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1、Chapter 1 France is calling一. 教学内容:Chapter 1 France is calling二. 重点句子:1. France is calling. 法国正在向您召唤动词call有如下的含义:召唤,号召。e.g.: Can you call everybody in for lunch? 你能把大家都叫进来吃饭么?喊,嚷:“Breakfast is ready”, She called. 吃早饭了,她喊了一声。请来。e.g.: He was so ill that we had to call the doctor. 他病得很重,我们只好把大夫请来了。取名,把

2、叫做。e.g.: They called the baby Simon. 他们为这个孩子取名叫西蒙。打电话。e.g.: Ill call you later. 我晚点打电话给你。call常见的搭配有:be called 名字叫做。e.g.: Whats your teacher called? 你们老师怎么称呼?Shes called Mrs Gray. 我们叫她格雷太太。call somebody back 给某人回电话。e.g.: I cant talk now- Ill call you back later. 我现在说话不方便-待会儿再给您回电话吧。call for somebody

3、顺路到某人家约之同行。e.g.: Rose often calls for me in the morning and we walk to school together.罗斯常常在早上找我一起步行去上学。call in 访问,拜访。Ill call in to see you this evening. 我今天晚上去探望您。call off 取消原计划,放弃原计划。We called off the race because it was raining. 因为下雨,我们取消了这场比赛。2. Now that winter is behind us, many people are sta

4、rting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays. 既然冬天已经过去,许多人开始计划暑假去国外旅游。now that 由于,既然。相当于because of the fact that.e.g.: Now that the children have left home, we can move to a smaller house.既然孩子们都已经从家里搬出去了,我们也可以搬到一套小一点的房子去了。注意:now that通常用来表示众所周知的原因,而非because那样可能表示比较深层次的或隐含的原因。e.g.: Now th

5、at you mention it, I do remember. 既然你说了,我就会记住的。Now that you have grown up, you must stop this childish behavior. 既然你已经长大了,那么你就应该改掉这种幼稚的行为。start to do sth. 开始做,着手做After waiting for an hour, the clients started to complain.等了一个小时之后,顾客们开始抱怨了。She started to play the piano when she was five years old. 她五

6、岁开始学弹钢琴。注意:我们同样也可以说成start doing sth. e.g.: They started planting trees in the school garden at 9 oclock this morning.他们今天上午9点开始在学校花园里种树。think about doing sth. 考虑做Im thinking about playing tennis this afternoon. 我正在考虑今天下午打网球。Why dont you think about going to the USA for your holidays?你为什么不考虑一下去美国度假呢?

7、 注意:think about 可以用think of 来代替。abroad 相当于 in/ to another country. 意为:在海外,往国外。由于abroad 是个副词,表示“在/到国外”时,前面不能加介词。e.g.: Mary goes abroad for her holidays every year. 玛丽每年都出国度假。My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.我弟弟以前从未出过国,所以他觉得这次旅行十分令人兴奋。overseas(国外)是其同义词,

8、home(在本国)是其反义词。go abroad 意为:出国,去国外。3. This year, why not spread your wings and visit France? 今年,何不走远一些到法国去呢?why not 为何不why not, why dont you 与what about 这三个句式是可以相互转换的。e.g.: Why not start the meeting at once? 为何不现在就开会?Why dont you start the meeting at once? 为何不现在就开会?What about starting the meeting at

9、 once? 现在就开会,如何?spread ones wings 是个俚语,相当于start to fly,travel more widely,go somewhere further away than normal. 意为:展翅高飞。4. It is a huge country, with coasts on the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. 它(法国)幅员辽阔,拥有与英吉利海峡,大西洋和地中海相接的海岸线。在本例中,介词with 意为:有,带有。e.g.: The man with

10、a wooden leg is the father of one of my classmates. 那个有一条木腿的男子是我一个同班同学的父亲。除此之外,with还有以下的含义:和一起。e.g.: The national flag rises with sun every day. 这面国旗每天与太阳一起升起。With those words, he went away. 说完那些话,他便走了。和跟。e.g.: That young man had an argument with those three women tourists.那个年轻人和那三个女游客发生了争执。用(工具)e.g

