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1、Module 10【直击教材】And even if I go back to the UK, Ill come back and visit you all.【真题链接】I will never forget that terrible accident _ it happened so long ago. A. only if B. even though C. only when D. ever since 【答案探究】在本题中从意义上来考虑,是“即使它发生在很久以前,但是我还”,所以选B. even though。【要点拓展】even if的意思是“即使,纵然,虽然”,引导让步状语从句

2、,其意义和用法相当于even though,如:Even if/though he has worked for a long time, he still work there. 即使他已工作了很长时间,他仍然在工作。【直击教材】Anyway, dont forget were going to be the USA for the vacation! 【真题链接】Why didnt you buy any vegetables this morning? Sorry, I _ to take any money with me. A. forgotB. stoppedC. afforded

3、D. remembered【答案探究】在本题中,根据句意判断,是“忘记带钱了”,所以选A. forget。【要点拓展】forget意为“忘记”,其中forget to do sth.意为“忘记去干某事”,还未做某事,如:Dont forget to close the door when you leave here. 当你离开这里的时候不要忘记关灯。forget doing sth. 意为“忘记干了某事”,做了某事但是忘了,I am sorry I forgot giving you the book. 对不起我忘记已经给你了这本书。【直击教材】I thank you and wish yo

4、u success for the future. 【真题链接】 Bob, we are moving this weekend.Congratulations! I _ you happiness in your new flat.A. wish B. hope C. expect D. send 【答案探究】wish后面可以接双宾语,所以选A. wish。【要点拓展】wish, hope和expect都有“盼望,期望”的意思,三者后面都可以接to do和that从句,如:I hope/wish/ expect to hear from you. 我希望收到你的信。但是只有wish后面可以接

5、双宾语,即构成:wish sb. to do sth./名词,【直击教材】Others will go on to senior high school and continue their close friendships.【真题链接】 Harbin is really a beautiful city and therere many places of interest. So it is. Why not stay here for _ two weeks. A. other B. others C. another【答案探究】在本题中,在这三个词中只有another后面可以加数词,

6、所以选C. another,意为“再呆两天”。【要点拓展】another泛指三者或三者以上的另一个,后面一般接单数名词,如:Please show ma another coat. 请让我看看另一件外套。另外another还可以构成“another+基数词复数名词”,表示“再,又”,如:She sang another two songs. 她又唱了两首歌。Module 10重要词语辨析一、怎样“观看某人干某事”:watch sb. do sth.;watch sb. doing sth 【辨析点拨】watch sb. do sth. 意为“观看某人做某事”,watch后接的是不带to的不定式

7、,如:I often watch him play on the playground. 我经常观看他在操场上玩。watch sb. doing sth. 意为“观看某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在进行,如:I watched her dancing in her room. 我看到他正在房间里跳舞。二、都是“开始”:begin;be on【辨析点拨】动词begin和动词词组be on,都有“开始”的意思,但begin是短暂性动词,在现在完成时中,只能用于第一种用法,如:The meeting has already begun. 会议已经开始了。begin不能与for+一段时间的时间状语连用。

8、be on表示会议,电影等“开始,进行”,它表示的动作是延续性的,常用于现在完成时的第二种用法中,如:The TV play has been on for ten minutes. 电视剧已经开演十分钟了。三、为了“赶上”:catch;catch up (with)【辨析点拨】catch意为“抓住;赶上”,如:The police caught the thief last night. 警方昨天晚上捉住了小偷。He got up late,so he didnt catch the early bus. 他起床晚,因此没有赶上早班车。这里的catch表示及时的赶上汽车,并不表示跟在汽车后面

9、追赶。catch up表示处于落后的位置的情况下追赶上来,后面不接宾语,catch up with也表示这种意思,后面应接宾语,如:Look! He is catching up fast. 看!他正迅速地追赶上来。She began to catch up her classmates. 她开始追赶她的同学们。 四、“到底是谁”:someone和anyone【辨析点拨】someone指“某人,有人”,相当于somebody,常用于肯定句中,如:Someone is knocking at the door. 有人在敲门。anyone相当于anybody,意为“任何人”,常用于否定句,疑问句和

