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1、Unit 1: Part B,21st Century College English: Book 4,Unit 1 Part B,Revision of Text A Reading Analysis Structured Writing Listening Practice Assignment,Assignment Checkup Structure Cloze Translation,Structure Ex.VII Ex.VIII,读写教程 IV: Ex. VII, p. 12,Structure,Structure,VII.The conjunction that can be u

2、sed to introduce a clause of reason. Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern Its not that, its that,Model: For most of us, the reason does not lie in the fact that we dont have the ability, but in the fact we dont devote the time.,For most of us, its

3、 not that we dont have the ability, its that we dont devote the time.,Structure,Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern Its not that, its that,1. For some students, they reason is not that they dont put in enough time, but rather that they dont have good study habits.,For some st

4、udents, its not that they dont put enough time, its that they dont have good study habits.,Structure,Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern Its not that, its that,2. Children have different performances at school. Its not because they have different IQs, but because they are bro

5、ught up in different environments.,Children have different performances at school. Its not that they have different IQs, its that they are brought up in different environment.,Structure,Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern Its not that, its that,3. The company is not very prod

6、uctive. Its problem is not that its staff arent talented, but that their energy hasnt been channeled (引导)effectively.,The company is not very productive. Its not that its staff arent talented, its that their energy hasnt been channeled effectively.,Structure,Rewrite the following sentences, using th

7、e sentence pattern Its not that, its that,4. Im really sorry. I do want to go to the cinema with you, but I have to finish my paper tonight.,I am really sorry. Its not that I dont want to go to the cinema with you, its that I have to finish my paper tonight.,Structure,Rewrite the following sentences

8、, using the sentence pattern Its not that, its that,5. You have a stomachache, probably as a result of the stress from your work, not because of the food.,You have a stomachache. Its not that food was bad, its probably that you have too much stress from your work.,读写教程 IV: Ex. VIII, p. 12,Structure,

9、Structure,VIII.Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.,Model: Instead his desire for fame, Einsteins obsession with his work what set him apart.,Einstein was not motivated by a desire for fame. Instead, his obsession with his work was what set him apart

10、.,Structure,1. Instead of trying to bring the US back to economic and political isolation, President Wilson believed in international cooperation through an association of nations.,President Wilson didnt try to bring the US back to economic and political isolation. Instead, he believed in internatio

11、nal cooperation through an association of nations.,VIII.Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.,Structure,2. Instead of teaching students in groups, computers can help them learn effectively according to their different needs.,Computers dont teach stude

12、nts in groups. Instead, they can help them learn effectively according to their different needs.,VIII.Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.,Structure,3.Instead of focusing on minor points, we should try to solve the problem of the greatest urgency at

13、present.,We shouldnt focus on minor points. Instead, we should try to solve the problem of the greatest urgency at present.,VIII.Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.,Structure,4. He like to attend to everything himself instead of getting somebody els

14、e to help him.,He doesnt get anybody else to help him. Instead, he likes to attend to everything himself.,VIII.Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.,Structure,5. The success of teaching should be measured by whether the students have internalized the

15、ability and desire to learn instead of by the scores they make on tests.,The success of teaching shouldnt be measured by the scores the students make on tests. Instead, it should be measured by whether the students have internalized the ability and desire to learn.,VIII.Study the model carefully and

16、 rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.,读写教程 IV: Ex. IX, p. 13,Cloze,There are many paths to greatness. Some people go down in history for their 1)_ political leadership. Others are remembered for spectacular scientific 2)_ for composing great symphonies, or writing 3)_ poetry. But

17、 whatever path they take, great people seem to 4)_ a few common characteristics.,Cloze,IX.Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word from the four choices given.,A) unrelenting B) influential C) thrusting D) surveying,A) citiesB) carvings C) breakthroughs D) compositions,4.A) share B) flag C)

18、 believe D) hope,3.A) activeB) brilliant C) firstborn D) super-normal,They are relentlessly 5)_ and persistent; they have both intellectual skills and the ability to work well with other people; and they love their work. In fact, 6)_ these people, work is more like an obsession than a job. Of course

