Chapter3 Foundry processes-Sand casting铸造工艺.ppt

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1、Chapter3 Foundry processes-Sand casting铸造工艺过程,3.1Overview 概述 铸造casting是指熔炼金属、制造铸型,并将熔融金属浇入铸型,凝固后获得一定形状、尺寸和性能的金属零件或毛柸的液态成形liquid state shaped方法。 铸造(casting)功用Function: 制造形状复杂或大型的工件、 制造承受静载荷及压应力的机械零件 如:床身Bed、 机座base support (saddle) 箱体case(box),1、铸造特点The feature of foundry processes (1)适应性强 flexibilit

2、y (2)成本较低low cost (3)铸件的组织性能较差 Casting performance is poor (4)工序较多working process more,2、铸造的分类The classification of casting 铸造 砂型铸造sand casting 手工砂型铸造-单件、小批及大 型复杂铸件的生产One-piece, small batch and large-scale complex casting production 机器砂型铸造:成批、大量生产Batch, mass production 特种铸造special casting process:不同

3、于砂型铸造 的所有铸造方法,,金属型铸造The metal mold casting (Permanent ) 特种铸造 压力铸造 Die casting 离心铸造 Centrifugal casting 熔模铸造 Investment casting,铸铁的种类Types of Cast irons 铸铁的特点:优良的铸造性Excellent castability 减震性damping 切削加工性working quality 熔炼简单Melting simple 成本低廉Low cost 根据铸铁中的碳C的存在形式分为: 白口铸铁White cast iron- 断口成白色,硬而脆 灰铸

4、铁Gray cast iron: C以片状石墨形式存在, 断口呈灰色,机械制造应用最多的,代号100最小抗拉强度 可锻铸铁Malleable cast iron:白口铸铁经石墨化退火而成。,牌号黑心可锻铸铁 珠光体可锻铸铁 可锻铸铁是不可锻的。,球墨铸铁Ductile cast iron石墨成球状,提高强度和韧度,用来制造受力复杂,力学性能要求高的零件,如曲轴,凸轮轴等。牌号:3 蠕墨铸铁Vermicular cast iron RuT420,砂型铸造Sand casting: 当形成铸型的原材料主要为型砂,且液态金属完全靠重力充满整个铸型型腔时,称为砂型铸造。 特种铸造Special cas

5、ting process 凡是不同于砂型铸造的所有铸造方法统称为特种铸造,金属性铸造、压力铸造、离心铸造、熔模铸造。,3.2 砂型铸造Sand casting,砂型铸造的工艺过程Sand casting process 图3-1,制造砂型和制造型芯两道工序对铸件的质量和铸造的生产率影响最大。 砂型Sand mold(铸型)结构如图3-2所示 组成:型砂mould sand 型腔Mold cavity 型芯Mold core 浇注系统Gating system 冒口riser raiz,Figure 3-2 Sand mold structure 1.Cold iron;2. Mold cavi

6、ty;3.Riser; 4. air channel; 5. vent hole出气孔;6.Gating system7. op half ;.Bottom half .Mold core; 10.Parting surface,Key Words,铸造casting 液态成形liquid state shaped, 适应性 flexibility .fleksbiliti 工序working procedure (process) 砂型铸造sand casting 特种铸造special casting process,金属型铸造The metal mold casting 压力铸造 Die

7、 casting 离心铸造 Centrifugal sentrifjugl casting 熔模铸造 Investment investmnt casting,Introduction To Material Processing New Words,Riser raiz冒口 Optimizeptimaizv. 使.完美,乐观,使.完善v.优化 Proposeprpuzv. 计划,打算,向.提议 Stuffstfn. 材料,原料,东西v. 填满,塞满 Environmentinvairnmntn. 环境 Associatesuieitn. 同伴,伙伴v. 联合,联想adj. 副的,Exploi

8、tiksplitn. 功绩,勋绩v. 开发,利用,开拓 Incorporateink:preitadj. 合并的,公司组织的,具体化的v. 合并,组成公司,具体表现 Phenomenonfinminnn. 现象 Consolidationkn.slideinn. 巩固,团结,合并 Bondingbndin. 结合(粘接,粘结料,屏蔽接地,键,联系)v. 结合 Brazingn. 铜焊(钎焊,钎焊,钎接),Solderingsldri软焊, 锡焊, 低温焊接, 热焊接, 软钎焊 Notably ntbli adv. 显著地(著名地, 值得注意地, 格外, 特别是),Numerous proces

