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1、Text Analysis- Structure,Part 1 (Para 1-3) Exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. There are three groups of people who are likely to suffer from iron deficiency. Part 2 (Para 4-6) Iron deficiency is very common among women. The causes for iron deficiency am

2、ong women. Part 3 (Para 7-12) The effects of iron deficiency on peoples health and the importance of checking iron reserves.,Text in Part I,Iron and the Effects of Exercise,Para 1. Sports medicine experts have observed for years that endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron def

3、iciencies. Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.,Para 2. “We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss, says Rosean

4、ne M. Lyle, associate professor at Purdue. Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine not extreme,2. of or having (usu. political) opinions that are not extreme,The room is of moderate size-just right for a sma

5、ll family.,这间屋中等大小,正好适合一个小家庭住。,FOR EXAMPLE:,The deputy of the party leader is more moderate in her views.,该党派领袖的副手观点比较温和。,Antonym:,moderate,immoderate,im,consume vt.,consume vt.,1. eat or drink,2. use, esp. in large amounts,consume vt.,wholly,to take,Try to figure out:,assume,假定,presume,推测,FOR EXAMP

6、LE:,He consumes vast quantities of meat with every meal.,他每餐都吃大量的肉。,This is time-consuming work.,这是一项需要时间的工作.,Word Using,1. supplement n. (L10),Translation,a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement,a special supplement to a monthly financial magazine,They are doing extra jobs outside their regular o

7、nes to supplement their incomes.,复合维生素和矿物质补剂,一份金融月刊的特别增刊,除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。,Useful Expressions, to bounce back,(遭受挫败损失后)很快恢复,他厄运不断,但似乎每次都能恢复元气。,Hes had no end of bad luck, but he just seems to bounce back every time.,Text in Part II,Para. 4 Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,

8、affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes. This means, Lyle says, that too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in;. Women of child-bear

9、ing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, th

10、ey may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.,Para. 5 “The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron, notes another expert. “For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be e

11、nough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency, notes the expert. Para 6. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. Some iron is lost in sweat, and, for unknown reasons, intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system. A

12、thletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood.,Part II,(Paras. 4-6),Main Idea:,Cause for iron deficiency among women.,Cause and Effect,Effect: Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one

13、 in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. (Para. 4) General causes for the effect: (1) They ignore the amount of iron they take in; (2) Womens monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss; (3) Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting re

14、d meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron. (4) Women often experience a deficiency as a result of their effort to control weight. (Para. 4),Effect: But the ratio (of iron deficiency in women) is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athlet

15、es.(Para. 4) Specific causes for the effect: For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. (Para. 5) (2) Some iron is lost in sweat, and, for unknown reasons, intense endurance exercise is

16、 sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system. (Para. 6) (3) Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood. (Para. 6),Language points in Part II,What is white meat and red meat ?,white meat: chick

17、en, pork ,red meat: beef, mutton ,respectively ad.,Meaning separately or in turn,respectful a.,respectable a.,respective a.,respecting prep.,respectful a.,respectable a.,respectful a.,去尊重别人,尊敬的,有礼貌的,respectable a.,别人尊重自己,受人尊敬的,高尚的,与“尊重”无关,分别的,各自的,关于,He is a _ professor and we are _. After class, we

18、went back to our _ dorms. We went to visit our _ mothers.,respectable,respectful,respective,Exercises:,respective,2. respectively ad. (L14),源词 respect (v./n.),Comparison respective: individual 各自的;分别的 respectful: showing respect toward sb./sth. 恭敬的;表示尊重的(对待某人/某物) respectable: considered by society t

19、o be good, proper or correct ; deserving respect 体面的;正确的;值得尊敬的,2. respectively ad. (L14),Blank filling respective respectful respectable,They listened in _ silence. He was born in a _ family. We went to visit our _ mothers.,respectful,respectable,respective,3. risk n./v. (L18),Phrases be at risk; ta

20、ke/run risks; risk ones life,e.g.,Up to 2,000 jobs are still at risk. 仍有多达2,000人有失业的危险。,He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge. 他冒险过这座旧桥。,He risked his life when he saved the kid from the fire. 他冒着生命危险把孩子从火中救出来。,5. liable a. (L24),1) likely; 2) suffering (from) Phrase be liable to do sth.,Use