11、.: Cut it with a knife. 用刀把它切开。The mother is feeding the baby with a spoon. 母亲正在用勺子喂小孩儿。本句中有三个专有名词:the English Channel 英吉利海峡,the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋。the Mediterranean Sea 地中海。注意:河流,海洋,海峡等专有名词前应加上定冠词 the5. In addition, it has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing. 此外,它(法国)还拥有许多极其适合滑雪的山区

12、。In addition, we went to the museum. 此外,我们还去了博物馆。此句可改写为:We went to the museum as well.e.g.: She can speak English. In addition, she speaks five other foreign languages. 她会说英语,此外,她还会说其他五种外语。She can speak English. She speaks five other foreign languages as well. 当我们需要表示“除外”的含义时,还可以用in addition to,相当于a

13、s well as。上述的例子我们呢可以合并为:She speaks five foreign languages in addition to English.除了英语外,她还会说另外五种外语She speaks five foreign languages as well as English. excellent 极好的,卓越的。e.g.: She speaks excellent Japanese. 她说一口流利的日语。excellence(n.) 优秀,卓越。be excellence for 意为:非常适合于,相当于 be good for。e.g.: This court is

14、excellent for playing tennis. 这个场地非常适合打网球。France is excellent for travelling. 法国非常值得去旅游。注意be excellent for 与 be excellent in 的区别:be excellent in 在方面很出色。e.g.: Mandy is excellent in swimming. 曼迪非常擅长游泳。skiing(n.) 滑雪运动e.g.: People in the north enjoy skiing in winter. 北方人们冬天都喜欢滑雪。ski(v.) 滑雪(n.)滑雪板 skier(

15、n.) 滑雪者which are excellent for skiing 是定语从句,修饰 mountain regions。6. The centre of France is a big, agricultural region, growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers. 法国中部是广阔的农业区,种植小麦和向日葵等农作物。There is not much agricultural land in Shanghai. 上海现在的耕地不多。agriculture(n.) 农业 such as 是:例如,诸如的意思。Fatty food such

16、 as French fries are bad for your health.像薯条这样的高脂食品对你的健康有害。People grow crops, such as wheat and sunflowers in this area. 这个地区种植如小麦和向日葵这样的庄稼。辨析:for example, such as 和like上述三个词都有:例如的意思,但在使用中是有区别的。for example 作:例如讲的时候,一般指以同类事物或人中的:“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首,句中,句末。e.g.: A lot of things are invisible in the

17、 world. For example, air is invisible世界上许多东西是肉眼看不见的。例如,空气就是看不见的。He, for example, is a good student. 例如,他就是个好学生。such as 用来列举同类人或事物中的若干个例子。e.g.: Some of the European languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish.有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语系,例如,法语,意大利语和西班牙语。Boys such as John and James are very friend

18、ly. 像约翰和詹姆斯这样的男孩都很友好。要注意,such as 的后面没有逗号。like 也常常用来表示举例,可与such as 互换。但such as用于列举时可以分开使用,此时不可以与like 互换。e.g.: Some warm-blooded animals, like/such as the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate. 一些温血动物,如猫,狗和狼都不需要冬眠。He has several such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks.他有几本像字典,手

19、册之类的参考书。growing crops such as wheat and flowers 在句子中是现在分词短语作后置定语,用于修饰之前的region。因此,本句也可以用定语从句来表示:The centre of France is a big, agricultural region which grows crops such as wheat and sunflowers.7. It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of

20、 grapevines. 驱车经过连绵不断的田野或满山一排排整齐的葡萄藤,真是令人心旷神怡。it is amazing to do sth. 是:做某事真让人惊奇的意思。在表达此类意思时,我们经常会用到:It is +形容词+带to的动词不定式的结构。在这个句型中,it是:形式主语,而非句子的真正主语。句子的真正主语是:动词不定式部分。e.g.: It is tiring to walk up that hill. 要爬上那座山头是很累人的。(it是形式主语,真正的主语为to walk up that hill。因此,本句中也可写成 to walk up that hill is tiring。但习惯用it 作形式主语,不定式部分后置,以免主语部分过长。三. 重点词组:1. now that 既然,由于(众所周知的原因)2. think about doing sth. 考虑做3. go abroad for the summer holidays出国去过暑假4. why not 为何不 5.go on forever一望无际6.seem to 看上去7.(be) covered with被所覆盖8.used to do sth. 过去常常做9. an hour away from 距离一小时的路程10. try doing sth.尝试做


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