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1、Chapter 5 language(教学设计) Teaching designOxford English 8 A Chapter 5 languageI. The analysis of the teaching material.It is the language part of 8 A Chapter 5 , It contains three parts.A. naming thingsB. Using countable and uncountable nouns.C. Saying what things are made of.The language function is

2、 close to our daily life. We often need to use them to communicate. It can help the students to express their ideas correctly.It plays an important role in the whole module even the whole book.II. The analysis of the students.The students in Grade 8 have learnt English for more than one year. This p

3、art is not difficult for them to master now. They have learnt the sentence patterns. But they dont understand clearly. This part can help them use the sentence patterns to communicate correctly. Meanwhile their abilities are not in the same level. So in the teaching design I give them different leve

4、ls of tasks which are close to their lives, to make them interested in English.III. The teaching objectives1.Knowledge objectives a. To make the students aware of the uses of this/that ,these /thoseb. To identify the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.c. To say what things are made of.2. Ability

5、objectivesa. Use English to talk about things near or further away correctly.b. Using the target language to communicate3. Moral objectivesa. Make the students interested in English learningb.Learn actively, willingly and cooperatively.c.Make them become more confident.4.Culture sensesConsolidate th

6、e names of the fast food , know the English diet culture.5. Learning strategiesa. Learn by finding questions.b. Learn by using the Internet or other toolsa. Gain the ability of revision and conclusion.IV. Teaching key points and difficult points1. Teaching key points a. To make the students aware of

7、 the uses of this/that ,these /thoseb. To identify the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.c. Using the target language to communicate2. Teaching difficult pointsTo express the amount of the uncountable nouns. e.g. a loaf / loaves of bread V.Teaching approaches 1.The task-based teaching approachTh

8、e New curriculum Standard suggests we use the task-based teaching approach. So I give them some individual tasks and group tasks which are interesting and close to their life. Let hem learn by doing, learning by using.2.The audio-lingual approachThe purpose of learning English is to communicate, tha

9、t means to speak and listen. This teaching approach can improve their speaking and listening ability greatly, Make them brave enough to communicate in English. VI. The teaching aids1. The Multi- media 2. A tape recorderVII. The teaching procedureStepsThe TeachersactivitivesStudentsactivitivesPurpose

10、TimeStep1Warming up来And leading in1.Show the pictures on the screen. 2.Ask ss to name the objects in groupsTask1:Discuss the names of the things in groupsTask2: Have a competition about the words.1.Arouse the ssinterests 2.Review the nouns to lead in the new lesson 4minutesStep2New lesson1.Show the

11、ss some real objects.2.Slide show of words of the countable nouns and uncountable nouns. 3.Show some things to the students and ask them what they are made of.Task1:Use this/that ,these/those to describe things near or further away Task2: The ss arrange them into two parts of the forms in groupsTask

12、3: Make a similar dialogue according to the C2 p701.Let the students sum up the rules by themselvesThe teacher is the helper of the ss2.Use the language freely,learning by using,20mStep3Consolidation1.Do exercise in the paper Task1: Finish Task2:Check each others answers3. report the result.1.Consol

13、idate what we learn2. The ss are the main body.10mStep4Group work1.Suppose you are a boss of a restaurant, make a poster and introuduce your food.Task1: DiscussTask2:make a posterTask3:Report in a paragraph.1. Learn actively, willingly and cooperatively7mStep5Conclusion1.Ask what we have learntTask:

14、 Sum up.1.They can study and conclude by themselves4mVIII. Assignments1.Write your shopping list for Spring Festival.2.Describe an object you like about what it looks like , what it is made of, where it is made, why you like it.Purpose:1.To master more countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2.Improve

15、 their ability of using English.IX . The blackboard design 8 A Chapter 5 languageKey and difficult points some pictures Free part1.this/that. These/those2.countable nouns and uncountable nouns.3.a loaf/loaves of breadDesign notes: The blackboard is divided into three parts. On the left , it is the K

16、ey and difficult points, and in the middle ,On the right, it is the free part, it is the words, phrases or short sentences the students dont understand in the teaching procedure. I can erase them freely. X. Teaching reflection1. Advantagesa. The multi-media is used to make the teaching lively and di

17、rect- viewing, make the tasks easier to be carried out. The students must feel that, it is easy and interesting to learn English.b. The students work in groups to finish the task of Make them learn cooperatively and willingly. 2. Disadvantage:Some students make mistakes by using nouns ,I must try a

18、better way .XI. An evaluation tableAsk the students to choose the suitable options, first, himself/herself, then, his/her classmate, finally, the teacher.Evaluation1.MasterOf the lesson2How do you think of The group work3.Can you describe the things in the task?4.HomeworkSelf-EvaluationGood/badEasy/difficultCan/cantLike/dislikeCooperate-evaluationGood/badEasy/difficultCan/cantLike/dislikeTeachers evaluationPurpose:After the lesson, I will do A survey in order to improve my teaching procedure.


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