中国功夫介绍英文版Chinese Kungfu.ppt

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《中国功夫介绍英文版Chinese Kungfu.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中国功夫介绍英文版Chinese Kungfu.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Contents,The influence of Kung fu,3,1,2,Chinese Kung fu,The function of kung fu,2. Schools of Kung fu,WuDang,Kongtong,Shaolin,There are many school of Kung fu.,Emei,2.The school of Kung fu,Xingyi Quan,Bagua Zhang,Taiji Quan,Chinese Kung-fu is a traditional physical activity with thousands of years o

2、f history. As a precious element of Chinas cultural heritage。Chinese Kung-fu is also win excellent fame and liked by the people of the world 。for its deep meanings and its Oriental features, which cover it with a mysterious veil. 中国功夫是中国传统的体力活动与数千万年的历史。作为中国文化遗产的一种珍贵的元素,中国功夫也赢得了很好的声誉并且被世界各国的人喜爱。因它深刻的

3、意义和东方的特点,涵盖了神秘的面纱。,In modern times, Chinese martial arts have spawned the genre of cinema known as themartial arts film. The films of Bruce Lee were instrumental in the initial burst of Chinese martial arts popularity in the West in the 1970s.71 Martial artists and actors such asJet LiandJackie Chan

4、have continued the appeal of movies of this genre. Martial arts films from China are often referred to as kungfu movies (功夫片), or wire-fu if extensive wire work is performed for special effects, and are still best known as part of the tradition of kungfu theate 在近代,中国武术已经产生了被称为武侠片的电影流派的。李小龙的电影,在最初的一

5、阵中国武术的普及,在20世纪70年代西方。如李连杰和成龙的武术艺术家和演员有持续的吸引力,这种风格的电影。来自中国的武侠片通常被称为“功夫片”(功夫片),或“线福”,如果工作进行广泛的线的特殊效果,仍然是最好的功夫剧院的传统的一部分。,MOVIE The Forbidden Kingdom 功夫之王 Drunken Master/Drunken fist 醉拳 Ip Man 叶问 Gungfu Dream 功夫梦 Shaolin Temple 少林寺 Tai Chi Master 太极张三丰 ,The classical beauty of Qipao-东方美,旗袍是女性服饰具有鲜明的中国特色

6、,并在国际高级时尚中日渐流行。,The qipao is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion.,Facture,The qipao is not too complicated to make. Nor does it call for too much material, for there are no accessories like belts, scarves, sashes

7、 or frills to go with it. 旗袍的制作并不复杂。它不需要太多的材料,因为它不需要皮带、围巾、腰带或褶边来装饰。,Why do Han people like to wear the Qipao?,The main reason is that it fits well the female Chinese figure. Whats more, it is suitable for wearing in all seasons by the old and young.,主要旗袍的造型与妇女的体态相适合。而且,旗袍是老少宜穿,四季相宜,雅俗共赏。,Qipao featu

8、res strong national flavor and embodies beauty of Chinese traditional costume. It not only represents Chinese female costume but also becomes a symbol of the oriental traditional costume.,旗袍正以浓郁的民族风格,体现了中华民族传统的服饰美。它不仅成为中国女装的代表,同时也公认为东方传统女装的象征。,long sleeves short sleeves sleeveless,Beijing Opera,京剧耐人

9、寻味,韵味醇厚。京剧舞台艺术在文学、表演、音乐、唱腔、锣鼓、化妆、脸谱等各个 方面,通过无数艺人的长期舞台实践,构成了一套互相制约、相得益彰的格律化和规范化的程式。它创造舞台形象艺术的手段十分丰富,用法又十分严格。由于京剧在形成之初,便进入了宫廷,使它的发育成长不同于地方剧种。要求它所要表现的生活领域更宽,所要塑造的人物类型更多,对它的技艺的全面性、完整性也要求得更严,对它创造舞台形象的美学要求也更高。同时也相应地减弱民间乡土气息,纯朴、粗犷的风格特色相对淡薄。因而,其表演艺术更趋于虚实结合的表现手法,最大限度超脱了舞占浜褪奔涞南拗疲锏“以形传神,形神兼备”的艺术境界。表演上要求精致细腻,处处

10、入戏;唱腔上要求悠扬委婉,声情并茂,Chinese tradition opera is considered one of the worlds three ancient operas, together with Greek tragedy and comedy, and Indian Sanskrit opera. Among the more than 360 ancient local operas in China, Peking Opera is known as Chinas national opera, despite its comparatively young 200 years history.,中国传统戏曲被认为是世界三大古代戏曲,连同希腊悲剧和戏剧,和印度梵语戏剧。在超过360种古代中国剧种中,京剧是作为中国的国剧,尽管其年轻,但却有200年的历史,


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