Gone with the wind - 飘英文简介.ppt

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《Gone with the wind - 飘英文简介.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Gone with the wind - 飘英文简介.ppt(14页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Gone with the wind,Scarlett OHara,Selfish, shrewd and vain,greedy, Scarlett inherits the strong will of her Irish father Gerald OHara, but also desires to please her well-bred, gentle French American mother Ellen Robillard, from a good and well respected Savannah, Georgia。So,she is limited by her mo

2、ther,but very active in her blood.,Rhett Butler,That Rhett has a good heart under his cynical shell is clear from his many selfless acts. and his devotion to his daughter by Scarlett, Bonnie, becomes legendary among the people of Atlanta. Most importantly, he supports and helps Scarlett in many ways

3、. Rhett lends her money to buy the sawmill, and when the rest of Atlanta is condemning her for her unwomanly behavior in running her businesses, he is the only person who encourages her. But his love end with her daughters death.,Substance,GONEWITHTHEWINDisalovestorywhichtookplaceduringtheAmericanCi


5、ttookchargeofthewholefamily.LatershemarriedFrankwhowasshottodeathandshebecameawidowagain.,Substance,ThethirdtimeshemarriedRhettButler,abusinessman,andtheyhadababygirlcalledBonnie. Bonnieunexpectedlydiedfromafallbecauseofanaccident.Afteraseriesofevents,Scarlettfinallycametounderstandthatwhatshereally

6、neededwasRhettButler.Becausethereweresomemisunderstandingsbetweenthem,RhettButlercouldnolongertrustherandhewasdeterminedtoleaveScarlett .,Substance,ThethirdtimeshemarriedRhettButler,abusinessman,andtheyhadababygirlcalledBonnie. Bonnieunexpectedlydiedfromafallbecauseofanaccident.Afteraseriesofevents,

7、ScarlettfinallycametounderstandthatwhatshereallyneededwasRhettButler.Becausethereweresomemisunderstandingsbetweenthem,RhettButlercouldnolongertrustherandhewasdeterminedtoleaveScarlett .,Reflection,Scarlett is a person of multi- characters. She is so childlike that she was so steadfast to those she d

8、esired but paid no attention to what already belonged to her. She is so contradictory that she persued desperately her happiness, while refusing others and pushing them into the chasm at the same time.,Reflection,Anyhow, she is a woman I paid high reputation to. Her life was filled with choices and

9、challenges and apparently she was so talented enough to make wise choice all the time. She chose to overcome obstacle yet not escaping; she chose to shoulder responsibility yet not shake it to anyone else; Confronted with love, she chose to follow her heart while there seems to be no cause of faith,

10、 she chose to create hope and told herself “tomorrow is another day”.,Reflection,. From this militant fighter, we can see the reflection of duty, perseverance, and optimism, which are the cut leading to success. Standing at the turning point, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to her, a b

11、eautiful, wise, and dynamic young lady, it is she who tought me to make right choice.,Ending,Rhett Butler went away with a sad heart. scarliottlook forword to thearrivalbettertomorrow. And waited to her true love,Rhett.,一直很喜欢瑞德离开前的那一段话,“斯佳丽,我从来不是那样的人,不能耐心的拾起一些碎片,把它们粘合在一起,然后对自己说这个修补好了的东西跟新的完全一样。一样东西破

12、碎了就是破碎了我宁愿记住它最好时的模样,而不想把它修补好,然后终生看着那些破碎了的地方。也许,假使我还年轻一点,可是我已经这么大年纪了,不能相信那种纯属感情的说法,说是一切都可以从头开始。我这么大年纪了,不能终生背着谎言的负担,在貌似体面地幻灭中过日子。我不能跟你生活在一起同时又对你说谎,而且我决不能欺骗自己。就是现在,我也不能对你说谎话啊!我是很想关心你今后的情况的,可是我不能那样做。”,Gone with the wind,Gone with the windIts chinese name is”飘”,Being adapted to “乱世佳人”,this movie is really good to watch.I consumingly recommend you can have a look. Thanks!,


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