unit 2 the olympic games _词汇课件.ppt

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《unit 2 the olympic games _词汇课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 2 the olympic games _词汇课件.ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games,The boys are _ in the tug-of-war. 男孩子们正在进行拔河比赛。,competing,Tips: 词尾有e只加d, ing 去无声e,然后再加ing,Learning by doing,1.Howmanyrunnerswillbecompeting themarathon? 2. The two teams compete the championship. 3. He believed that nobody could compete,in,for,with/against,him.,Learning by d

2、oing,Thestudentscompeted_thehonorofwinning_eachother_theschoolsportsmeeting. A.for,against,inB.in,with,againstC.against,for,atD.about,in,with,比赛;竞赛,竞争的,比赛,竞赛,竞赛者,竞争者,compete,competitive,competition,competitor,The cycle of learning,They often _ _ _ outdoor activities. 他们经常参加室外活动。,take part in,take pa

3、rt in,join in,join,attend,参加活动,并在其中起积极作用,参加会议、婚礼、典礼;听报告、讲座,加入某人或某个组织成为其中一员,参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,1. Last weekend I _ a wedding. 2. Today women are _ _ social activities. 3. Would you like to _ us _ our game? 4. His brother _ the army last year.,taking a,attended,join,in,joined,part in,Learning by doing,

4、What do the five rings on the Olympic flag _ _?,stand for,standby standbysb. standout stand against stand down,反对 支持某人 辞职 袖手旁观,支持 显眼,突出,Match,mascot mskt,Grace,home,land,home,land,homeland,Tips: China中国 china 瓷器,1.容许,准许进(加)入,a.Onlyonehundredboys theschooleveryyear. 每年学校准许100名男生入校。 b.He amemberoftheb

5、asketballteam. 他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。,areadmittedto/into,isadmittedas,2.承认,供认 He admitted having stolen the motorcycle. =He admitted the motorcycle. =He admitted that,stealing,he had stolen the motorcycle.,3.可容纳 This library commits 4000 persons.,stadium stedm,gymnasium dmnezm,He writes his own songs and h

6、e plays the guitar _ _. 他写歌还弹吉他。,as well,Learning by doing,1.Im learning Japanese English. 2.Tom plays football Tom足球踢得和Tony 一样好。 3. He is singing and dancing,as well as,as well as Tony.,as well .,辨析: as well, also, too, either as well : 用于肯定句,只用于句尾。 He plays the piano as well. also: 用于肯定句,用在句中。He a

7、lso plays the piano. too: 用于肯定句,用在句尾,一般用逗号与其他部分分开。 He plays the piano, too. either: 用于否定句中。He doesnt play the piano either.,The dog is wearing the glasses of his _, which made him very lovely.,host,Chen Luyu is the _ for a TV talk show.,host,My classmates hosted a party at Halloween.,Jay should be r

8、esponsible for his wife.,olive lv,Wreath ri:,1.取代,代替 Electronic whiteboard replaced blackboard.,2.放回;置于原处 Volunteers replaced the books on the shelf.,3.更换,调换 A girl replaces her warm coat to make her warm.,1.The managers are considering replacing typewriters with/by a computer to work more quickly.

9、2.He replaces the cup on the table. 3.I promised to replace the plate that Id dropped.,Learning by doing,V. 控诉 1.Huang Yang was charged with murder. 2. Police charged Huang Yang with murder.,V.要价,收费 Meng Fei charges 38 yuan for a bowl of noodles.,n.费用,价钱 Children are free of charge at childrens park

10、.,n.主管,掌管 1.Chen Xuedong is in charge of the whole class. 2.Ma Haoxuan is in the charge of Mr. Chen.,1.Mr.Greenisinchargeofthisfactory. 2. Theticketisfreeofcharge. 3.Hewas chargewithmurder. 4.ThisfactoryisinthechargeofMrGreen.,Learning by doing,charge/pay/cost动词用法区别:,人,人,物,钱,人、物,钱、精力、时间,Meng Fei cha

11、rges 38 yuan for a bowl of noodles.,1.Hepaidtenyuanforthebook.2.Youhavetopayforwhatyoudid.,1.Thebookcosthim$300. 2.Readingabookcostsmuchtimeandlabor.,poster pst(r),Kimi bargained with the shopkeeper over the price.,Government of Dali bargained that Erhai Lake will be clear in the future.,Chen He mad

12、e a divorce bargain with Xu Jing.,1.I bargain that I will finish the work in three days.,2.He bargained with the shopkeeper over the price . 3.This coat only sells 20 yuan ,it is really a bargain.,Learning by doing,1.He deserves this glory for his great efforts .,2.Thosewhoworkdeservetoeat.,3.He cheated at exam, hedeservestobecriticized. = He cheated at exam, hedeserves criticizing.,4.Huang Yang murdered his roommate ,his punishment was deserved. 5. Huang Yang murdered his roommate ,he will suffer deserved punishment.,Thanks!,


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