Tina went to New York City.(就划线

17、部分提问)3. Did you go to the beach?(作出肯定回答)4. Did they go to summer camp?(作出否定回答)参考答案:I. 1. stay at home 2. go to New York City 3. go to summer camp 4. go to the mountains 5. go to the beach 6. visit museums II. 1. Did you go to the mountains? 2. Where did Tina go? 3. Yes, I did. 4. No, they didnt.教学反思

18、本课学习了几个短语和一个重点英语句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地用一般过去时询问和回答有关假期的事情。第2课时 Section A 2d-3c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握重点句型:How was your vacation?Where did you go? Did you go out with anyone?2. 理解并掌握几个不定代词:anyone, everyone, something, anything, everything, nothing的用法。3. 熟练运用句型:Did you ?二、过程与方法学生通过上一节课的学习,对where引导的过去时态的特殊疑问句

19、已经掌握,能自然地与本课知识相衔接。让学生回忆他们的假期情况,引出一般过去时态的句型,并且进行大量练习。采用学生提出问题,学生解决问题,借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性。三、情感、态度与价值观教育学生渗透合作精神和社会公德意识。教学重点掌握句型:Where did you go on vacation? Did you go out with anyone? Did you buy anything? Did you visit anyone?教学难点能用句型Did you ?提出尽可能多的有关过去假期的问题。教法导航创设情境,让学生自己总结规律,思考,讨论,最后得出结论。创设英语语言氛围,使学生

20、能较快地融入到英语语言学习的情景中来。学法导航自主学习,独立思考,小组讨论,同桌合作,完成学习任务。教学准备视频,图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the class as usual.Step 2 RevisionAsk the students to look at the picture on Page 1 and make conversations, using the sentence pattern: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains. Did you go with any

21、one? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.Step 3 Role playThe teacher acts as Rick and ask a student to act as Helen and practice the dialogue of 2d on Page 2. Then ask the students to practice in pairs and finally ask two or three pairs to act it out.Step 4 Grammar FocusReview the grammar box. Ask students to

22、 say the questions and answers.Review the difference between regular ed past tense verbs (stay stayed, visit-visited) and irregular past tense verbs (go went, buy-bought). Then get the students to ask and answer the questions and answers in pairs.Step 5 GameAsk one student to act as the teacher and

23、ask some individual students questions. Get as many students as possible to be the teacher.Then ask the students to pay attention to the words: no one, anyone, everyone, something, nothing, anything.Step 6 Practice3a Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and practice the conversation.3b Fill

24、in the blanks in the e-mail mestudentsage with the words in the box.After checking the answers, get the students to read them aloud.Step 7 Group workMake a survey. Ask the students to make a survey by asking the questions about their last vacation: Did you eat anything at a reastaurant? Did you read

25、 anything interesting? .Make sure the students practice the dialogues again and again and write down the results in the form. Then ask some students to report their results.Step 8 HomeworkAsk your classmates as many questions about their last vacation as possible.课堂作业Fill in the blanks.1. Where _ yo

26、u _ (go) on vacation?2. I _ (go) to New York City.3. _ you _ (go) out with _? No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.4. Did you buy _ special? Yes, I _ (buy) something for my father.5. _ was the food? Everything tasted really good!参考答案:1. did, go 2. went 3. Did, go, anyone 4. anything, bought

27、 5. How教学反思为了避免语法学习的枯燥,本课设计了几个小组活动和小游戏,让学生在不知不觉中就掌握了知识,学习效果较好。第3课时Section B 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 熟练读出,书写本课重点单词。2. 培养学生的听力能力。3. 巩固本单元的重点句型:Where did? What did? How? Did ?4. 培养学生的阅读理解能力。二、过程与方法通过例子The ring is one hundred million dollarsIts expensive.引入本课,设置会话情景来激发学生兴趣,调动其学习主动性。利用多媒体图片大量练习句型,提出问题,解决问题,体现

28、师生互动。三、情感、态度与价值观教育学生热爱生活,积极参与班级集体活动。教学重点1. 培养学生的听力能力。2. 复习巩固本单元的重点句型。3. 培养学生的阅读理解能力。教学难点1. 培养学生的听力能力。2. 掌握、运用本单元的重点句型。教法导航兴趣活动教学策略,充分调动学生的积极性。 学法导航通过组内合作和组间比赛等活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力,促使学生学会体验实践、参与合作与交流的学习方式。教学准备1. 多媒体课件2. 上网或查阅资料找到尽可能多的与本课有关的图片。 教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Revis

29、ionGet some students to say as many questions about their last vacation as possible by using the sentence pattern: Did you ?Step 3 PresentationShow a short funny video and ask: Is it interesting? Then show a picture and say: This is a ring. The price is one hundred million dollarsIts expensive. Yes?

