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1、Chinese Poetry,Classical Chinese poetry 中国古典诗歌 Modern Chinese poetry 中国现代诗歌,Classical Chinese poetry,Since the burning of books by Qin Shihuang, the earliest extant anthologies are the Shi Jing and Chu Ci, dating to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, respectively. Shi Jing(诗

2、经 Classic of Poetry) was the first major surviving collection of Chinese poems, collecting both aristocratic poems (Odes) and more rustic poetry, probably derived from folksongs (Songs). They are mostly composed of four-character (四言) lines. A second, more lyrical and romantic anthology was Chu Ci (

3、楚辞 Songs of Chu), made up primarily of poems ascribed to Qu Yuan and his follower Song Yu. These poems are composed of lines of irregular lengths, in the style prevalent in the state of Chu.,Beginnings of the tradition:,关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 参差荇菜,左右流之。窈窕淑女,寤寐求之。 求之不得,寤寐思服。悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。 参差荇菜,左右采之。窈窕淑女,琴瑟

4、友之。 参差荇菜,左右毛之。窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之。,关 雎,Classical Chinese poetry,中 国 古 典 诗 歌,Shi,Ci(Song),“ancient-style” gushi poetry(古体诗) 唐以前诗歌及唐以后诗人仿作,“recent-style” jintishi poetry(近体诗) 形成于唐代,Chinese Sanqu poetry(散曲),Yuan opera(元杂剧),Qu(Yuan),小令(五十八字以内),中调(五十九字至九十字),长调(九十一字以上),Classical Chinese poetry,古 体 诗,四言古诗(出现最早的是诗经,另

5、一代表是曹操诗),杂言诗(可归入七言古诗) 登幽州台歌,七言古诗(成熟于唐代,简称七古),五言古诗(成熟于汉代,简称五古),Classical Chinese poetry,近 体 诗,绝句,律诗,五言绝句(五绝) 江雪,七言绝句(七绝) 早发白帝城,五言律诗(五律) 春望,七言律诗(七律) 闻官军收河南河北,排律(八句以上的律诗),Poetry of particular(dynastic) periods:,Classical Chinese poetry,Han poetry Jianan poetry Six Dynasties poetry Tang poetry Song poet

6、ry Yuan poetry,Classical Chinese poetry,during theHan Dynasty, a folk-song style of poetry became popular, known asYuefu(乐府) “Music Bureau” poems, so named because of the governments role in collecting such poems, although in time some poets began composing original works inYuefu style. ManyYuefu po

7、ems are composed of five-character (五言) or seven-character (七言) lines, in contrast to the four-character lines of earlier times. A characteristic form of Han Dynasty literature is theFu(赋).,Han poetry:,Classical Chinese poetry,The Four Major Poet of Hanfu:,Sima Xiangru,Yang Xiong,Zhang Heng,Ban Gu,C

8、lassical Chinese poetry,Jianan poetry:,Jianan poetyrefers to those poetic movements occurring during the final years of the failing Han Dynasty and continuing their development into the beginning of the Six Dynasties period. Typical poets of this period areCao Cao,Cao Pi, Cao Zhi,东临碣石,以观沧海。 水何澹澹,山岛竦

9、峙。 树木丛生,百草丰茂。 秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。 日月之行,若出其中; 星汉灿烂,若出其里。 幸甚至哉!歌以咏志。,观 沧 海,Classical Chinese poetry,The Six Dynasties era covers three main periods: the Three Kingdoms (220280), Jin Dynasty (265420), and Southern and Northern Dynasties (420589). The great fields and garden poet ,Tao Yuanming, the great and hig

10、hly personal poet who was noted for speaking in his own voice rather than a persona or anonymously.,Six Dynasties poetry:,结庐在人境,而无车马喧。 问君何能尔,心远地自偏。 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。 山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。 此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。,饮酒其五,Classical Chinese poetry,A high point of classical Chinese poetry occurred during the Tang period (618 - 907