21、 it,What is a person liable to do when he/she is very tired/angry ?,He/she is liable to when ,6. allowance n. (L26),1) the amount allowed or granted限额,定量,e.g. :,Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 20kg per passenger. 我们的大多数航班容许每位旅客免费带20公斤行李。,What is your weekly allowance of milk?,Use it,

22、e.g.,The manager traveled on business with an allowance that covered hotel and restaurant bills.,这位经理出差时有包括食宿的补贴。,2) Something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose津贴,补贴等,6. allowance n. (L26), to tip over the edge,引起显著变化;(使)进入另一种状态,A months continuous high-temperature

23、 climate tipped the drought in Jiangxi Province over the edge into more seriousness.,一个月的持续高温天气使江西省的旱情更加严重。,digest vt.,1. change (food) in the stomach so that it can be used by the body,2. understand and remember,FOR EXAMPLE:,Fish is easy to digest when youre ill.,生病时,吃鱼是容易消化的。,The report contains t

24、oo much to digest at one reading.,报告内容太多,读一次无法全部领会。,digestive a.,Meaning: of digesting (of food),Digestive system: The digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. Inside this tube is a lining called the mucosa. In the mouth, stomach, and

25、small intestine, the mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food.,Text in Part III,Para. 7 There are three stages of iron deficiency. The first and most common is having low iron reserves, a condition that typically has no symptoms. Fatigue and poor performance may begin to a

26、ppear in the second stage of deficiency, when not enough iron is present to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscles. In the third and final stage, people often feel weak, tired, and out of breath and exercise performance is severely compromised. Para. 8 “Peop

27、le think that if theyre not at the third stage, nothing is wrong, but thats not true, says John L. Beard, who helped design the Purdue study. “Youre not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero, and if you wait until that point, youre in trouble.,Para. 9 However, most people with low iron reserve

28、s dont know they have a deficiency, because traditional methods of calculating the amount of iron in blood (by checking levels of the blood protein that transports oxygen) are not sufficient, Beard states. Instead, its important to check levels of a different compound, which indicates the amount of

29、storage of iron in the blood. While active, child-bearing age women are most likely to have low iron stores, he notes, Men are not safe, especially if they dont eat meat and have a high level of physical activity. (An estimated 15 percent of male long distance runners have low iron stores.) Beard an

30、d other experts say its advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves.,Part III,(Paras. 7-9),Main Idea:,The author makes clear both the effects of iron deficiency on peoples health and the importance of checking iron reserves to active people.,Three st

31、ages of iron deficiency,Three stages of iron deficiency,no symptoms,fatigue and poor performance,often feel weak, tired.,Language points in Part III,Typical patterns for argumentation,原句:People think that if theyre not at the third stage, nothing is wrong, but thats not true. (L.40) 译文:人们认为,只要不到第三阶段

32、就不会有什么问题。这种看法是不对的.,Some/Many people think/believe/claim that, but this/that (statement) is not/may not be true/the case. 一些/很多人认为/声称 ,但是这种/那种看/说法是/也许是不正确的。,For Example,a.有些人认为他们的学习随着学业的结束而结束。这种看法是不正确的。学校所做的只是教给学生学习的方法,为其在今后生活中继续学习做准备。,Some people think that their education ends up with their graduat

33、ion, but that is not true. What schools do is only to teach students tricks of learning and prepare them for continued learning in their later life.,b.许多人声称他们从不根据广告上说的去买东西。但事实可能并不是这样。如今人们不可能对广告视而不见,也不可能不受广告的影响。,Many people claim that they never buy things according to what advertisements say, but th

34、is may not be the case. Nowadays, its not possible to turn a blind eye to advertisements; nor is it possible for one to avoid being influenced by advertisements.,phenomenon n.,Meaning: C. (pl. phenomena) sth. That exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., esp. sth. which is unusual,fatigue n.,Mean

35、ing: extreme tiredness,To remember,phe,no,men,on,phenomenon,To remember,fatigue,fa,乏,fat + I + (ar)gue,indicate vt.,1. show, point or make clear,2. show (the direction) by hand signals, lights, etc.,FOR EXAMPLE:,A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoy life.,一个对退休