30、 Show them more pictures to teach the new words.Step 4 CompetitionGet the students to look at the pictures in 1a and get them to have a competition: look at which group is the first to match the words with the pictures. Ask the group which is the first to report their answers. Then look at the words

31、 in 1a again and get the students to finish 1b.Step 5 ListeningSay: Lisa is talking about her vacation. After you hear the conversation, please answer these questions. Read the questions to the class. Play the recording the first time. The students only listen. Play the recording again and get the s

32、tudents to write the answer to each question.1d Go through the question and the words and then play the recording for the students to listen and fill in the blanks. Check the answers in groups.Step 6 Pair work1e Ask the students to ask and answer questions about Lisas vacation. Tell them to begin th

33、eir questions with the words in the box. After several minutes, ask some pairs to ask and answer.Step 7 DiscussionGet the students to discuss the questions in the box in 2a with their partner.Step 8 ReadingSay: Jane went to Penang in Malaysia. Did she have a good time? Read Janes diary entries about

34、 her vacation and answer the questions: Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday? After reading, ask some students to report their answers.Step 9 Group workWork in groups and read Janes diary entries again. Fill in the chart. Look at which group is the first to finish it. Then ask

35、some group to report their answers.Step 10 HomeworkTry to remember the words and sentences learned in this class.课堂作业1. Lisa went to Hong Kong. (对划线部分提问) _did Lisa _?2. She did something special there. (对划线部分提问) _ did she _ there?3. She bought something for her best friend. (变成一般疑问句)_ she _ _ for he

36、r best friend?4. Lisas vacation was great. (对划线部分提问)_ was Lisas vacation?参考答案:1. Where, go 2. What, do 3. Did, buy, anything 4. How教学反思本节课总共学习了几个形容词以及where和how句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地用英语表达自己的感受,培养了他们热爱集体活动的情感。第4课时 Section B 2d-Self Check教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握常见动词的过去式。2. 学习并掌握日记的写法。二、过程与方法通过复习一般过去时引出本课的重点日记

37、。三、情感、态度与价值观了解并欣赏我国的美好河山,培养热爱祖国的思想感情。教学重点1. 掌握本课的单词、短语和句型。2. 学会写日记。教学难点能较熟练地用过去式记录自己所做的事。教法导航 采用竞赛、小组合作等多种活动方式开展教学,注重因材施教。 学法导航 交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 教学准备多媒体,图片。教学过程Step 1 Greetings!Greet the students as usual.Step 2 RevisionGet the students to talk about Janes diary entries by asking t

38、he questions in 2c.Step 3 Pair workSay:Ann is asking Jane about her trip to Penang. Please work in pairs and complete the conversation in 2d by using the information in the diary entries. After several minutes, ask some pairs to act out the conversation.Step 4 Practice2e Say: Jane went to Penang Hil

39、l again on Thursday and had a great day. Please help her to fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. After finishing, ask the students to check the answers in groups and then ask some students to write down their answers on the blackboard. Then read and

40、remember the words together. Finally get the students to read the diary aloud.Step 5 PresentationShow some beautiful pictures about the places of interest in China and ask the students: There are many places of interest in China. Are they beautiful? Do you like them? Do you want to go to these place

41、s? Which place do you want to go?Step 6 WritingSay: Look at the pictures in 3a and imagine you went to one of them, please complete the diary entry by using the words and phrases in the box to help you. After several minutes, ask some students to read their diary.Step 7 Pair workSay: Imagine you wen

42、t to some place, please work in pairs and ask and answer the questions to make notes about the vacation you took. Youd better write down your answers.Step 8 WritingSay: Now write another travel diary like the one in 3a by using your answers to the questions in 3b. Have the students do the activity i

43、ndividually. You may want to have them write on pieces of paper, since space in the textbook is limited. As they work,move around the classroom offering astudentsistance as necessary.Step 9 GameSay: Imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in China. You meet each other at the airport on your way h

44、ome. Talk about what you did on your vacation. Now please work in pairs, one is Paul and the other is Anna.Get the student to finish the exercise of Self Check by asking questions: What can you do? I can play the violin/ speak English/ swim/ tell stories etc. Step 10 HomeworkWrite another diary abou

45、t a trip to a place of interest in China.课堂作业Finish Self Check.教学反思能设置一种情景,让学生在假期中“真正”去过某些地方,然后再进行问答,相信会更好。尽可能多地创设英语氛围,以提高学生的语言综合运用能力。任务型教学能调动学生的积极性,激起学生的好奇心,使学生产生成就感,进一步激起他们对英语的兴趣。学生学习语言是在理解的基础上运用语言,在用中学,为学生提供了使用英语的语境。着重培养学生的创新精神和独立思维能力,并在学习的基础上了解文化差异,培养合作精神和社会公德意识。如果把课堂教学内容扩展到课外活动中去。形成课内外互相补充、互相促进的学习方式会更好


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