11、); Poetry was integrated into almost every aspect of the professional and social life of the literate class, including becoming part of the Imperial examinations taken by anyone wanting a government post; Over time, some Tang poetry became more realistic, more narrative and more critical of social n

12、orms; The poetry of the Tang Dynasty remains influential today.,Tang poetry:,Classical Chinese poetry,Early Tang : Four Heroes of Early Tang,Yang Jiong,Wang Bo,Lu Zhaolin,Luo Binwang,Classical Chinese poetry,Zhang jiuling ,He Zhizhang The most famous: Li Bai , Du Fu (Li-Du) The “Fields and Gardens P

13、oets Group” (田园诗派): Meng Haoran , Wang Wei The “Borders and Frontier Fortress Poets Group ”(田园诗派): Gao Shi,Cen Cen,Wang Changling ,Wang Zhihuan ,Cui Hao,High Tang :,Classical Chinese poetry,The Landscape Style Poem (山水诗): Liu Changqing , Wei Yingwu Bai Juyi , Han Yu , Meng Jiao , Liu Yusi , Liu Zong

14、yuan , Li He,Middle Tang :,Late Tang :,Du Mu ,Li Shangyin ( Little Li-Du) Wen Tingyun , Wei Zhuang,Classical Chinese poetry,By the Song Dynasty (960-1279), another form of poetry, the Ci (词)new lyrics written according to the set rhythms of existing tunes. Each ci poem is labeled To the tune of Tune

15、 Name (调寄词牌) and fits the meter and rhyme of the tune. The titles of ci poems are not necessarily related to their subject matter, and many poems may share a title. In terms of their content, Ci poetry most often expressed feelings of desire .,Song poetry:,Classical Chinese poetry,Ou Yangxiu Wang An

16、shi Su shi Su Zhe Liu Yong Li Qingzhao Zhou Bangyan Yan Shu Huang Tingjian,The Northern Song Dynasty:,Classical Chinese poetry,The Southern Song Dynasty:,Lu You,Jiang Kui (姜夔),Xin Qiji,Classical Chinese poetry,Major developments of poetry during the Yuan Dynasty (12711368) included the development o

17、f types of poetry written to fixed-tone patterns, such as for the Yuan opera (元杂剧)librettos. After the Song Dynasty, the set rhythms of the Ci came to be reflected in the set-rhythm pieces of Chinese Sanqu poetry (散曲), a freer form based on new popular songs and dramatic arias, that developed and la

18、sted into the Ming Dynasty (14th-17th centuries).,Yuan poetry:,Classical Chinese poetry,Four playwrights of Yuan Poetry:,Guang Hanqing,Ma Zhiyuan,Ba Pu,Zheng Guangzu,倩女离魂,窦娥冤,天净沙秋思,青衫泪,唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨,Classical Chinese poetry,zhang Yanghao,西厢记,山坡羊潼关怀古,Wang Shifu,Classical Chinese poetry,诗经楚辞乐府赋唐诗宋词元曲,总体顺序总

19、结,Modern Chinese poetry,Modern Chinese poems (new poetry新诗 ) usually do not follow any prescribed pattern. Poetry was revolutionized after the May Fourth Movement when writers try to use vernacular styles closer to what was being spoken (baihua) rather than previously prescribed forms.,Modern Chines

20、e poetry,Early 20th-century poets like Xu Zhimo, Guo Moruo and Wen Yiduo sought to break Chinese poetry from past conventions by adopting Western models.,Modern Chinese poetry,In the post-revolutionary Communist era, poets like Ai Qing used more liberal running lines and direct diction, which were v

21、astly popular and widely imitated.,Modern Chinese poetry,In the contemporary现代的 poetic scene, the most important and influential poets are in the group known as Misty Poets (朦胧派诗人) The most important Misty Poets include Shu Ting, Bei Dao, Gu Cheng and Yang Lian.,Influence,Chinese poetry early on influenced poets in Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Later on, it would be a big influence in the rest of the world, ranging from the poetic movement known as Beat poetry to the pop song Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.,Thank You,


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