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1、Chapter 1 France is calling ReadingLearning and Teaching ArrangementI. The Instruction of the ArrangementThis lesson is arranged by the instruction of the New Curriculum.English curriculum should face to all the students, focus on the quality of the education. The general target of English curriculu

2、m is to expand the comprehensive ability of the language application and this is based on the development of language skills, language focus, emotional attitude, learning strategies and culture as a whole. All these will be achieved in every step of this lesson, with the teachers definite guidance,

3、itll fully reflect what The New Curriculum proposes: Teaching is for communication, by communication and for communication.II. Analysis of the Teaching Contents1. Teaching contents: Oxford English 8B Chapter 1 Reading P2-52. Teaching Objectives:(1). Knowledge objectives: Knowing about the attraction

4、s of France as a tourist destination. (2). Ability objectives: a. The students will be able to read the information needed. b. The students will be able to use the materials to talk about France as many as possible. c. The students will be encouraged to further the additional information about Franc

5、e.(3). Moral objectives: Make a deeper impression on culture between China and foreign countries, further develop the opening attitude of culture.3. Teaching main and difficult points: a. The Culture of different aspects of France , such as location, tourist destinations , food and designer names, a

6、rt and culture. b. Some words and expressions. 4. Teaching aids: Multimedia software and computer5. Teaching methods: Task-based language teaching method; Situation-based language teaching method;Student-centered language teaching method III. Teaching Procedures 1. Lead-in Try to lead the students i

7、nto the world of France by using some pictures they are familiar with, such as French flag, drinks like champagne and mineral water, popular sports in France like cycling , skiing ,tennis and football.2. Warming-up activityAsk the students to talk about anything they know about France, just in a few

8、 words. Then discuss briefly.3.Presentation a. Introduction about France:Suppose I am a reporter and say:“ Im writing an article about travelling to France (Show the page of my magazine) .Now that winter is behind us, many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays. This

9、 year ,why not spread your wings and visit France?” b. To present the emphasis of this class - materials about France in six aspects-Location, scenic areas, the capital and the tourist destinations, food, designer names and art and culture. At the same time, the words and the expressions are present

10、ed.4. Salona. Divide the whole class into groups, assign them to discuss one of the aspects of France in details, using the information they have collected from Internet ,magazines and newspapers. The teacher encourage students at different levels to practice the language. It is not necessary for th

11、e students to speak perfect. Let them make mistakes. Building confidence is much more important than get accuracy at this level.b. Choose a student from each group to report their conclusions to the class they have discussed.c. Appraise their abilities of collecting and dealing with information inde

12、pendently and the cooperation between them .5ConsolidationDo more comprehensive practices by describing France as a whole they have known, including more information about France. 6Practice Exercise D on page 5, making a summary of the article in note form. Complete the summary with information from

13、 the passage.Attractions of France : many beaches ; good (1)_ in the mountains ; beautiful areas of the countryside such as the (2) _ old (3) _ where kings and queens lived Capital : (4 )_Famous places : (5) _ and (6) _Special attractions for children : (7) _Easy to visit Britain now , by using (8)

14、_France is famous for : (9) _ such as bread and cheese (10) _ such as Cardin and DiorExamples of French culture organized all over the world every year : (11)_7. Emotional attitudeSince we have learned so much information about foreign countries, I hope we enjoy touching the culture,understand the c

15、ulture and respect the culture .IV. Appraisal Using the following exercises, make sure the students realize their success and inadequacy of the present tasks,the joy of the success will heighten their intention of learning, the self-analysis of the inadequacy will impel them to greater efforts.Tell

16、true or false or DK if the information is not in the passage1. France is a small country but very interesting.2. There are probably many farmers in France.3. You can catch a train from London to Paris.4. Chanel and Dior are the names of people.5. It is easy to learn French quickly.V. Introspection1.

17、 Developing the task-based teaching can tap the students potentialities effectively.2. This lesson encourages the students to use the target languages in different ways, gives the students enough chances to practice the language and reflects their chief status within the task.3. Consider the differe

18、nt capabilities of the students during the teaching, respect the individual differences, pay attention to increase by degrees, each student at different levels should be rewarded with something successful4. Try to enhance the theoretical research in the future teaching, develop the task-based teachi

19、ng deeply, make use of the teaching materials rationally, explore all effective ways and give full play to their advantages of independence and cooperation.Blackboard designFrance is callingLocation: the English channel, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean SeaScenic areas: the Loire Valley, the old castleCapital: ParisTourist destinations: the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, EuroDisneyFood: champagne , mineral water , brandy and wineDesigner names : Dior in clothes , Chanel in perfume and Cartier in jewelleryArt and culture : French film festivals, exhibitions and concerts.


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