10、条件句中,如: If anyone calls me, please tell me. 如果有人给我打电话,请告诉我。 Anyone不可与of构成anyone of短语,如:我们不可说Anyone of us has a computer. 而应说:Every one of us has a computer.五、不一样的“结尾”:at the end;in the end;by the end 【辨析点拨】以上三个短语都与end有关,但是意义和搭配不尽相同。at the end表示“在的结尾,在的尽头”,用来表示时间和位置,后面接of构成at the end of,如:The shop is

11、 at the end of the street. 商店在街道的尽头。His father will come back at the end of the month. 他的父亲将在月底回来。in the end表示“最后,终于”,与at last,finally意思相同,in the end 后面不可以接介词of,如:In the end, he worked out the math problem. 最后,他作做出了这道数学题。by the end后面加介词 of表示“到为止,不迟于”, “by the end of+过去时间”,常用于过去完成时中,如:He had finished

12、 most of the work by the end of this week. 到今周末,他已经完成了大部分工作。 词语辨后练一、用括号中的词语的适当形式填空:(watch sb. do sth.;watch sb. doing sth) 1. I like watching the monkeys _ (jump) in the tree.2. Did you watch the boy _ (cry) when you passed there?(begin;be on)3. When did the meeting _?4. The film has _ for half an h

13、our.(catch;catch up (with))5. He wants to _ a bird.6. Work hard, you will _ your classmates.7. Dont worry. He will _ soon. (someone,anyone) 8. You cant let _ come in.9. I hear _ is coming here to see you.(at the end;in the end;by the end) 10. _, he found his lost bike.11. _ of the term, we will fini

14、sh learning this subject.12. _ of last month, she had collected 500 stamps. 二、单句改错,下列句中有一处错误,请指出并改正。 1. He usually watches his classmates playing games after class.A B C D2. When I walked past his room, I watched him do his homework.A B C D3. When I got there, the film had already been on.A B C D4.

15、How long has the meeting begun? A B C D5. He is weak in English but he wants to catch his deskmate.A B C D6. Hurry up! You can catch up with the bus.A B C D 7. You cant lend my dictionary to someone else. A B C D8. They planted the trees by the end of last month.A B C D9. He has learned 3000 English

16、 words by the end of last term.A B C D三、汉译英。1. 我有时在星期天看他打篮球。_2. 电影已经开演半小时了。 _ 3. 我努力学习为了赶上其它的学生。_4. 请抓住我的手。_ 5. 有人正在找你。 _ 6. 最后,小孩停止了哭。_7. 在街道的尽头,有一家宾馆。_ Key:一、1. jump 2. crying 3. begin 4. been on 5.catch 6. catch up with 7. catch up 8. anyone 9. someone10. In the end 11. At the end 12. By the end二

17、、1. C. playing games play games 2. D. do doing 3. D. been on begun 4. D. begun been on 5. D. catch catch up with 6. D. catch up with catch 7. D. someone else anyone else 8. C. by at 9. A. has learned had learned三、1. Sometimes I watch him play football on Sundays.2. The film has been on for half an h

18、our.3. I work hard to catch up with the other students.4. Catch my hand please.5. Someone is looking for you.6. In the end, the baby stopped crying.7. At the end of the street, there is a hotel. 英语中的合成词、缩略词和前缀、后缀一、合成词 在英语中,合成词就是将两个独立的单词合在一起,我们把这种构词法称为“合成词构成法”。合成词是一种十分活跃的构词方式,常见的有:1. 名词名词:一般来讲,构成的词还是

19、名词。如:air conditioner 空调机alarm clock 闹钟2. 副词名词:可以构成形容词或副词,如:upstairs在(到)楼上,3. 副词动词:一般用来构成动词,如:download 下载4. 名词形容词:构成形容词,如:world-famous全世界著名的,homesick想家的 5. 形容词名词:构成名词,如: personal computer 个人电脑fast food 快餐open air 露天二、缩略词在当今全球化的进程中,国际文化交流日益频繁,语言之间相互渗透日益增多,英语中有大量的缩略词以其经济高效、醒目、易记等特点,被汉语越来越多地直接借用。缩略词是由词的