9、ses and operation can be involved in the manufacture of products and components, and many of them are associated with the production of a desired shape. These shape-producing processes are often grouped into four basic “families,” as indicated in Figure 13-1. Casting,Introduction To Material Process

10、ing,processes exploit the fluidity of a liquid as it flows, assumes the shape of a prepared container, and solidifies upon cooling. The material removal processes produce a desired shape by removing segments from an initially oversized piece. While these processes have often been referred to as,Mach

11、ining, that term is generally used to describe the mechanical cutting of materials. The more general term material removal is used to incorporate material removal by all means, including chemical, thermal,and,physical processes. Deformation processes exploit the ductility of certain materials, most

12、notably metals, and produce the desired shape by mechanically moving or rearranging the solid through a phenomenon known as plasticity. Consolidation processes,Introduction To Material Processing,Materials processing is the science and technology by which a material is converted into a useful shape

13、with a structure and properties that are optimized for the proposed service environment. A less technical definition of materials processing might be “all that is done to convert stuff into things.”,Put pieces together, and include welding, brazing, soldering, adhesive bonding,and mechanical fastene

14、rs. Power metallurgy is the manufacture of a desired shape from particulate material and involves aspects of casting, forming, and consolidation.,Assignment,What are the four families of shape-production processes?,Chapter3 Foundry processes-Sand casting 铸造工艺-砂型铸造,3.2.1造型材料Making mould materials 制造铸

15、型用的材料-造型材料 砂型铸造所用材料主要有型砂和芯砂 1、型砂和芯砂应具备的性能The properties of molding sand and core sand (1)可塑性-Plasticity 型砂在外力作用下可塑造成形,当外力消除后仍能保持已成形的形状的性能称为可塑性。型砂的可塑性好,易于成形,就能获得型腔清晰的铸型,从而保证铸件具有精确的轮廓尺寸。,(2)强度Strength 型砂承受外力作用而不 易破坏的性能称为强度。铸型必须具备足够的强度,才能在浇注时承受金属溶液的冲击和压力,不致发生毁坏,如冲砂、塌箱等,可防止铸件产生夹砂、砂眼等缺陷。 (3)耐火性Fire resis

16、tance(Refractoriness) 型砂在高温液态金属作用下不软化、不烧结或熔化的性能称为耐火性。 耐火性差后果:铸件表面粘砂,增加清理和切削加工的困难,严重时还会使铸件报废。,(4)透气性 Air Permeability型砂在紧实后能使气体通过的能力称为透气性。 气体的来源:浇注时砂型中会产生大量气体,金属溶液内部也会析出气体。 透气性差影响:部分气体就会留在铸件中形成气孔。 (5)退让性Collapsibility型砂冷却收缩时,其体积可以被压缩的性能称为退让性。 退让性差的影响:铸件收缩困难,铸件会产生较大的内应力,甚至会引起铸件的变形和开裂。 此外,型砂和芯砂还要求有好的流动

17、性、溃散性、 不粘模性、耐用性和低的吸湿性。,2、型砂和芯砂的组成The structure of mold sand and core sand 型砂和芯砂主要由砂和粘结剂binder组成。砂的主要成分是石英( ),并含有少量杂质。高质量的铸造用砂要求石英含量高,杂质少,砂粒均匀且呈圆形。 粘结剂:普通粘土clay klei和膨润土bentonite两种 。 为了使他们发挥粘结作用,需加入适量的水。对于要求较高的芯砂,可采用特殊的粘结剂,如桐油或树脂等。,在型砂和芯砂中,有时还要加入一些附加物。例如,在型砂中加入少量的煤粉,能防止粘砂缺陷,使铸件表面光滑;在型砂和芯砂中加入木屑,可提高退让性

18、减少铸件内应力,防止铸件的变形和开裂。,3.2.2模样和芯盒Pattern and core-box,模样和芯盒是造型和制芯的模具,模样用来形成铸件外部形状,芯盒用来制造型芯,以形成铸件内部形状在单件、小批生产中,广泛用木材来制造模样和芯盒,在大量生产中,常用铸造铝合金、塑料来制造模样和芯盒。,一般地说,模样的外形与铸件的外形相适应,芯盒的内腔形状与铸件的内腔形状相适应,但不能完全按照零件的形状和尺寸来制造模样和芯盒在形状上,铸件和零件的差别在于有无起模斜度、铸造圆角,零件上尺寸较小的孔在铸件上不铸出等;在尺寸上, 零件尺寸+加工余量(孔的加工余量为负值)铸件尺寸 铸件尺寸+收缩量=模样尺寸

