Cantonese morning tea广东早茶英文介绍.ppt

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《Cantonese morning tea广东早茶英文介绍.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Cantonese morning tea广东早茶英文介绍.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,presentation,Cantonese morning tea,The tradition of drinking morning tea is the most distinct characteristic of Guangdongs tea culture, and also an important part of daily life for many locals.,Introduction order,1.Development 2.Content 3.Delicious dishes,Development,Guangdong morning tea can be tr

2、aced back to more than 150 years ago. There was a type of simple teashop, offering tea and snacks for those seeking refreshment.(精神恢复),Later on, with the boom of commerce in Guangdong, more and more businessmen needed a place for social activities. Teahouses soon began to emerge and developed gradua

3、lly into tea restaurants.,Since then, morning tea has become a common Cantonese practice.,Contents,Actually morning tea refers to dim sum accompanied by tea. So having morning tea is also called eating morning tea in Guangdong. Tea +Dim sums,Delicious dishes-Dim sum(点心),Dim sum(点心) is a Cantonese te

4、rm referring to small Chinese dishes. Classical Guangdong dim sums include buns, dumplings and rice rolls and so on!,In Guangdong, dim sums are usually small and served as 3 or 4 pieces in one portion. Each portion is served in a small steamer basket or plate which is about the same size as the palm

5、 of an adult.,flavor(味道):peppery hot、sour。,Chicken feet (凤爪),The inside of the pie is made of eggs while the outside is made of baked flour. So it tastes both tender and crisp.,Tart(蛋挞),Steamed Dumplings(烧卖),Shrimp dumpling(虾饺),First-class,outside.white as snow,thin as a paper,Taste:fresh&爽滑,bun stu

6、ffed with BBQ pork(叉烧包),Good barbecued pork with minced pork filling medium, the foreskin is cooked and soft slippery just slightly apart, with pork stuffing, permeability bursts of pork flavor.,bun stuffed with creamy custard (奶黄包),Water chestnut cake( 马蹄糕) Spring rolls(春卷),Sticky rice(糯米鸡),My favorite,Rice roll (肠粉) It has a variety of stuffings such as beef, chicken, pork, shrimp or vegetable.,There are still many delicious dim sums,Welcome to Guangdong to enjoy your morning tea,Thank you!,


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