20、音节加以省略或简化而成,它的词义不变,在中文交流中使用很广,了解常用缩略语的原形,将有助于我们更好地理解其中所要表达的思想,以下是我们常见的一些缩略词及其中文含义。AIDS 艾滋病 APEC亚太经济全作组织 IOC国际奥林匹克组织 CD 激光唱片SOS一种专门收养孤儿的慈善机构 GPS全球定位系统 ATM 自动提款机 CD-ROM只读光盘 CEO首席执行官 CPU中央处理器 CT计算所体层摄影 DNA 脱氧核糖核酸 DVD 数字激光视盘 E-mail 电子邮件 FAX传真系统;传真件 GDP 国内生产总值 GPS全球定位系统 IQ 智商 MBA工商管理硕士 OPEC石油输出国组织 ROM只读存

21、储器 TOEFL 托福(美国对非英语国家留学生的英语考试) TEL电话号码 TV电视 MTV音乐电视 UFO不明飞行物 VIP贵宾 WTO世界贸易组织三、前缀、后缀加前缀、后缀是英语中最常见的扩充词汇的方式,也是我们学习英语必须掌握的构词法。下面我们就来看看常见的前、后缀:前缀1. a-,an含有in, on, at, by, with, to等意义 asleep在熟睡中, ahead向前2. dis- 否定,相反 dislike不喜欢, disagree不同意,disappear消失 3. im(n)-impossible不可能的,impolite 不礼貌的 4. mid-中,中间 mida

22、ir半空中 5. mini-小 minibus小公共汽车, miniskirt迷你裙6. re- 回,再 return返回 restart重新开始7. un- 否定 unstable不稳定的, unknown未知的后 缀1.-able,可的,能的 readable可读的,lovable 可爱的 2. -al (n) 表动作,人,事物 personal个人的,亲自的;professional专业人员3.-ance 表状态,行为,性质 importance重要性3. -ly 如的,有特性的 manly男子气的, lovely可爱的4.-en (adj) 有质的,似的 golden金色的,woole

23、n毛的5. -er, or 表人,物 singer歌唱家,visitor 参观者6.-e 某国(地)的,某国(地)的人及语言Chinese中国人(汉语) ,Chinese日本人(日语)7.-ss 表女性,雌性 hostess女主人 actress女演员8.-ful 充满的,具有性质的 careful仔细的, fearful可怕的9.-ion, tion 表情况,状态,性质,行为 fashion时髦, decision决定10.-less 没有的 fearless无畏的, useless无用的Module 10重难点讲解1. Lets fetch something to eat. 让我们去取吃

24、的东西。 【讲解】1) fetch意为“去取回”,如:Please go and fetch your homework.请回去取你的作业。Fetch me a drink. 给我取一杯酒来。2) something to eat意为“吃的东西”,主意动词不定式修饰不定代词,形容词后置,如:I would like to give you something to drink? 我想给你喝的东西。2. Im very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today. Im a bit nervous as Ive never ma

25、de a speech before to so many people, 今天我很自豪能被选择给大家演讲。我有点紧张,因为我从前从没有在如此多的人之前演讲。【讲解】1) have been chosen是现在完成时的被动语态,其构成是have(has)+been+及物动词的过去分词,如:The battery hasnt been charged for a few days. 电池好几天没有充电了。2) as是连词,意为“因为,由于”,常表示显而易见的原因,如:As we all know, English is very important for us. 众所周知,英语对我们来说很重要

26、。 3. and what Ive learnt is the importance of friendship. 我已经学到的是友谊的重要性。【讲解】1) what Ive learnt在句中作主语,如:What I want to say is the usage of the electricity. 我想说的是电的用途。2) importance是important的名词形式,如:Do you know the importance of water? 你知道水的重要性吗?4. We can never pay you back for your kindness, your pati

27、ence, and gift of knowledge which you have offered us. 我们永远不能偿还你们的关爱,你们的耐心和你们给我们的知识礼物。【讲解】1) pay back意为“偿还”,其结构是动词副词,当宾语是人称代词时,只能放在动词与副词之间,如:You broke the cup. When will you pay it back? 你打破了杯子,你将什么时候偿还它?2) which you have offered us是定语从句,来修饰先行词knowledge,which在从句中用作宾语,如:The photo which I like best was taken by my father. 我最喜爱的相片是我父亲照的。 跟踪练习题 一、汉译英。1. 我有空,没事可做。 _ 2. 你能去取回我的相机吗? _3. 她已经被选为作班长。 _4. 我们想看的是你们的办公室。 _5. 我想偿还你的帮助。 _


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