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1、Traditional Chinese Medicine Health cultivation(养生) Food 2020/10/4 TCM health cultivation Food are believed to help improve health on a regular basis, prevent seasonal climate related problems, fight early symptoms of health problems. 中医饮食养生学是指按照中医理论,调整饮食,注意饮食 宜忌,合理地摄取食物,以增进健康,预防和治疗疾病, 益寿延年的的一门学科(养生

2、方法) According to TCM theory, Adjust your diet, note diet Taboo, reasonable food intake Promote health cultivation, prevent and treat disease, achieve longevity 唐代大医学家孙思邈说:“安身之本,必资于食;不知食 宜者,不足以存生。” “夫为医者,当须先晓病源,知其 所犯以食治之,食疗不愈然后命药。” (Tang Dynasty) SUN SIMIAO said: The shelter, will be funded in the fo

3、od As a doctor, we should find the etiology of the disease first, then using diet to treat it,the drug will be used at last Yin-Yang Healthy is due to an internal balance of yin and yang. Food are the best one to restore the harmony of yin and yang . The Five Elements Human beings , both physically

4、and mentally, are connected with nature. 点击添加标题 Five elements (五行) Five sense organs (五官) Five visceras (五脏) Five emotion (五情) Five Colors (五色) woodeyeLiver(肝)Angergreen firetongueHeart(心)Joyred earthmouthSpleen (脾) Overthinkingyellow mentalnoseLung (肺) Grief(悲)white waterearKidney (肾) Fearblack Cor

5、respondence between Nature and Human Body The green food 点击添加标题 Green bean Green tea The green food 点击添加标题 kiwi fruit Green vegetables The red food 点击添加标题 Red beanApples The red food 点击添加标题 Chinese Dates(红枣 ) Strawberry The red food 点击添加标题 Haw apple(山楂 ) Carrot(胡萝卜 ) The yellow food 点击添加标题 Soybean P

6、umpkin(南瓜 ) The yellow food 点击添加标题 PotatoCorn The white food 点击添加标题 Edible lily (百合 ) White fungus(银耳 ) 点击添加标题 Ginkgo白果/银杏 Porridge(粥) The white food The black food 点击添加标题 Black sesame seeds (黑芝麻) Black bean The black food 点击添加标题 Laver(紫菜) Kelp(海带 ) 预防作用 Prevention 如大蒜garlic预防腹泻diarrhea、绿豆green bean

7、s预 防中暑heatstroke、生姜ginger预防风寒感冒cold; 中医学早在一千多年以前,就有用动物肝脏liver预防 夜盲症night blindness,用海带kelp预防甲状腺肿大 goiter,用谷皮、麦麸wheat bran预防脚气病 beriberi,用水果fruit和蔬菜vegetables预防坏血病 scurvy等记载。 滋补作用 Tonic effect 平补法:粳米、玉米、扁豆、白菜、鹌鹑、猪肉、牛奶、山药、蜂蜜 等。 清补法:萝卜、冬瓜、西瓜、小米、苹果、梨、黄花菜等,以水果、 蔬菜居多。 温补法:核桃仁、大枣、龙眼肉、猪肝、狗肉、鸡肉、鳝鱼、海虾等 。 峻补法

8、:羊肉、狗肉、鹿肉、鹿胎、鹿尾、鹿肾、甲鱼、熊掌、鳟 鱼、黄花鱼、等。 normal: rice, corn, lentils, cabbage, quail, pork, milk, yams, honey. weak: carrot, melon, watermelon, millet, apples, pears, day lily, fruits, vegetables mostly. warm: walnut, jujube, longan meat, liver, dog, chicken, eel, shrimp and so on. weaken: mutton, dog me

9、at, venison, Deer, deer tail, deer kidney, turtle, bears paw, trout, croaker, and so on. 延缓衰老作用 Anti-aging effects 芝麻、桑椹、枸杞子、龙眼肉、胡桃、蜂皇浆、山药、人 乳、牛奶、甲鱼等,都含有抗衰老物质成分,都有一定的 抗衰延寿作用。 esame, mulberry, medlar, longan, walnuts, royal jelly, yam, human milk, milk, soft-shelled turtle, contain anti- aging substa

10、nce composition, has a certain anti-aging effects 治疗作用 Therapeutic effect 补益脏腑治虚证:鸡汤Chicken soup治虚劳 Consumption,当归羊肉汤可用于产后血虚,猪骨髓用 于补脑益智,动物脏器用于滋补相应的脏腑等。 泻实祛邪治实证:如马齿苋Purslane治痢疾 Dysentery,山楂消食积,鳗鱼治肺痨,薏米祛湿,藕 汁治咳血,赤豆治水肿,姜汤可发汗解表,西瓜可清 热止渴等。 天人相应 顺应四时,不同季节用不同食物养生。中医有五季、五色、五脏相 对应。 春天补肝,肝色是青色,多吃青笋、青菜、青豆、菠菜等青

11、色食品。 夏天养心,心色是赤色,多吃山楂(红果)、西红柿、红苹果、红桃 子、胡萝卜、红辣椒等红色食品。 冬天养肾,肾色是黑色,冬天应适当多吃黑桑葚、黑芝麻、黑米、黑 豆、何首乌、熟地等黑色食品。 秋天补肺,肺色是白色,多吃白果、白梨、白桃、白杏仁、百合、秋 梨膏等白色食品。 长夏属脾,脾色是黄色,四时皆养,长夏及四时都可吃山药、土豆、 黄小米、玉米等黄色食品。 冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。 饮食养生原则天人相应 豆苗 Pea sprouts 甘蔗 Sugar cane 韮菜 Leek 豌豆 Peas 草莓 Strawberry 芹菜 Celery 春 青枣 Winter Chinese d

12、ate 樱桃 Cherry 饮食养生原则天人相应 梨 Pears 潺菜 Malabar spinach 冬瓜 Winter melon 苋菜 Amaranth 蕹菜 Spinach 桃子 Peaches 西瓜 Watermelon 夏 芥菜 Mustard 饮食养生原则天人相应 猕猴桃 Kiwi 莲藕 Lotus 秋 葡萄 Grapes 芋头 Taro 豇豆 Cowpea 黄瓜 Cucumber 菠菜 Spinach 木瓜 Papay 芥兰萝卜 Radish 芦柑 Citrus 生菜 Lettuce 大白菜 Cabbage 绍菜 Cabbage 菜心 西洋菜 冬 饮食养生原则天人相应 忌食“发

13、物” 食物之所以能防治疾病,是由于它本身特有的性味所 决定的,这就是食物的“食性”。如果不懂食性,对 某些特殊体质的人或患者,食性就会诱发旧病,或加 重已发疾病,或削弱药力,这是食物的“发性”,也 就是民间所说的“发物”。 Some special food will induce an old disease( relapse), or aggravate disease, or weaken the drug. Which is the folk called “FA thing/objects. The properties of“FA objects” Fire, Fueling th

14、e fire & loss of body fluid , E.g.Tobacco, alcohol, onions, garlic, leeks, Fried foods Fever, Constipation, Hypertension and other diseases should not eat. Wind, Spread the disease everywhere, E.g. Eggplant, mushrooms, eggs Urticaria, eczema(Dermatosis), stroke and other diseases should not eat. Wet, Delayed healing of disease , E.g. Glutinous rice, wine, jujube Jaundice, dysentery and other diseases should not eat. Thank you!


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