19、模样尺寸铸件尺寸零件尺寸,图35c、d所示的是轴承支架铸件和模样、芯盒的关系生产中首先根据零件图,考虑模祥和芯盒制造的工艺因素,绘制出铸造工艺图,再制造模样和芯盒模样和芯盒的制作主要考虑如下工艺因素。,1、分型面Parting line(surface) 分型面是指上型与下型之间的结合面在铸造工艺图上,分型面用细直线条和箭头表示,并注明上、下”宇样,如图35b所示。分型面决定了铸件在铸型中的位置,直接关系到模样的结构、芯盒数量、铸造工艺和铸件质量等合理选择分型面是一个重要而复杂的问题,总的原则是起模要方便,并有利于保证铸件质量。,2、加工余量Machining allowance 铸件的加工余

20、量是指在切削加工时从铸件上切去的金属层因此,制造模样和芯盒时,应在铸件需要加工的表面上,留出加工余量加工余量的大小主要取决于造型方法、铸件大小和铸件材料等因素。一般铸铁件的加工余量为26mm在单件、小批生产时,铸件上小于 30 mm的孔通常不铸出,而在切削加工时直接进行钻孔加工。,3、起模斜度Pattern draft (Stripping gradient) 为了起模方便,凡垂直于分型面的壁上应有一定的斜度如果零件图上没有结构斜度,则在制造模样时应作出起模斜度。起模斜度的大小主要取决于模样的种类、壁的高度和位置等。木模样的起模斜度通常在 之间选取,壁高时取下限,反之取上限。,4、铸造圆角Cu

21、rving of castings 铸造圆角是指铸件两表面交接处应做成的圆弧过渡,如图35b所示这样,造型时不易损坏铸型,并且能提高转角处的力学性能,避免产生缩孔和裂纹等缺陷。铸造园角半径一般为310 mm,具体数值可查有关手册。,5、收缩率Shrinkage ratio 铸件在冷却时要产生收缩,因此,模样的外形尺寸要比铸件大,其数值取决于铸件材料的线收缩率例如,灰铸铁为1%,铸钢为2,非铁金属为15,6、芯头 Core print (core mark ) 为了在铸型中安放型芯,在模样中要做出相应的凸起部分,成为心头。如图3-5c所示。,Key Words,模样Pattern 芯盒core

22、芯头 Core print 起模斜度Pattern draft 铸造圆角Curving of castings 收缩率Shrinkage ratio 粘结剂Binder baind 粘结剂Sticker stik,Sand casting New words,Versatile v:stail adj. 多才多艺的,多方面的,通用的, Granular grnjul adj. 由小粒而成的,粒状的 Refractory rifrktriadj. 不听话的,执拗的,难治疗的 Silica silik矽土 Zircon z:kn n. 锆石 Olivine .livi:nn. 橄榄石,黄绿,Chr

23、omite krumaitn. 铬铁矿,亚铬酸盐 Clay klei n. 粘土,泥土 Grain greinn. 谷物,谷类,颗粒,细粒,纹理 Span spnn. 跨度,跨距,范围v. 持续,贯穿,跨越 Sprue spru:直浇口 Runner横浇道,Sand casting,Sand casting is by far the most common and possibly the most versatile of the casting processes. Granular refractory material (such as silica(硅石), zircon(锆石),

24、olivine(橄榄石), or chromite(亚铬酸盐)is mixed with small amounts of other materials, such as clay and water, and is then packed around a pattern that has the shape of the desired casting. Because the grains can pack into thin sections and can be economically used in large quantities, products spanning a w

25、ide range of sizes and detail can be made by this method. If the pattern must be removal,before pouring, the mold is usually made in two or more pieces. An opening called a sprue hole(直浇口)is cut from the top of the mold through the sand and connected to a system of channels called runners.The molten

26、 metal is poured down the sprue hole, flows through the runners, and enters the mold cavity through one or more opening,called gates. Gravity flow is the most common means of introducing the metal into the mold. After solidification, the mold is broken and the finished casting. Figure4-1 shows the e