36、人员的调查表明,大多数退休老人都能独立生活而且享受天伦。,There are indications that the public librarys readership has been on the rise/increase.,有迹象表明公共图书馆的读者量呈上升趋势。,7. sufficient a. (L45),There is no sufficient evidence to show that he is guilty.,e.g.,近形词 efficient 有效率的 (efficiency n.),派生词 sufficiency (n. ),Use it,What if yo

37、u had a lot of money?,With sufficient money, I would ,yearly a.,Meaning: every year or once a year,-ly 加在时间名词之后, 表示 “与. . . 时间一块的, 每. . . 的” e.g. : hourly 每小时的 quarterly 每季度的 daily 每天的 nightly 每夜的 monthly 每月的 加在名词之后,表示 “. . .的, 有. . . 特征的” e.g.: manly 有男子气概的 costly 昂贵的,Text Analysis,Main idea and ma

38、in devices Structure of this text Language Points,Text in Part IV,Para. 10 If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying your diet or by taking supplements. In general, its better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet

39、, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. Supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases. The best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body, are meat, chicken, and fish. Good sources of o

40、ther forms of iron include dates, beans, and some leafy green vegetables.,Para. 11 “Select breads and cereals with the words iron-added on the label,” writes sports diet expert Nancy Clark. “This added iron supplements the small amount that naturally occurs in grains. Eat these foods with plentiful

41、Vitamin C (for example, drink orange juice with cereal or put a tomato on a sandwich) to enhance the amount of iron absorbed.” Clark also recommends cooking in iron pans, as food can derive iron from the pan during the cooking process. “The iron content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for thre

42、e hours showed a striking increase, the level going up nearly 30 times,” she writes. And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals, she says, since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body.,Para. 12 “Active women need

43、 to be a lot more careful about their food choices,” sums up Purdues Lyle. “If you pay attention to warning signs before iron reserves are gone, you can remedy the deficiency before it really becomes a problem.”,Part IV,(Paras. 10-12),Main Idea:,The author gives his advice on how to remedy iron defi

44、ciency.,suggested ways to correct iron deficiency,1) The author gives his advice through a list of examples: (Para. 10),(1) The best sources of iron are _, _, and _. (2) Good sources of other forms of iron include _, _, and some _ _ _.,meat,chicken,fish,dates,beans,leafy,green,vegetables,2) The auth

45、or quotes an example from Clarks advice on cooking in iron pans: (Para. 11),Clarks advice: Cook in iron pans.,Example: “The iron content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for three hours showed a striking increase, the level going up nearly 30 times.”,Language points in Part IV,1. Typical patter

46、ns for suggestion,原句:In general, its better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. (L. 53) 译文:一般说来,解决问题的最好方法是在食谱中增加含铁丰富的食物,因为铁离子补剂可能存在严重缺陷。,Its better /suggestive/ advisable (for sb.) to do sth. (Its advisable that sb.

47、should do sth.)by v.+ ing., because (对于 来说) 最好是通过来,因为,For Example,a.对于失业者来说最好的方法是通过参加技能培训来提高自己的竞争能力,因为劳务市场上竞争力强的人最有机会找到工作。,It is better for the laid-off to enhance their competitive power by attending skill trainings, because the strongest competitors have the best chance of finding jobs in the labo

48、r market.,b.人们最好通过完善自我来面对未来的挑战,因为未来的冲击不是以人的意志为转移的。,It is advisable for people to face up to the future challenges by bettering themselves, because the future shock is independent of mans will.,derive vt.,1. get or obtain (sth.) (from sth. else),2. have (sth.) as an origin,FOR EXAMPLE:,derive knowled

49、ge from reading derive a conclusion from facts,从阅读中学到知识,从事实推出结论,Our city is noted for splendid old-fashioned buildings from which tourists can derive great pleasure.,我们的城市以辉煌的古代建筑而闻名,游客可以从游览中获得很多乐趣。,9. derive from (L63),He is one of those people who can derive pleasure from helping others.,e.g.,1) obtain (especially a feeling or an advantage) from,有些人从帮助他人中得到快乐,他便是其中之一。,9. derive from (L63),The town deri


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