19、, many of the questions about greatness 7)_ , unanswered. What roles so genetics and environment 8)_ in the question?,Cloze,A) innate B) symphonic C) unspectacular D) optimistic,6.A) by B) throughC) intoD) for,7.A) submitB) evaluateC) remainD) land,8.A) playB) equateC) submitD) carve,How can we know

20、 who among our 9) will be remembered as great and which people, though famous today, will be 10)_ in the future? Its also possible that our 11)_ of who is great is not always fair or accurate. For example, the of 12)_ women are not recognized as often as they should be.,Cloze,9.A) colleagues B) cont

21、emporariesC) risk-takers D) firstborn,10.A) forgottenB) super-normalC) characteristicD) evacuated,11.A) ideaB)surveyC) boldnessD) view,12.A)achievement B)optionsC) chats D) view,Finally, we cant even be 13)_ if it is really good to be great. Maybe the happiest people are the normal ones. Normal peop

22、le arent endowed 14)_ what it takes to be great, but they also dont have to worry 15)_ the burdens of history.,Cloze,13.A) citedB) sureC) endowedD) natural,14.A) aboutB) forC) withD) by,15.A) aboutB) forC) with D) since,Translation,读写教程 IV: Ex. X, p. 14,Translation,X. Translate the following into Ch

23、inese.,Translation,If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an relenting drive to succeed. “There is an tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal,” he explained. “But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectu

24、al processes. Its a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion.”,If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an relenting drive to succeed. “There is an tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal,” he explaine

25、d. “But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. Its a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion.”,If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an relenting drive to suc

26、ceed. “There is an tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal,” he explained. “But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. Its a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, pract

27、ice and devotion.”,If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an relenting drive to succeed. “There is an tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal,” he explained. “But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectu

28、al processes. Its a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion.”,If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an relenting drive to succeed. “There is an tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal,” he explaine

29、d. “But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. Its a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion.”,西蒙顿说,如果事业上取得巨大成就者具有什么共性的话,那就是一种持续不断追求成功的动力,人们往往认为他们具备一些超常非凡的东西,但研究表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力

30、。有的只是程度上的差异而已,伟大是建立在大量的学习、实践和献身精神的基础之上的。,X. Translate the following into Chinese.,Translation,He cited Winston Churchill, Britains prime minister during World War II, as an example of a risk-taker who would never give up. Thrust into his office when his countrys moral was at its lowest, Churchill ro

31、se brilliantly to lead the British people. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired to nation when he said, “We should not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end We shall never surrender.”,He cited Winston Churchill, Britains prime minister during World War II, as

32、 an example of a risk-taker who would never give up. Thrust into his office when his countrys moral was at its lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired to nation when he said, “We should not flag or fai

33、l. We shall go on to the end We shall never surrender.”,He cited Winston Churchill, Britains prime minister during World War II, as an example of a risk-taker who would never give up. Thrust into his office when his countrys moral was at its lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British peo

34、ple. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired to nation when he said, “We should not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end We shall never surrender.”,He cited Winston Churchill, Britains prime minister during World War II, as an example of a risk-taker who would

35、never give up. Thrust into his office when his countrys moral was at its lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired to nation when he said, “We should not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end We shall

36、never surrender.”,他举出二战时期的首相温斯顿邱吉尔作为一个永不放弃的冒险者的典范。,邱吉尔在全国上下士气最为低落的时候被推上台,并出色的领导了英国人民。,我们不会衰退,失败。我们将坚持到底我们永远不会屈服。,读写教程 IV: Ex. XI, p. 14,Translation,XIV. Translate the following sentences into English.,1.美国人往往以从事的工作来对人们进行划分。家庭和教育背景这些特点被认为是不太重要的。,tend to,Americans tend to define people by the jobs the