27、ssential steps and basic components of a sand casting process.,Assignment,试述型砂(芯)的组成和应具备的主要性能。 模样、铸件和零件三者有何联系?在形状和尺寸上又有那些区别?,Chapter3 Foundry processes-Sand casting铸造工艺过程沙型铸造,3.2.3造型方法The methods of making sand molds,造型过程有填砂、紧砂、起模、合型四个基本工序,造型分为手工造型和机器造 型两种在单件、小批生产中,多采用手工造型;在大批生产中,则采用机器造型 1. 手工造型 Han

28、d molding (1)整模造型 One-piece pattern molding,(2)分模造型Parted pattern molding,模样沿最大截面处分为两半,型腔位于上、下型内的造型方法称为分模造型parted pattern molding,如图3-7所示。分模造型是造型方法中应用最广的一种,它简单易行,便于下芯和安放浇注系统适用于铸件最大截面在中部的铸件,也广泛用于有孔的铸件,如水管、阀体等。,( 3)活块造型Active block molding 活块造型(active block molding)是将整体模样或芯盒侧面的伸出部分做成活块,起模或脱芯后,再将活块取出的造

29、型方法,如图38所示活块造型操作难度较大,取出活块要花费工时,活块部分的砂型损坏后修补较困难,故生产率低且要求 工人的操作水平高活块造型通常只适用于单件小批生产。,(4)挖砂造型 Excavate sand molding 有些铸件的外形轮廓为曲面,但又要求用整模造型,则造型时需挖出阻碍起模的型砂这种方法称为挖砂造型excavate sand molding,如图39所示它对操作技术要求较高,生产率低,只适用于分型面不平直的单件、小批生产。 此外,在实际生产中常见的还有三箱、假箱和地坑等其他造型方法,2、机器造型machine molding 机器造型machine molding是用机器全部

30、地完成或至少完成紧砂操作的造型工序它是现代化铸造车间的基本造型方法。其特点是生产率高,铸件的尺寸精度和表面质量较好,对工人的操作技术要求不高,改善了劳动条件但是,机器造型用的设备和工装模具投资较大,生产准备周期较长,对产品,变化的适应性比手工造型差,因此,机器造型主要用于成批、大量生产。机器造型常用的方法有:震实造型、微震压造型、射砂造型、气冲造型等多种方法。其中震实造型法是目前生产中应用最广的一种造型方法,震实造型过程如图3-10,3.2.4 造芯Core making,型芯主要用来形成铸件的内腔或局部外形。在单件、小批生产中,多采用手工造芯;在大批生产中,则采用机器造芯。 造芯(core

31、making)所用的芯砂应比型砂的综合性能更好。对于形状复杂、重要的型芯,常采用油砂或树脂砂。此外,为了加强型芯的强度,在型芯中应放置芯骨,小型芯的芯骨用钢丝制成,大、中型芯的芯,骨用铸铁制成。为提高型芯的通气能力,在型芯中应开设排气道。为避免铸件产生粘砂缺陷,在型芯表面需要刷涂料,铸铁件常采用石墨涂料,铸钢件采用硅石粉。重要的还需要烘干,以增强型芯的强度和透气性。,常用造芯方法是芯盒,如图3-11,Key Words,造芯Core making 机器造型machine molding 挖砂造型 Excavate sand molding 活块造型Active block molding 分模

32、造型Parted pattern molding 手工造型 Hand molding 整模造型 One-piece pattern molding,The Making of Sand Molds New Words,Ramming rmin. 锤击(速度头) Flask fl:skn. 细颈瓶,烧瓶,小水瓶 Assistance sistnsn. 帮助,援助 Dimensional dimennladj. 空间,尺度,尺寸 Consistency knsistnsin. 稠度(一致性,相容性),The Making of Sand Molds,Hand ramming is often th

33、e preferred method of mold making when only a few castings are to be made from any given design. In most cases, however, the sand molds are made using specially designed molding machines. The various methods differ in the type of flask required, the way sand is packed within the flask, whether mecha

34、nical assistance is provided to turn or handle the mold, and whether a flask is even required. In all cases, however, the molding,greatly reduce the labor and skill required, and lead to casting with better dimensional accuracy and consistency.,Assignment,造芯的方法有几种? 造型方法有几种?,3.2.5浇注系统、冒口和冷铁Gating sys

