介绍和问候 Introduction and greeting.ppt

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《介绍和问候 Introduction and greeting.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《介绍和问候 Introduction and greeting.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 1 Greeting and Introduction,Business English,西方流行的一些熟人之间的称呼:,babe=baby 宝贝,以示亲切友好 guy 相当于中文里的“家伙”,对熟识的男子的称呼 guys 相当于“大家”,男女都可以 man 对熟识朋友(男性)的称呼 dude 相当于中文里的“兄弟”,对熟识男子的称呼,About Greeting,早上好/下午好/晚上好! Good morning /afternoon / evening! 晚安! Good night! 你好,约翰。 Hello/Hi, John.,你好吗? -How are you? -Fin

2、e,thank you. And you? -Im fine, too.,Any more?,更地道的说法: -How are you doing? -Im doing good! How are you keeping? How are you feeling today? How is it going? Hows everything with you? Whats new?,How to reply? 好: I am fine./Fine, Thanks. Pretty good. So far so good. 一般:Not bad. Just so-so. 不太好:Not so g

3、ood. Not very well,Im afraid. 糟糕:Terrible! 若对方的回答是不太好或糟糕,我们可以说: Im sorry to hear that! Whats the matter?,-Whats up? -Not much! / Nothing! Note: Dont reply: ”Im fine.”,When you first met each other.,你好! -How do you do? -How do you do? 很高兴认识你! Nice/Glad to meet you! Im glad/pleased to meet you!,Im hap

4、py to make your acquaintance. Im very glad to have the opportunities of meeting you. Ive always wanted to meet you. Ive been looking forward to meeting you.,好久不见! Long time no see! I havent seen you for a long time. Its a long time since we last met.,再见! Good-bye!/ Bye! / See you./So long. See you t

5、omorrow/later/next time. Ill see you.,Leaving,I think its about time to leave. I think Id better be on my way I think I must go now. Ive come to say good-bye. Id like to say good-bye. Well,its getting rather late Well,its time to go back home. If youll excuse me,I should be off now.,About Introducti

6、on,自我介绍: May I introduce myself? Let me introduce myself. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is ,问对方的名字:,Whats your name? May I have your name, please?,涉及第三个人: Could you introduce me to her? Let me introduce my friend to you. Please allow me to introduce my friend to you. May I introduce L

7、ily? This is Tom. Hes my workmate.,没听清,怎么办? Sorry, I didnt catch you, I beg your pardon? Or: How do you spell it? How to spell?,About compliment 关于称赞,-You can speak very good English! -Thank you -Its a wonderful dish! -I am glad you like it Note: 当被称赞时回答:No,I dont think so 在西方人看来是不礼貌的,甚至是虚伪的。,About blessing关于祝福,Best wishes/regards (for you). Wish all the best wishes(for you). Send my wishes/regards to your family.,Lets make a conversation!,Thank you!,


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