Unit 2 “Doing”English in the classroom.ppt

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《Unit 2 “Doing”English in the classroom.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 “Doing”English in the classroom.ppt(31页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2“Doing”English in the classroom,一、单元要点,1知识概述 (1)复习英语的各类词汇; (2)做动作感知和学习英语; (3)做游戏,在快乐中学习英语; (4)学习字母组合ea在单词中发 的音。,2单元重点词汇,3交际用语,(1)What are house animals? 什么是家禽? (2)What are farm animals? 什么是农场里养的动物? (3)What are zoo animals? 什么是动物园里的动物? (4)You can find out about water in book 6, under w. 你可以在书的第

2、六册w下面找到水。 (5)Who can say all the words and go all the way up? 谁可以说出所有的单词并且爬上去?,二、单元学习,名词: holiday假日,friend朋友,fun娱乐,fruit水果,animal动物,colour颜色,crayon蜡笔,eraser/ rubber 橡皮,toilet paper 卫生纸,radio收音机,exercise book 练习本,picture book 图画本,lemonade 柠檬汁,water 水,1复习,动词: worry 着急 wear穿,戴 spell 拼写 greet 致候 introdu

3、ce 介绍 help 帮助 bring 带来 其它词汇: great 伟大的 new 新的 all 所有的 please 请 favourite 最受喜爱的人或物 fine 健康的 almost 几乎 wonderful 了不起的,(2)Sentences:,Let me help you! 让我来帮帮你吧! Have fun! 玩得开心! Its good to see you back. 看到你回来真是太好了。 Its great to see you all again. 再次看到大家真是太棒了。 Is she our new friend? 她是我们的新朋友么? How was/is

4、your holiday? 你的假期过得如何? It was/is great! 真是太棒了!,(3)Pronunciation:,ee 时嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿。嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑表情,和字母e的发音相同。,2重难点知识讲解,(1)Lets“do”English.,Drinks饮料:tea茶,water水,juice果汁,Coke可乐,coffee咖啡,lemonade柠檬水,milk牛奶,beer啤酒 Transportation交通工具:bus公汽,car小汽车,train火车,motorbike摩托车,bike自行车,plane飞机,boat小船,jeep吉普,ship轮船,h

5、elicopter直升飞机 Plants植物:tree树,flower花,grass植物, rose玫瑰, tulip郁金香, peony牡丹 Fruit水果:apple苹果,banana香蕉,pear梨,grapes葡萄,mango芒果,grapefruit葡萄柚,orange桔子,pineapple菠萝,watermelon西瓜,peach桃子,coconut椰子,lemon柠檬,lime宜母子,Time时间:clock时钟 Names名字:Sam, Dan, Fan, Lily, Julia, Zhang Xin Food食物:rice米饭,noodles面条,bread面包,burge

6、r汉堡,chips薯条,butter黄油,cheese乳酪,cake蛋糕,sausage香肠,sandwich三明治,chicken鸡肉 Family家庭:father(dad)爸爸,mother(mum)妈妈,grandfather(grandpa)爷爷,外公,grandmother(grandma)奶奶,外婆,uncle叔叔,aunt阿姨,brother兄弟,sister姐妹,niece侄女,nephew侄儿,cousin堂(表)兄妹 Body身体:hair头发,eye眼睛,ear耳朵,neck颈,hand手,foot脚,head头,nose鼻子,mouth嘴,arm胳膊,leg腿 Spo

7、rts运动:play basketball打篮球,swim游泳,School things学习用具:pen钢笔,pencil铅笔,pencil-case铅笔盒,ruler尺子,book书,bag书包,eraser橡皮,crayon蜡笔,exercise book练习本 Numbers数字:zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twent

8、y, thirty, forty, fifty Colours颜色:blue蓝色的,yellow黄色的,red红色的,brown棕色的,white白色的,black黑色的,green绿色的,purple紫色的,pink粉色的,grey灰色的,orange橙色的 Animals动物:duck鸭,dog狗,cat猫,bee蜜蜂,horse马,goat山羊,cow奶牛,chicken小鸡,rabbit兔子,sheep绵羊,frog青蛙,turtle乌龟,fish鱼,What are house animals? 哪些动物是家禽? Cats, dogs, hens, chickens, cocks,

9、ducks, geese, What are farm animals? 哪些动物是养在农场的? Horses, cows, goats, sheep, chickens, hens, What are zoo animals? 哪些动物是在动物园的? Elephants, monkeys, snakes, kangaroos, ,appleegggoattigerrabbittoyyellowwriteelephanttv,“football”in book 2, under“f”; “zoo”in book 6, under“z”; “pen”in book 4, under“p”; “t

10、ree”in book 5, under“t”.,答案: e:dress, head, leg, bed, desk, hen. ee:sheep, bee, three, tree, green. a:flag, bat, carrot, cat, cap.,(2)Study pronunciation:,字母组合ea发长音 ,发 时嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿。,ea eat peach eat a peach please read Please read.,Listen, look, read and learn.,(3)Match the words with the pictures.

11、,答案: feet和双脚,meat和肉,beef和牛肉,sea和大海,pea和豌豆,bee和蜜峰,tree和树,tea和茶连线。,(4)Lets play “Bingo”.,(5)Look, draw and tick.,Words and expressions: shop 商店 farm 农场 school 学校 zoo 动物园 beach 海滩 bookshop 书店 bus stop 公共汽车站台 park 公园 train station 火车站,(6)Lets act.,(7)Read, say and win.,Who can say all the words and go a

12、ll the way up? 谁可以说出所有的单词并且爬上去?,(8)Lets chant and sing.,Lets sing and dance. Lets sing and dance.,Lets play games in our English class.,Lets draw and colour. Lets draw and colour.,Lets draw a garden and colour its flowers.,(9)Colour and say them.,(10)Listen and write.,答案: zoo, shop, farm, park, scho

13、ol, bookshop, bus stop, sea,三、单元小结,2Sentences:,(1)What are house animals? 什么是家禽? (2)What are farm animals? 什么是农场里养的动物? (3)What are zoo animals? 什么是动物园里的动物? (4)You can find out about water in book 6, under w. 你可以在书的第六册w下面找到水。 (5)Who can say all the words and go all the way up? 谁可以说出所有的单词并且爬上去?,3Pronunciation:,字母组合ea发长音 ,发 时嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿。,


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