35、tem,Riser and Cold metal,1、浇注系统Pouring 为把液态合金注入型腔和冒口而开设于砂型中的一系列通道,称为浇注系统。 组成 浇口杯 Pouring Cup 直浇道 Sprue 横浇道 Runner 内浇道 Ingate 如图312所示,浇口杯pouring cup的作用是承接浇注时的液态台金,减少对铸型的直接冲击,同时能使熔渣浮于表面。 直浇道sprue是浇注系统中的竖直通道,一般呈圆锥形,上大下小。直浇道的作用是利用本身的高度产生一定的静压力,以改善冲型能力。,横浇道(runner)一般为梯形截面的水平通道,其作用是阻挡熔渣流入型腔,并分配液态合金流入内浇道。

36、内浇道ingate与型腔直接相连,截面多为扁梯形、矩形等。内浇道的作用主要是引导液态合金平稳进入型腔为了防止液态合金冲毁型芯,对于旋转体铸型及垂直安放的细长型,液态合金最好能沿切线方向进入型腔,如图313所示。开设内浇道还应考虑清理方便,图31 4a所示的内浇道与铸件连接处带有缩颈,清理时不会损伤铸件;图314b所示的内浇道未带缩颈,清理时,容易使铸件损伤而报废。,2冒口和冷铁Riser and Cold Metal 设置冒口和冷铁,是为了对铸件的凝固过程进行控制,使之实现定向凝固。所谓定向凝固,就是使铸件的凝固按薄壁-厚壁-冒口的顺序进行,让缩孔转移到冒口中去,从而获得致密的铸件。,冒口的主

37、要作用是补充铸件凝固收缩时所需的金属,以避免产生缩孔缺陷。图3-15a所示的是未加冒口的铸件,上部形成了缩孔。若在铸件的顶部设置冒口(见图315b),缩孔移到冒口中,清理铸件时将冒口切除,就能获得内部致寄的合格铸件为了使冒口起到补缩作用,应保证冒口最后冷却凝固,通常把冒口设置在铸件的最厚、最高处,并且冒口要足够大。,在浇注铸钢等收缩性大的合金时,一般都要设置这种用于补缩的冒口冒口还可以起到排出型腔中气体和观察铸型型腔是否浇满的作用。在铸铁件上还常能看到尺寸不大的冒口,主要起排气作用,固有“出气冒口”之称。 冷铁Cold metal用于加速铸件某部分的冷却,如图216所示,使铸件各部分达到同时疑

38、固的目的,从而蘑免因收缩不均而造成内应力。,3.2.6合型Close mould,将铸型的各个组元如上型、下型、型芯等组合成一个完整铸型的操作过程,称为合型。合型时要保证型芯的稳固和上、下位置的相对准确。合型后,应将上、下型紧固或放上压铁,以防浇注时上型被金属液抬起。,3.2.7熔炼、浇注、落砂和清理,1、熔炼melting 是指金属由固态通过加热转变成熔融状态的过程。熔炼的任务是提供化学成分和温度都合格的熔融金属液。金属液的化学成分不合格会降低铸件的力学性能和物理性能;金属液的温度过低,会使铸件产生浇不足、冷隔、气孔和夹渣等缺陷,在铸造生产中,用得最多的合金是铸铁,铸铁通常用冲天炉或电炉来熔

39、炼。机械零件的强度、韧度要求较高时,可采用铸钢铸造,铸钢的熔炼设备有平炉、转炉、电弧炉以及感应电炉等。有些铸件是用非铁金属,例如铜、铝等合金铸造的铝合金的熔炼特点是金属料不与燃料直接接触,以减少金属的损耗,保持金属的纯洁。在一般的铸造车间里,铝合金多采用坩埚炉来熔炼。,2浇注Pouring 将液态合金从浇包注入铸型的操作过程称为浇注(pouring).合金液应在一定的温度范围内按规定的速度注入铸型。浇注温度过高,合金液吸气多,合金液收缩大,对型砂的热作用也强烈,容易产生气孔、缩孔、粘砂等缺陷;浇注温度过低,会产生浇不足、冷隔等缺陷。在浇注过程中,金属液流不允许中断。 3落砂Droping 用手