37、y have/do. Such characteristics as their family and educational backgrounds are considered less important.,define people,be considered,Translation,2.他决不妥协的个性是他再也无法容忍它的雇主,并最终递交了辞职书的原因。,could no longer put up with,His uncompromising personality explains why he could no longer put up with his employer

38、and eventually submitted his resignation.,explain,submit resignation,Translation,3.如果你真想学好英语,你就必须投入大量的时间和精力,否则你就不会有任何进步。 对于其他课程也可以这么说。,put in,If you really want to learn English well, you must put in a lot of time and energy, or youll go nowhere. The same can be said of other subjects.,go nowhere,th

39、e same can be said of,Translation,4.有些演员的名声靠的是他们天生的美貌,但是达斯汀霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)尽管身材矮小(short stature), 还是出类拔萃,而使他与众不同的正是他精湛的演技。,build on their innate beauty,Some actors fame is built on their innate beauty, but despite his short stature, Dustin Hoffman rose above and it is his excellent acting that se

40、ts him apart.,rise above,set him apart,Translation,5.他负责管理之后,我们发现他与前任(predecessor)有明显的不同:他有干劲和激情,想出了很多新点子,并把工作重点放在如何鼓舞我们的士气上。,Take charge,After he took charge, we discovered that there were striking differences between him and his predecessor. He had the drive and passion, came up with many new idea

41、s, and focused his work on how to raise our morale.,come up with,raise morals,Translation,6.当邓小平宣布中国改革开放政策的时候,他被永远载入史册。尽管障碍重重,他以不懈的努力为我国的现代化作出了永久性的贡献。,make history,Deng Xiaoping made history when he declared Chinas reform and opening-up policy. Despite tremendous obstacles, he made lasting contribut

42、ions to our countrys modernization with his unrelenting efforts.,with unrelenting efforts,make lasting contribution to,Translation,7.为什么有人拥有天才级智商却被智商平平但很刻苦的人 丢在后面? 承认除了智商外,还有很多别的因素与一个认得成就有着很大的关系。,leave behind,Why could someone with a genius IQ be left behind by a hardworking person with an average I

43、Q? It has to be acknowledged that besides ones IQ, many other factors have much to do with ones achievements.,It has to be acknowledged that,has much to do with,Translation,8. 这位教师真了不起,她能在教东西之前调动学生的积极性。这并不是因为她有天赋,而是因为她只想着在课堂上吸引他们的注意力。,motivate,This teacher is really remarkable in motivating her stud

44、ents before she can teach them something. Its not that she is talented, its that she is obsessed with drawing their attention in class.,be obsessed with,draw ones attention,Translation,读写教程 IV: Ex. XII, p. 14,Reading Analysis,Reading Analysis,Text A is a magazine article which reports on the ideas o

45、f a recent book, Greatness: Who Makes History and Why by Dean Keith Simonton. When presenting ideas from another source, it is important to be clear about the source of your information and wording. Giving proper credit to your sources is called citation and the failure to do this is a serious offen

46、se known as plagiarism (剽窃).,Attention,Reading Analysis,Paragraph 4.,A) Answer the following questions.,1. In what paragraph does the author of the article make it clear that the information in the article is based on Simontons book?,Reading Analysis,The full name of the author, the authors professi

47、onal title, the books title, and the date of publication.,2. What information is given about that book?,A) Answer the following questions.,Reading Analysis,It gives proper credit to the person who did the work and it lets the reader know how to find the book if they wish to.,3. What two main purpose

48、s does this citation serve?,A) Answer the following questions.,Reading Analysis,(Responses will vary.),1. Analyze the mixture of direct and indirect quotation in paragraphs 6 “declare” (Para.9); “pointed out” (Para.14); “added” (Para.15),3.Find at least three words other than “said” that the writer

49、uses to mark either direct or indirect quotations.,B) In presenting the ideas from Simontons book, the author of the article uses both direct quotation (repeating words from a source exactly and using quotation marks) and indirect quotation (repeating the ideas from a source, but putting them into ones own words).,读写教程 IV: Ex. XIII, p. 19,


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