40、工或机械使铸件和型砂、砂箱分开的操作过程称为落砂(Droping)。浇注后过早地落砂会使铸件产生应力、变形,甚至开裂,铸铁件还会形成白口而使,切削加工困难,一般10kg左右的铸件,需冷却1h才能落砂。铸件越大,需冷却时间越长。 4清理Clean up 落砂后从铸件上清除表面粘砂、型砂、多余金属(包括浇注系统、冒口,飞翅和 氧化皮)等的过程,称为清理Clean up。灰铸铁件的冒口,可用铁锤打掉;铸钢件的冒口,可用气割割除;非铁合金铸件的冒口,可用锯子去除粘砂可用清理滚筒、 喷砂器、抛丸清理机等设备清理。,Key Words,清理Clean up 落砂Droping 浇注Pouring 冷铁Co

41、ld metal 熔炼melting 冒口Riser 冷铁Cold Metal 合型Close mould,内浇道ingate 浇口杯pouring cup 直浇道sprue,Gating system New words,Gating geitin. 闸(启门,开启) Gating system浇注系统 Pour p:, p n. 流出,倾泻,骤雨v. 倒,倾泻,蜂涌而来 Mold muldn. 模子,雏型,v. 形成,塑造,发霉 Convey knveiv. 传达,运输,转移计算机 输送 Deliver diliv v. 递送,表达,释放,交付,Cavity kvitin. 洞,空穴,腔

42、Mold cavity 模具型腔 Filling filin. 充填物,填料,填土 Misrun misrnn. 滞流vt 滞流 Shut tadj. 关闭的,合拢的,围绕的v. 关上,闭起,幽禁vbl. 关上,闭起,幽禁 cold shuts冷隔 Erosion irunn. 腐蚀,侵蚀 Entrapment intrpmntn. 诱陷(俘获,夹住,夹带,截留,捕集),Influential .influenladj. 有权势的,有影响的 Attached ttt附加的 Shrinkage rinkidn. 收缩,缩小,减低 Turbulence t:bjlnsn. 喧嚣,骚乱,湍流 Spl

43、ashing 喷洒,泼洒 Turbulent t:bjulntadj. 狂暴的,旋流 Promote prmutv. 促进,提升,升迁,促销 Absorption bs:pnn. 吸收 Oxidation ksideinn. 氧化 Identify aidentifaiv. 识别,认明,鉴定,Smooth smu:adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的v. 使.光滑,变平滑 Kinetic kainetikadj. 运动的 Acquire kwaiv. 获得,取得,学到 Rectangular rektgjuln. 矩形 pouring cup 浇口杯,漏斗形浇口 Vortex v:teksn. 漩

44、涡,旋风 Spiral spairl 自动跳转自: spiraling n. 旋涡,螺旋形之物adj. 螺旋形的,盘旋的v. 成螺旋状下降,成螺旋状旋转,Funnel fnln. 漏斗,漏斗状的东西,烟囱 Suck skv. 啜,吸,吸入,吮吸糟糕, 太烂了 Dissipate disipeitvt. 使.消散(浪费) falling stream下降流 Choke tukv. 窒息,阻塞 Fountain fauntinn. 喷泉 Trap trpn. 圈套,陷阱v. 设圈套,设陷阱 Dross drsn. 浮渣,碎屑,渣滓 Beneficial .benifiladj. 有益的,有利的,E

45、xit eksit, -zitn. 出口,退场,离去v. 退出,脱离 foreign matter异物 ,渣质 pouring ladle 浇 Runner extension横浇口延伸,GATING SYSTEM As molten metal is poured into a mold, the gating system conveys the material and delivers it to all sections of the mold cavity. The speed or rate of metal movement is important as well as th

46、e degree of cooling that occurs while it is flowing. Slow filling and,high loss of heat can result in misruns and cold shuts. Rapid rates of filling, on the other hand, can produce erosion of the gating system and mold cavity and might result in the entrapment of mold material in the final casting.

47、The cross-sectional areas of the various channels can be selected to,regulate flow. In addition, the shape and length of the channels are influential in controlling temperature loss. When heat loss is to be minimized, short channels with round or square cross sections are the most desirable. The gat

48、es are usually attached to,the thickest or heaviest sections of a casting to control shrinkage and to the bottom of the casting to minimize turbulence and splashing. For large castings, multiple gates and runners may be used to introduce metal to more than one point of the mold cavity.,Gating system

49、s should be designed to minimize turbulent flow, which tends to promote absorption of gases, oxidation of the metal, and erosion of the mold. Figure 13-9 shows a typical gating system for a mold with a horizontal parting line and can be used to identify some of the key components that can be,optimized to promote the smooth flow of molten metal. Short sp


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